Thursday, November 26, 2015


Are you tired of hearing about "Black Friday"? Is your inbox filled with Deals of the day? Why not ignore all the hype and relax with some stress-free morning yoga?

The bargains can wait - there will be plenty of opportunities to save. Let your mind and body escape from the hectic pace life so often seems to adopt. Relax and focus on yourself for a few minutes. Take some time to reflect on whats important to you. Think about all you have to be grateful for. Give yourself the gift of relaxation - if even for just a few minutes each day.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Start Your Day Right

How do you start your day? Do you crawl out of bed after hitting the snooze 1 too many times? Do you ever rush around trying to get ready for another hectic day? Many healthy folks have found the joy of morning exercise. They enjoy the benefits for hours after their morning workout.

Would you rather start your day with some energizing time just for you? Get ready for another great day with some morning yoga. Find your inner peace of mind. Get your blood flowing and your body re-energized with some peaceful time just for you. You might soon be convinced - this morning routine can help improve your outlook and energy level for the rest of your day!

Start your day with some quiet time - just for you. Exercise your mind and body and have your best day ever!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Friday Dance Party

The weekend is a perfect Time to Dance! Have fun and burn some major calories ...

Thursday, September 17, 2015

High Intensity Fat Burner

   Do you want to burn more calories in less time? Shape and tone your whole body with this great workout -

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Total Body Tone

If you want to lose belly fat - or develop a slimmer, more muscular body - exercise is vital to your success. Magic pills and tonics come and go. The benefits of consistent physical exertion most often lead to the longest lasting results!

You don't have to spend a fortune. Many healthy, happy, and contented folks have never set foot in a fancy health club. Make the choice. Then take action. You don't have to worry about losing 10 pounds in 5 days or any of the outlandish claims you hear on TV. Start small - and stick with it! Think of your health as a never ending journey. And enjoy the ride!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Say Bye Bye to Muffin Tops

Are you ashamed or embarrassed to take your shirt off? Do you ever wish you could get rid of that layer of fat above your waistline? Try this -

Keep eating healthy foods. Drink plenty of water and try to get a good night's sleep every night. Give your body the healthy nutrients it needs and plenty of rest! A slimmer waist is really just the result of a few simple, healthy habits!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Get in Shape for Summer

The harder you play, the better you will perform at work or in school. And the harder and more intelligently you study or work, the more you will enjoy your play!

There are many health benefits to being physically active. Even moderate-intensity activity helps you control your weight, feel great, and perhaps lower your chances of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes. Make some time for yourself. Or if you prefer - start exercising with friends. Join a team. Find a running buddy! All you need to get started is a good pair of running shoes and an “OK” from your doctor.

Ease yourself into a routine. Start with a nice, brisk 10-minute walk. After you’ve warmed up, try some easy stretches. Don’t bounce. Slowly stretch your leg muscles. Focus on taking a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. Then try jogging at any pace you feel comfortable with for a minute or two. No hurry – we aren’t racing or in any hurry! Then go back to walking for 10 minutes. Reduce walking time and increase jogging time by one minute or two each week until you’re able to jog for 20 to 30 minutes without stopping.

Today's video offers up a great total body toning workout:

Think back and remember the last time you worked so hard you were sweating. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Feeling really drained and a sort of natural high. And after an invigorating shower, felt a renewed energy - a vigor that seemed to last. Didn't that feel great?

Want to lose some weight before Summer? Eating a healthy mix of natural, and nutritious food will help you shed those extra pounds and get in shape even quicker.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Simple Ways to Lose Extra Pounds

Are you wanting to lose a few pounds? Maybe you'd like to have more energy and more fun. Would you like to re-shape your body? The quickest way to lose those extra pounds so many of us are carrying around involves a very simple two-fold approach.

1. Change your diet and eating patterns. For the next two months eat smaller portions and stop eating anything other than celery or popcorn ( skip the butter and salt ) for your last four hours before sleep! ( You can substitute any very low-calorie snack for celery or popcorn. ) Many successful weight losers have enjoyed eating five or six mini-meals instead of the usual big 3.

2. Exercise - in whatever form or type you can - for at least 30 minutes every day. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and gets you breathing harder is ideal! Every day! Once you start feeling comfortable with half an hour - start adding a few minutes. The more you do the quicker you lose those extra, unwanted pounds! Here's a fun way to burn calories while you tone -

Try to keep eating healthy foods. Start your day with a protein rich, healthy breakfast. Keep an eye on your calories. Cutting calories is actually very simple. Reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat. How can you tell which fats are good for you?

Populations that tend to eat more saturated fat have higher cholesterol levels and more heart disease than those with lower intakes. Reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet is a very effective way to lower your LDL. Lowering your LDL is good for your heart - and your whole body!

