Friday, April 29, 2011

Burn More Fat - Faster

It happens to us all. Our new - or renewed - healthy habits start to yield some noticeable improvements. Maybe your clothes are fitting better - or even way more loose than just a few short months ago. Your self confidence is returning. You're starting to look better in the mirror!

Then it happens - you hit that inevitable wall or rough stretch where your stomach doesn't seem to be as fit and trim as you'd hoped for. Maybe your stamina hasn't reached the level you'd like. Or you still are unable to fit into those skinny clothes you wore just a few years ago.

You're not alone. Many trim and toned healthy folks have felt these very same challenges. And worked through them!

Here's one simple way to burn more fat - faster.

Simply pick up the pace during your workouts. Varying your pace can help your body burn more calories.

Pick any cardio exercise you enjoy ( like running, swimming, rowing, or even your treadmill). Warm up for 2 minutes at a moderate pace, then pick up the pace and put her into really high gear for 30 seconds to a minute. Shoot for the highest intensity you can. Work your body!

Then - Slow down and go for a few minutes at a slower, more normal pace so you can begin to catch-your-breath. As you regain a more normal breathing pattern - it's time to kick it into higher gear again!

Gradually pick up the pace again for a minute or two, then back off again for a few minutes. Slowly return to a more comfortable pace. ( This might take a few minutes - depending on the length of your workout and how much time you need to recover. )

Repeat these steps eight or ten times. ( Less if you start feeling really drained. Don't worry though - you'll get better at this in a matter of weeks!) With these high-speed bursts of energy you'll maximize your weight loss and muscle growth! And - you burn more calories in less time! You burn more fat in less time than you might otherwise!

Add some simple weight-bearing exercise to your routine. Do a couple sets of 10 push ups before you head out for your run. Get an exercise mat and a few pieces of inexpensive home fitness equipment.

Grab your jump rope and sneak in a few minutes whenever you can!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting Fit Faster

Are you ever tired of being tired? Do you sit behind a desk for the biggest part of each day and then spend a majority of your time sitting while you commute? Do you feel so drained at the end of the day that all you want to do is sit in front of the tube and catch whatever show seems fun?

Do you wish you could have more energy? Want to enjoy life more and maybe even live a bit longer?

Good News!

Men who do even moderate levels of exercise live, on average, up to six years longer than their sedentary peers. A study of over 14,000 women showed that active women were 55 percent less likely to die of breast cancer than women who chose not to exercise and stay in good shape.

The facts are clear - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!

benefits you get from active living:

Be healthier
Increase your chances of living longer
Feel better about yourself
Have less chance of becoming depressed
Sleep better at night
Help you look good
Be in shape
Get around better
Have stronger muscles and bones
Help me stay at or get to a healthy weight
Spend time with friends or meet new people
Enjoy yourself and have fun!

Want to pick up the pace of your fitness efforts? Maybe you'd like to start seeing results sooner?

For centuries trim and healthy folks around the world have enjoyed the benefits of rowing. The next time you visit a hotel with a fitness room - see if they have any rowing machines. Or stop by any health club and ask what kind of rowing machines they have. Chances are excellent they will have the most widely used indoor rowing machine - the Concept II.

You don't need to join that fancy health club to enjoy the benefits of rowing. You too can start getting fit faster if you add as few as 15 minutes each day rowing. Buy an Indoor Rowing Machine.

You'll soon see a trimmer, fitter you in the mirror!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Steps to More Happiness and Less Stress

Since 1990 the number of Americans who sought treatment for depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health woes almost doubled, from 19 million to 36 million.

The new statistics come on the heels of a recent study that found antidepressant use among U.S. residents has almost doubled in that same time frame.

Spending on mental illness showed a faster rate of growth over the past decade or so. Some experts suggest that we are spending about as much on mental issues than we do for heart disease, cancer, and asthma.

While the big pharmaceutical companies are understandably thrilled by the profit potential - does this trend kind of make you wonder?

How do you lower your stress levels? Have you ever thought about what some of your triggers are? What causes you to start getting irritable or feeling a lack of control? Take care of yourself by maintaining your physical and mental health, because this makes it easier to bounce back when life’s unexpected twists strike.

Maintaining your mental fitness goes hand in hand with staying in good physical shape. Your mental health is – without a doubt - tied to your fitness level. It’s really just about living a healthy lifestyle. If you already exercise regularly, Congratulations! - you’re already on the right track! Medical science experts say that up to a quarter of the blood pumping through your body is delivering performance enhancing oxygen to your brain as you exercise.

Food choices are also vital to your brain’s overall health. Start by cutting the unhealthy fats from your diet. Some fat is actually good for you. Your brain actually benefits from healthy omega-3 fats. Cholesterol buildup can reduce the oxygen supply to your brain by almost 20 percent over time. Load up on foods rich in antioxidants, such as strawberries or red beans, to nurture brain cell health.

Add cold-water, wild caught fish like salmon to your diet a couple times a week. Eating fish helps reduce inflammation, increase memory, and helps your brain send and receive messages efficiently. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables like spinach. Spinach – one of nature’s true super-foods – contains folate which is known to enhance your brain’s processing power!