Saturated fat is usually solid at room and refrigerator temperatures. It is found in greatest amounts in foods from animals, such as fatty cuts of meat, poultry with the skin, whole-milk dairy products, and lard, as well as in some vegetable oils, including coconut and palm oils. Numerous studies have shown that too much saturated fat in the diet leads to higher LDL levels.

Unsaturated fat is most often liquid at room and refrigerator temperatures. Unsaturated fat occurs in vegetable oils, most nuts, olives, avocados, and fatty fish - like wild caught, cold water salmon. ( Always try to avoid farm raised fish - they tend to have too much extra baggage - in the form of farm chemicals. )

When used instead of saturated fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fat is found in greatest amounts in foods from plants, including olive, canola, sunflower, and peanut oils. Polyunsaturated fat is found in greatest amounts in foods from plants, including safflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils, and many kinds of nuts.

The healthiest fat is called omega-3 fatty acids, which can help guard against heart disease! Salmon and walnuts and avacadoes are all good sources of those omega-3 fatty acids!

Try to limit your total fat intake to around 30 or 35% of your daily calories. When you consume more unsaturated fat, be careful to reduce your intake of trans fat. These unhealthy trans fats are found in stick margarine, baked products such as crackers, cookies, doughnuts, and breads, and fried foods. ( Why are all these good foods so bad for us? )

You can eat healthy foods every day and still not lose weight unless you get that all important exercise.

Why not start today. Write down 30 minutes in your planner and then make that appointment. Schedule some time for yourself every day. Toss some healthy veggies in the crock pot and go walk or play for 45 minutes while your heart healthy foods are warming up! Try a variety of exercise.

Try these simple steps for two short months and see how much better you look and feel.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tips for a Nice Butt

Did people used to tell you that you have a nice butt? Has years of sitting at your desk begun to take a toll on your firm butt?

Are you active? Do you walk or run a few times a week? Get up from your desk a few times a day. Head outside in the evening for some refreshing exercise.

Try this simple - and effective - workout to help get your butt looking fine again -

Spring is the perfect time to start getting ready for bikini season and all the Summer fun!

Simple exercises - walking, running, squats, and Jumping rope are great for toning your lower body.

Buy a Jump Rope and try jumping rope a couple times a week. Want better results? Try it every day! Do you have stairs in your building? Do the stairs at lunch. Run up the stairs as often as possible. Take 2 stairs at a time. Here's another effective exercise routine to tighten and tone your lower body:

Want results faster? Add dumbbells, bars or kettle bells to increase the resistance. Squats and step ups work great with weights. Fitness experts agree building muscle is the best way to lift and tone your butt as you lose weight. Muscle also burns more calories than fat, so it is a great way to boost weight loss.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Make Time For You!

How do you fit 30 to 45 minutes of exercise into your already hectic schedule every day?

Sometimes the pressures of raising children and caring for parents can seem overwhelming. Do you ever just want to throw your hands up and give up?

Take heart. You don't have to give up. Find just 15 or 20 minutes and get out in the fresh air where you can calm your soul and hasten your heartbeat! Pick up that jump rope and jump for as long as you can while watching your favorite show. Do jumping jacks, squats and push-ups during the commercials.

Don't have time to head out to the local gym or health club? Here's a great 5 minute workout you can do anywhere -

Today's exercise video is just one example of how to tone your body a few minutes at a time!

Want a tighter tummy? Try this effective mini workout and keep eating a healthy mix of natural foods.

Are the little ones getting restless? Encourage your children to join you in a race around the block! See if you can beat them! ( If you can - you're far better off than many of us! ) Make your mini exercise sessions a family affair!

Take care of yourself and you'll be in better shape to take care of those you love and care most about! Do whatever you can to sneak in a few minutes here and there. A couple 20 minute workouts add up to your daily quota! And some fitness experts suggest that you'll burn even more calories with two shorter workouts!

Invest some quality time in yourself! If you're currently exercising twice a week, then simply finding time for one more workout during that week will help you deal with life's demands!

Friday, March 13, 2015

ReCharge Your Energy Stores

The weekend is a great time to refresh and re-energize!

Time to recharge your batteries - refill your cup of energy. Wash away your worries and replace them with positive energy.

Like the old Nike ad used to say - "Just Do It". Start today. Cut some useless calories from your daily diet! ( You know what they are - the stuff we all love and yet know that they really aren't doing us any good. ) Watch a funny movie tonight. Laughter is great for your heart and soul.

Tomorrow morning - wake up early and hit the street for a long walk or run. Grab a basketball and head out for the nearest playground. Play until you can't possibly run another length of the court! Head out for quick ride on your bicycle - and bring a friend! Or take your little ones to the local park and chase them around for some great fun in the outdoors!

Fate served me meanly, but I looked at her and laughed,
That none might know how bitter was the cup I quaffed.
Along came Joy and paused beside me where I sat,
Saying, 'I came to see what you were laughing at.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Looking Great at the Beach

Today's exercise video will help you burn fat, tighten your abs, hips, thighs, and butt. This high-energy, 20-minute routine uses a special blend of Yoga and Pilates-inspired body weight exercises.

They say yoga has been around for 5,000 years! You hear about numerous celebrity super stars and athletes practicing yoga! Why not join the fun ? Yoga is a great total body workout for anyone! No matter what other activities you enjoy, yoga can strengthen your abilities by increasing flexibility, staying power (endurance), and your ability to focus!

Total-body exercise burns more calories and also causes a greater release of muscle-building hormones. A well balanced schedule of workouts will result in better overall health!

Focus on a good cardio workout during one session. Then do strength training in another, and flexibility in a third. Continue mixing up your workouts - giving your muscles a variety. As a plus - you'll be less likely to get get bored with your routine.

Variation is vital to keeping you from getting bored and always working the same muscles. Many fitness lovers enjoy cross training to help keep boredom at bay and achieve better whole body workouts! If you want to look good at the beach this Summer - try a variety of high-energy exercises.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blast Fat and Tone Your Body

   Spring is just around the corner. Time for getting outdoors again and exercising in the fresh air! Time to get your body toned and ready for Summer. If you're like me - you may have added a pound or two since last Summer. Don't fret - get outside and enjoy a healthy workout in the great outdoors. It will lift your spirits and help you shed those extra pounds so many of us tend to gain over the Winter months.

Today's video will help you blast away fat and tone your total body.

As we age our metabolism naturally tends to slow down a bit. If you don't burn the calories you consume, you might see your body shape begin to transform to something less than your ideal.

A morning walk help kick start your day. Those twenty or thirty minutes walking refresh your spirit and give you time to visualize your day. It is an excellent time to think on the goals and tasks for the day ahead. A morning walk is good for the soul and gives you added energy throughout the day.

Want to burn even more fat? Pump up your heart rate - with an invigorating morning run! You may just find you'll have more energy throughout your day!

You may find yourself smiling more and feeling better about your life after your run.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to Get a Flat Stomach

Do you want a tighter stomach? Today's video offers some excellent exercises to help you sculpt leaner, sexier abs.

For years, the only type of exercise that was considered important for weight management was aerobic exercise like walking, running, jogging, swimming, dancing or any other of dozens of activities involving a lot of movement of the arms and legs. The role of strength training, also known as resistance training, in weight management was not well studied. In the past 5 to 10 years, that has started to change. It is now recognized that strength training has an important contribution to make to weight management.

Strength training is designed to target or focus on exercising specific muscle groups. A properly designed strength training program will address all major muscle groups in your trunk (abdomen, chest and back), as well as your arms and legs. The exercise will help to tone and strengthen the muscle and, if the exercise is done correctly, using proper form, it will benefit the entire length of the muscle.

Exercise is great for shedding fat and toning muscles. Eating right is critical to your success. Check out these 5 steps to a flat tummy -

Eating the right foods and the right amounts of foods can help you live a longer, healthier life. Research has proven that many illnesses—such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure—can be prevented or controlled by eating right. Getting the nutrients you need, such as calcium and iron, and keeping your weight under control can help

Monday, March 9, 2015

Enjoy Life More

Wouldn't it be nice if you could enjoy life a little more? Perhaps getting past the daily stress so many of us are faced with? Or, at least develop better ways to manage and deal with life's inevitable challenges.

Try the following tips: Hope they help make life a little easier for you…

1. Decide to be Happy. Ignore and forget the inevitable stuff that gets in your way. Put negative thoughts and feelings aside as soon as you start feeling them. Instead, choose to turn them into a positive. Find the blessing or opportunity which more often than not is hidden behind most of life’s challenges! Keep your mind free of hate and negative thoughts. Find something pleasant to focus on! Life is short enough. Why waste even a moment on hate? You’re in control. Decide to choose a happier life!

2. Exercise every day. Live a healthy lifestyle. Choose to enjoy life more! Get at least 30 minutes of exercise – of your choosing – every day. Even if it’s just a nice walk with your favorite loved one(s). Want to lose some weight, enjoy life more or achieve a better level of fitness? Kick it up to 45 minutes a day! Experience for yourself the natural high you get from vigorous, heart-pumping exercise!