Eating healthy foods can have a big impact on your mood. For breakfast, try oatmeal or eggs. Both contain an amino acid that helps boost the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good. The protein in the egg-whites will help your muscles handle your daily exercise! Get your protein early in the day to fuel muscle growth and give your body an extra boost while working out!

For lunch - toss some dark red kidney beans in your salad. ( Try a low-calorie vinaigrette dressing on the side. ) Mix some frozen or fresh blueberries and strawberries in plain, nonfat yogurt! The antioxidants in them will help ward off workday stress. Then enjoy dessert with a small piece of chocolate! The chocolate will lift your mood, and the natural stimulant found in cocoa gives your energy level a pleasant mid-day boost!

For dinner, give your brain-power a boost with a piece of salmon. Add a side salad with leafy greens and spinach to increase folate levels and help keep depression at bay. During the day - try healthy snacks – like celery or a few ounces of low-fat cheese between meals.

If you find yourself getting a little low on patience - growing irritable or unfocused, take a little break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! These help stabilize your blood sugar levels and help you avoid those mid-day energy drains!

If time permits - take a mental break for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths and then return to breathing normally. Clear your mind of whatever you’ve been worried about or working on. Think about something pleasing – your memories from a favorite vacation. Think about the sights, sounds and smells of a day at the beach – or one of your favorite places in nature! Nature has a real calming effect – so try to get outside for even a few minutes if you can for your momentary escape!

Wherever you make your escape - clear your mind. Forget about or divert your attention away from everything cluttering up your mind! Focus instead on a single pleasant thought. Stretch your body – slowly! You’ll soon feel a renewed sense of energy and clarity!

Take care of your health – invest a few minutes each day for healthy habits. Keep eating healthy foods, exercise frequently and you can enjoy the many lasting benefits of a healthy body and mind!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Look and Feel Years Younger

Have you ever noticed how some people tend to age more gracefully than others? Take a look at Christie Brinkley. She first graced the cover of the famed Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue around 30 years ago. And she still looks amazing - in her 50s!

We all know someone like Christie - someone who manages to stay younger looking despite their years.

So, what is their secret? How do they manage to stay vibrant and look so hot?

One clear answer to this age-old dilemma is the habits you live with. Do you smoke? Do you drink enough water? How about exercise? Are you eating healthy foods or - like so many of us - settling for convenient fast foods? ( Or maybe one could say fat foods! )

If you want to look - and feel - years younger, take a long look at your habits and see what you might change to improve. If you smoke - take whatever steps you can to stop.

Do you get enough exercise? Really vigorous, heart pumping exercise? Just a little daily exercise offers the following benefits:

Helps you enjoy way more energy.
Keeps your body firm and flexible.
Keep your bones and muscles strong.
Keep your heart and lungs healthy.
Can vastly improve your sex life!
Controls high blood sugar, especially if you lose weight.
Exercise even reduces stress.
Help you feel better about yourself and enjoy greater self esteem!
Relieve boredom or depression.

The upside is clear - exercise more and you enjoy a better quality of life at any age! It's never too soon or too late to start a daily exercise program. Look at Christie - she looks like she gets plenty of exercise!

While you're at it - take an honest look at the food choices you make. If losing weight is on your list of goals for this year - the quickest way to lose weight is simply daily exercise and eating healthy foods.

If you want to look and feel years younger - make these simple and effective habits part of your daily life! Start getting in shape - fast.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Enjoy Life More

Do you ever wish you could have more energy? Maybe you'd like to enjoy life more? Do you want to have better health and happiness?

Here's a healthy goal for anyone: sweat every day; not a mere perspiration, but a good, old-fashioned sweat.

If you're tired of the gym, try a fun alternative. Start with walking and shed around 240 calories per hour at a moderate pace. Pick up the pace and torch off even more unwanted pounds! Try something new. Ballet or swimming laps burns around 422 calories each hour. Not into wearing tights? Get on your bicycle and burn 275 calories per hour!

Take a break. You may burn more fat when you break an hour long workout into two 30-minute sessions. Give yourself a 15 or 20-minute rest in between and the boost may continue after you exercise. Keeping well-hydrated and replacing fluids lost
during exercise is also a key part of feeling good and getting the most out of your workout.

Get your hands dirty. Gardening gives you as much of a workout as walking or golf, a recent study reported. Plus: The weight-bearing motions involved in digging and pulling weeds can strengthen bones and muscle.

Get out your mp3 player and exercise to music. Research shows that listening to your favorite tunes while working out help keep you going up to 10 or 15 percent longer!

Are you - like so many of us - hoping to lose a few pounds? Two vital keys are keeping energy intake (food) and energy output (physical activity) in balance. When you consume only as many calories as your body needs, your weight will usually remain constant. If you take in more calories than your body needs, you will put on excess fat. If you expend more energy than you take in you will burn excess fat.