3. Turn off the TV for 30 minutes every day and read something positive. Or go to bed a little earlier and get a great night’s sleep! The point is – enjoy that TV a little less and all that life has to offer a little more. You can always hear about the news tomorrow – or who won the latest round of your favorite talent show!

4. Get outside more – connect with nature. Breathe in some of that fresh air and contemplate the all the beauty nature has to offer!

5. Embrace the habit of eating healthy. Choose to avoid the drive thru lane of your local fat-food favorites. Eat more vegetables and fruit. More protein and less simple carbs ( like white bread and sugar). You and I both know the stuff we love can often be just a waste of calories. ( My weakness is donuts! )

6. Set a few simple and achievable goals. Write them down on paper. Or in your journal. Experts say you have far better odds of reaching your written goals. Note the action plan or steps you’ll need to take in order to reach those written goals.

7. Evaluate your progress and decide to adapt your goals or the steps you need to take to reach them. Take a few minutes each evening to decide what your priorities are for the following day. Every weekend or so – take an honest look at where you are. What’s working and what maybe isn’t worling so well?

8. Enjoy the Journey. Share some time with those you love. Or find someone new to enjoy this great life with. Try something new. Learn to play a new sport. Get out there and enjoy life. Life is short – Don't You owe it to yourself to make the most of this wonderful gift!

9. Fail forward. Everyone misses their mark from time to time. We all fall down on occasion. Forgive yourself if you falter. Anyone who ever accomplished anything had to overcome obstacles. If you fall down or fail. No Worries! Get back up! Persist! Never Give Up!

10. Seek to Have More Fun. Laugh more! It’s good for your mind and your heart! Find something funny to read or watch on the tube. What have you got to lose? Except that frown on your face or those worrisome thoughts which get in everyone’s way from time to time! Remember that classic old song from the 80′s – Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Total Body Tone

If you want better overall health this year - and for years to come, try a variety of fitness activities. Here is a great workout to tone your total body -

The harder you play, the better you will perform at work or in school. And the harder and more intelligently you study or work, the more you will enjoy your play! Its a win-win deal where you can't lose!

Be adventurous — try new sports, games and other activities as well as new foods. You’ll grow stronger, play longer, and look and feel better!

Find fun activities that easily fit into your regular family life.

Walk with your spouse. Bring along the entire family. Want to burn more calories? Try jogging at any pace you feel comfortable with for a minute or two. No hurry – we aren’t racing or in any hurry! Then go back to walking for 10 minutes. Try this several times. Then, reduce your walking time and increase jogging time by a minute or two each week until you’re able to jog for 20 to 30 minutes without stopping.

Have a bike? Enjoy a long, refreshing bike ride!

Put on your favorite Dance mix and Dance like no one is watching!

Get on your Rowing Machine for 20 minutes before the rest of the family wakes up!

When the weather is nice - get outdoors and play. Play basketball, hockey, tennis, or volleyball - anything you like. Have fun while you burn calories with your friends.

Watch you energy level continue to go up. You'll start feeling better - and looking better in practically no time at all. You'll be hooked! Today is the perfect day to get started. The quickest way to lose weight fast is with daily exercise

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Recharge Your Life

Feeling stressed? If you are feeling a little blue or just plain down in the dumps one of the best actions you can take is get outside and exercise in the fresh air. Nature has a certain calming effect on us. It soothes your soul! And exercise will kick in some chemical reactions in your brain that give your spirits a real boost

Try this quick yoga routine anytime to recharge & relax:

Schedule a little time each day - as few as 15 minutes to relax and recharge. To free your mind. President Reagan used to take a brief nap every day. Millions of healthy, happy folks enjoy some quiet time early in the morning reflecting on all they have to be thankful for. Make an appointment with yourself. Write it down in your calendar. Spend just 10 or 15 minutes each afternoon clearing your mind and relaxing. If the weather permits - go outside and breathe in some fresh air.

If you find yourself getting a little low on patience - growing irritable or unfocused, take a little break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! These help stabilize your blood sugar levels and help you avoid those mid-day energy drains!

If time permits - take a mental break for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths and then return to breathing normally. Clear your mind of whatever you’ve been worried about or working on. Think about something pleasing – your memories from a favorite vacation. Think about the sights, sounds and smells of a day at the beach – or one of your favorite places in nature! Nature has a real calming effect – so try to get outside for even a few minutes if you can for your momentary escape!

Be free—not chiefly from the iron chain
But from the one which passion forges—be
The master of thyself. If lost, regain
The rule o'er chance, sense, circumstance. Be free.

Friday, March 6, 2015

How to Enjoy Life

Have you ever thought about giving Yoga a try? Yoga is great for helping to manage life's inevitable stressors. You can enjoy life more. You can teach yourself to focus and stretch your body in ways you may have thought impossible.

Maybe you're like so many others who aren't sure how to get started? Check this out -

Henry Ford - that great visionary and incredibly successful founder of Ford Motor Co is said to have told some of his engineers one day- "If you think you can or you think you can't - You're right!" So, tell yourself you can.

Just a few simple habits – practiced regularly – often lead to much happier and more fulfilling lives.

Enjoy eating healthy foods – good, natural foods that are high in nutrients, fiber, “good fats,” and lean protein. Enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Get some protein early in the day.

Exercise and stay active. So many of us tend to spend a great deal of time sitting. Its unavoidable – we sit at our desks for hours on end, and in the car. Then we go home and sink into a favorite easy chair. If you want a better life - a life filled with more fun and less stress - start a new daily habit. Exercise every day. Your choices are almost endless. And the benefits can help you enjoy more energy and vigor. Life is short - why not make the most of your time here on Earth?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tips to Sculpt Sexy Arms

Spring is just around the corner! Every time Mother Nature dumps another pile of snow on your neighborhood - just repeat that first sentence.

Shape up for spring with these simple and effective upper body exercises that are sure to get you sexy and toned.

Try these toning workouts every other day and you'll soon have sexier biceps, triceps, and shoulders. On your strength or weight training days – use a little lower weight and do more reps. Focus on your form. In between sets – get on the bike or treadmill and go as fast as you can for a minute or so.

For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobic exercise. If your program is balanced enough, you wont have to be concerned about developing over exaggerated muscles.

If you think lifting weights is just for pumped-up hard-bodies who flex their pecs in public, think again. Building muscle benefits everyone! Women and Men - at any age. In fact, older people may have the most to gain from weight or resistance training, because strength is so crucial to functioning independently.

Strength training is a great way to sculpt a slimmer and more muscular physique. Many fitness enthusiasts have discovered another way to be sleek and strong. They've learned Pilates and love it. Many fitness experts believe that this workout can help you develop long, strong muscles, a flat stomach, a strong back, and improved posture. And like working out with weights, Pilates can strengthen those crucial connective tissues ( your tendons and ligaments).

If your fitness level isn't quite where you'd like - start taking action today! Try something new. You can make some simple changes to your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits and achieve your fitness goals. You're not alone. We all tread through the occasional valley on our journey to better health and fitness.

Add some new activities to your daily schedule. Write them down in your planner and keep those appointments with yourself! You don't need to spend a small fortune. You can get into great shape just doing some simple - old fashioned - exercises. Do you remember Middle School P.E ? Push-ups are great for your arms, chest and abs! Winter will soon be past. Get ready for Spring with daily exercise!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Keys to Better Fitness

Some health experts suggest there are four keys to better fitness:

Endurance builds your energy and “staying power.” It results from exercise that makes you breathe hard, like aerobic activity. Jogging, swimming, even riding your bicycle can help you build your endurance!

Strength comes from working out your muscles. Resistance training – with weights – is an excellent way to build healthy muscles and your strength!

Balance training can help prevent you from falling—standing on one foot, getting up from a chair without your hands or arms, or simply walking heel to toe help train your brain to balance. This kind of activity is especially important for older individuals.

Flexibility is what you gain from regular light stretching exercises. Try Yoga for a fun and healthy way to keep your muscles healthy and flexible!

Try cross training your body with a healthy mix of workouts and different sports. Buy some home fitness equipment and work out whenever your schedule permits!

If a midday visit to the gym isn't realistic for you, take a walk or at least step away from your desk during lunch. Are there multiple floors in your building? Walk the stairs a few times. Pick up the pace. Take 2 stairs at once. Keep moving.

Life is a journey, enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Total Body Tone

Are you focused on getting slimmer abs? Or sexier looking arms? Working your abs one day and your arms the next? Sometimes when you exercise it is easy to focus on just one part of your body. Add some variety to your exercise routines. Try this great total body workout -

They say it takes as little as 21 days to form a new habit. If there be be but one single habit that you might adopt in order to improve your life - Daily Exercise might appear at or near the top of any list. Exercise offers you so many benefits you simply can't lose. Develop the habit of getting some exercise every day.

If you want to lose your belly fat - or develop a slimmer, more muscular body - exercise is vital to your success. Magic pills and tonics come and go. The benefits of consistent physical exertion most often lead to the longest lasting results.

Progress at your own pace! Enjoy the journey and the countless benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle! If weight loss is one of your secret desires – the quickest way to lose weight is with frequent, vigorous exercise and eating healthy. The best results often come from plenty of heart pumping cardio mixed in with regular strength training. When you combine a vigorous program of strength training and frequent aerobic workouts you burn more calories – for hours after your workout! Your metabolism stays in high gear for hours!

As you begin to feel better, look better and enjoy a new zest for life, you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts.

Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Have Sexy Abs

Great looking abs can be yours - enjoy a sensible diet of natural foods. Load up on plant based proteins and fiber. Cut back on refined grains and sugar. Enjoy some healthy fish a couple times a week. And work those abs! Try this workout to help you have the kind of sexy looking abs your friends will be jealous of!

Exercise and stay active. So many of us tend to spend a great deal of time sitting - Its unavoidable. Get up as often as you can. Take a break and walk the stairs or around the block. Too cold outside? Exercise right in the comfort of home. Get a jump rope, or do some push-ups and jumping jacks.

Want to burn more calories? Pump up your metabolism and burn more calories long after your workout. Boost your metabolism with some heart-pumping cardio exercise at least 4 days a week. Add some weights and strength workouts for even better results. Have you discovered the incredible results from indoor rowing? You burn massive amounts of calories and get a great whole-body workout on your rowing machine. The experts recommend the Concept2 Model E Indoor Rowing Machine with PM5.

Here are some more tips to help you boost your metabolism -

Keep moving. Do something every day! You can reach that lower weight. Yes, you really can drop two or more sizes before Summer. You can lose that belly and get toned and slim! You can sculpt sexy abs and look great at the beach!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Build Muscle - No Gym Required

Who wants to run outdoors when the roads are filled with ice and slush? Slipping along on icy sidewalks can lead to serious pain and even injury. Why bother? Exercise in your living room! Skip the long, slow drive to the gym - you can build muscle and burn calories without leaving the warmth and comfort of home

Winter is so beautiful - the falling snow on picturesque landscapes. The laughter and shrieks of delight from children sledding down a snow-packed slope. If skiing and hockey are not exactly your cup of tea - you can still enjoy these frigid Winter days!

Turn your speakers up and think warm thoughts - enjoy!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pilates Works

The four seasons give us so much to be thankful for. This time of year you may be grateful for your warm bed and the car heater. The weather outside is colder than an igloo in Alaska. It's just plain COLD!!! If you're like many fitness buffs in North America - you might enjoy working out indoors during these frigid Winter days. Are you too busy to make it to the gym? Try these simple and effective exercises in the comfort of home.

Turn up your speakers and follow along as she leads you in some toning exercises.

Where would you rather be tomorrow? Sitting next to a warm, crackling fire or running through the snow? If you're like me - you might enjoy both! Why not get some fresh air and run off some of the inevitable workday stress - and then retire for the evening in the warm comfort of home!

If you'd prefer to avoid running in streets that look like this - you might enjoy a warm, safe place to get your daily exercise!

Avoid the tendency to settle into a nice warm easy chair for the evening.

Exercise and stay active. So many of us tend to spend a great deal of time sitting. Its unavoidable – we sit at our desks for hours on end, and in the car. Then we go home and sink into a favorite recliner. The human body was built to move.

Having a hard time fitting exercise into your schedule? Sneak some in while you're watching a favorite comedy. Laughter and exercise go great together! And you might just burn a few more calories while laughing away your stress!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Keeping it Simple

Keep it Simple, Silly - is more often than not the best course to take. When losing weight is your goal, simple exercises are often the most effective. Simple changes to your eating habits can help you fit into a smaller size in just a few weeks!

Everyone is different – what works for someone else might not be right for you. Just because your neighbor lost weight by taking up running, doesn't mean running is the best option for you. Try a variety of healthy pursuits – walking, swimming, tennis, or group exercise classes to see what you enjoy most and can fit into your life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Burn More Calories in Less Time

If you want to tighten up some of those problems areas of your body - try mixing in several high intensity interval training sessions each week. You'll burn more calories in less time and build some muscle tone while you're at it.

Try this simple routine to get you started – Warm up for a few minutes. Do some slow and focused stretches. Start your cardio for a couple minutes at a moderate pace. Then, kick it into high gear and sprint for 30 seconds to a minute at the highest intensity you can muster. Slow down and do a couple minutes at your moderate pace while you catch your breath!

Once you’ve returned to a more normal breathing pattern – kick in those afterburners again and go all out again for 30 seconds or so. Then back to your normal pace. Repeat eight or ten times. You’ll torch more calories in less time, while you burn fat faster. And keep burning those unsightly fat cells long after you finish your workout!

On your strength or weight training days – use a little lower weight and do more reps. Focus on your form. In between sets – get on the bike or treadmill and go as fast as you can for a minute or so. Or get out the jump rope and jump for a minute or two. Then do another set – lower weights – more reps! Repeat for the duration of your workout. You’ll tone those muscles and really burn some major calories!

Fitness experts have discovered the powerful secret to burning more fat in less time – with interval training! Do some fast paced cardio early in your workout and then a few more times over the course of your workout. Your body will torch those fat cells much faster! You’ll start seeing results much quicker!

If you are pressed for time you can still get a great workout and burn loads of calories in as little as 20 minutes. Rowing enthusiasts seem to prefer the Concept2 Model E Indoor Rowing Machine with PM5

If you want to slim down and lose belly fat or tighten up your abs - It won’t be easy, especially at the start. The best results come from plenty of heart pumping cardio mixed in with regular strength training. As you begin to feel better, look better and enjoy a new zest for life, you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Health Care Costs are Skyrocketing

Government economists project a trillion dollar price tag - over the next decade - to fund health care for some 30 million people. And these numbers are from the men and women who have been known to stretch the truth in an election year.

What can you do to help keep those astronomical price tags from growing even higher?

Enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Practice healthy habits. Watch what you eat and stay active. Get off the couch and get some exercise - every day.

The benefits are clear and measurable.

You really can enjoy life more. You can have more energy and more fun.

Yes, you can cut your stress levels - substantially! You can ward off the post-Holidays let-down. Ward off the blues. Reduce or even eliminate signs of depression.

You can lose weight! You can have a much better attitude and a brighter outlook on life!

You don't have to spend a fortune. Many healthy, happy, and contented folks have never set foot in a fancy health club. ( And there are many who do - regularly! ) The point is - you can get healthy and enjoy a better quality of life and never need to part with much of your hard earned cash.

Take stock of where you are today. And then consider where you'd like to be in terms of your health. Do you want more energy for handling everything this wonderful life throws your way? Maybe you just want to lose a few pounds before swimsuit season returns.

Decide on a goal. Then start moving toward your goal. Do whatever type of sport or exercise you most enjoy. Start a new habit. Drop an unhealthy habit or two. If you've been inactive for a while - no worries - just start small. And then pick up the pace a little bit at a time.

You can save your money when you lead a healthy lifestyle. Do it for you! Do it for your country!

Start today! Start saving money. Your money!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thinking Warm

When the weather outside prevents you from getting your daily run - why not make the best of your time indoors! Exercise indoors! Good old fashioned squats with hand-weights and jumping rope will warm you up on even the coldest Winter day.

Turn on a nice, relaxing playlist or tune into your favorite beach movie! Have some laughs watching an old school beach movie - Check out Gidget or Annette or how about an old Elvis flick? Exercise indoors while you laugh away your worries!

If you find yourself searching for the perfect beach destination to escape the Winter blast - you might enjoy the lazy, and beautiful beaches of Key West! Check out a weekly rental or even a 2 week stay if you prefer. The sights, sounds, and smells of the ocean breeze are sure to create memories that last a lifetime!

If people watching is more to your liking - head to the infamous and still beautiful beaches at Daytona Beach Florida! Drive your car right on to the beach and head out for a day of sun and fun!

Or, head over to the Gulf side and discover the pristine views from St Pete Beach. Less than hour from the Tampa airport - you can enjoy the laid-back ambiance found in the St Pete beaches! Or drive over to Clearwater Beach for a day of water sports and fun!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Toned and Tighter Butt

Do you wish you could have a toned, tighter butt - like you had back in High-School? Check out this great workout for a tighter , toned butt -

Here's a healthy goal for anyone: sweat every day; not a mere perspiration, but a good, old-fashioned sweat.

If you're tired of the gym, try a fun alternative. Start with walking and shed around 240 calories per hour at a moderate pace. Pick up the pace and torch off even more unwanted pounds! Try something new. Swimming laps burns around 422 calories each hour.

If you want to look better from the rear - get out and walk or run every day. Try a healthy variety of exercises for a Toned, Tight Butt.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Burn Calories and De-Stress After a Long Day

After a long day at work or school or chasing toddlers around the house, how do you let go? How do you relax after a stressful day? Exercise is one trick used by many stable, healthy people just like yourself. We all get stressed. Its totally natural. An inevitable side-effect of living. How you choose to deal with stress is entirely up to you. Many of us have tried other - less effective and often quite expensive - remedies. Learn from our mistakes - you most often will not find any relief in the bottom of a whiskey bottle - or that bottle of pills so many Doctors make so much money selling.

Are you looking for a different way to handle stress? Try this:

Want to burn some calories and re-energize? Try this calorie burning, metabolism booster:

Your might even find that you start looking a little trimmer. Maybe your waist size will drop a bit. Daily exercise combined with healthy, natural food choices will help tone your abs, core, arms, butt, and legs. You may even raise your heart rate to boost your metabolism and burn even more calories throughout the rest of your day. A good, long 20 minute run will trigger certain chemical reactions in your brain that produce a natural high.

Can't make it outside to run? Don't feel like running through a foot of snow? Grab a jump rope. Walk - or run - in place right in the warmth and comfort of your living room. You can enjoy life more and handle stress with some daily exercise.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Warm Winter Workout

Are you ready for Spring? Does the latest Winter storm have you stuck indoors? Enjoy a nice warm cup of your favorite coffee or tea and then hit the rowing machine for 15 minutes. Jump rope or work out with your exercise ball for a few minutes. They say that ab exercises done on the ball are more effective!

The possibilities are practically endless. And you don’t even have to get out and brave the cold. While Winter's blast is keeping so many of us indoors, maybe this beach workout will help warm you up.

Getting to the gym can be a real challenge this time of year. Why not get some refreshing exercise in the comfort of home?

Science has carefully explained the stretch, but many of us seem to refuse to take the lesson. The stretch extends the body so that the veins, where congestion is most liable to take place and where pressure of blood is weakest, are so elongated that the blood flows more easily from the arteries, where the pressure is strongest, through the veins back to the heart and circulation is equalized and stimulated.

This effective, 30-minute routine uses a special blend of Yoga and Pilates-inspired body weight exercises mixed with plyometric moves and several short rest periods to challenge the abs and build strength. You'll have a blast as you engage all of the muscles of the body and develop a firm and shapely physique with this intense beach body workout.

Enjoy the Winter season with some energizing exercise.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Exercise Inside in Winter's Blast

Are you snowed in? Do you have trouble getting to the gym? Is your schedule filled to the brim? If finding time for exercise is a challenge, work out at home! If you're stuck indoors more than you like this Winter - you can still get some exercise without even leaving the house. Turn down the heat and get an awesome workout in your living room! Many runners and healthy fitness lovers use rowing machines during the cold, snowy weather. Why risk injury when you can enjoy an efficient, calorie burning exercise in the comfort of your home?

You can burn a bunch of calories and really get your heart pumping on your very own indoor rowing machine.

If you are pressed for time you can still get a great workout and burn loads of calories in as little as 20 minutes. Rowing enthusiasts seem to prefer the Concept2 Model E Indoor Rowing Machine with PM5

Rowing ( or any strenuous exercise ) is even good for your brain! Give your brain a boost and plenty of healthy oxygen with some honest to goodness heart-pumping exercise! Don't just take my word for it - listen to these guys:

Get out your mp3 player and row while you listen to your favorite music. Research shows that listening to your favorite tunes while working out helps to keep you going up to 10 or 15 percent longer!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Start Your Day Off Right

How do you start your typical day? A cup of coffee? Some quiet time maybe? Or is it a quick shower and off to the races getting the little ones off to school and day-care?

Some healthy fitness lovers enjoy a few minutes of exercise in their early morning routine. These healthy folks find they often have more energy throughout the day after some refreshing early morning exercise. Try it for a couple weeks. Get up a few minutes earlier each day and start your morning with some slow stretches and an energetic, heart-pumping run. Don't feel quite ready for running yet? Start walking. Gradually increase your time and intensity a little each day. The key is to get your heart-rate up and get to the point where your lungs are really working! Every few minutes - push yourself a little harder for a couple minutes. Then back off to a slightly more comfortable pace.

For a more toned, and muscular body - add some simple weight-bearing exercise to your routine. Do a couple sets of 10 push ups before you head out for the day.

Follow up your morning cardio with a protein packed breakfast. Give your body a good dose of healthy protein early and your metabolism will stay elevated longer throughout the day. Your body will be burning calories hours after that energizing morning run! Give your fat-burners a healthy kick-start every morning and you'll soon feel like you have more energy.

Try this daily for 21 days. Exercise every day. Or, at least 5 days out of every week. Daily exercise will kick into gear those endorphins that help you enjoy life more. These miracle chemicals usually lead to more happy days and far fewer stressful days!

If you have been - like so many of us - slowly adding inches around your waistline and mid-section, take heart! You can enjoy life more with unimaginable levels of energy and vitality. Try starting your day with some energizing exercise and see if you don't feel more energetic all day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Simple Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Are you bored with your workout routines? Many fitness experts say variety is a key to gaining better overall results from your workouts.

Resistance bands offer a simple and effective alternative to weights. You can toss them in your backpack and use them anywhere!

Don't have resistance bands? You can grab a decent set for around $30. Buy some resistance bands here.

Resistance bands will help you build muscle and tone your whole body.