Exercise plays an important role in weight control by increasing your energy output, calling on stored calories for extra fuel. Recent studies show that not only does exercise increase metabolism during a workout, but it causes your metabolism to stay increased for a period of time after exercising, allowing you to burn off even more calories! You really can exercise and lose weight fast!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Enjoy and Live the Life of Your Dreams

Is there a secret to finding greater happiness and a higher sense of self esteem? For many the secret is really no big mystery after all. People who exercise most days of every week are often happier, more contented and seem to just plain enjoy life more!

A happy person is one who has learned to find or make their own sense of well-being and happiness. Their peace of mind may not always come from ideal conditions, but from the actual ones about them. The man and woman who master the secret will not wait for ideal surroundings. They will not wait until next year, next decade, until they get rich, or until they can travel abroad. They may not have the financial resources to surround themselves with art works of the great masters. They simply make the most out of life to-day!

What have you got to lose? Try investing some time in yourself each day. Get some good old fashioned exercise. Exercise is a proven way to reduce stress and improve your self esteem.

Out of shape? Maybe you haven’t been exercising much for far too long? ( Winter makes it so easy to stay indoors and pass on healthy outdoor activities. ) Why not start today! Make today your new Day 1 – filled with simple exercises anyone can do. Go for a walk. Walk as fast as you can for as far as you care to.

The key is to work your body hard and feel those mood lifting endorphins kick in. Enjoy the natural high vigorous exercise gives you. You’ll probably soon find yourself feeling better and looking better! Build your self esteem, and enjoy life a whole lot more when you get some exercise every day!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lose That Belly

How did this happen? How many of us don't exactly like that belly we see in the mirror? It's almost like you wake up one day and BAM! -we've somehow managed to add a few inches.

Do you ever wonder what happened? Do you look at yourself in the mirror only to see a belly that doesn't look anything like it did in high school? Or, last year?

You're not alone! Millions of otherwise healthy folks - just like you and I - are practically bombarded with daily temptations to eat junk that merely settles in our trunk! And in your belly...

The good news is - it's Never Too Late to start shedding those extra inches. Everyday is a good day to take positive action and work off that extra weight! And, yes - it takes work. You might have to adopt a new habit or two!

If you're like me you might even want to consider giving up - or drastically reducing the consumption of - one or more of your favorite foods. Mine was Pepsi and donuts. Its SO easy to get hooked on those delightful little treats. How bad can a couple of soft drinks be? And donuts?

Small changes can often bring great results! Just giving up a couple cans of my favorite daily Cherry Pepsi saves me around 250 calories a day. Every Day!

And passing by favorite bakery on the way to work can yield savings of another 100 calories or so. ( If you only eat 1 of those delicious, created in heaven, chocolate iced donuts. Who can only eat one? ) While not knowing the approximate calorie numbers for even a plain donut - you might easily expect to cut at least 200 calories by passing on just 2 of your favorite type of donuts.

Simply giving up these 2 daily treats can easily save you over 400 calories a day! That is around 20% of the often recommended typical daily diet! What if you replace those empty, fat-laden calories, with a couple apples or a handful of celery sticks? Maybe a handful of walnuts to give your brain a boost? Eating healthy foods can give your body the kind of boost you'll need to keep going! And without the risk of adding even more to that unsightly belly!

And finally, the one habit nearly everyone can adopt - exercise. It doesn't matter much what you choose - as long as you embrace the advice of that old Nike ad and Just Do It! Pick something you enjoy. Bring along a friend or two. The time you spend enjoying a healthy activity together just might be the highlight of your day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ultimate in Sexy

She works out - every day!

enough said..

if you want a toned and firm body - just like Eva has - start Getting in Shape!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sexy Abs by Summer

   Summer is just 8 weeks away. Want sexy abs by Summer? Start Today!! The harder you work - the better your results.

If you want to look good at the Beach this Summer, start working your core muscles every other day! ( Give them a day off to heal! ) Keep up your daily run or walk - or any cardio you most enjoy. The secret to a slimmer, more toned body is getting plenty of exercise and eating healthy foods.

It really is as simple as that. Eating healthy foods is totally easy! Cut back on meat. Skip the white bread. Get your grains from whole grains. Eat a handful of walnuts and 5 servings of vegetables every day. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit handy for you and your family to enjoy! Try some cold-water wild caught salmon once or twice a week. Have an avocado and spinach sandwich! Eat more broccoli and fresh tomatoes!

Get your protein early in the day. ( Try an egg white omelet with spinach and some of your other favorite veggies! ) Or toss some protein powder in the blender along with some fat-free yogurt and a big handful of your favorite berries!

Then get some good, old fashioned heart-pumping exercise in most days of the week! The harder you work your body, the better you'll look - and feel - when all the Summer fun begins!! If you want sexy looking abs and muscular, toned body - the good news is you can!! If you're carrying a few extra pounds around your waist and belly - don't delay. Start getting in shape fast!

You really can exercise and lose weight fast!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tips for Better Health - Keep it Simple!

      What is the secret to better health? How do you improve your health and your life - without spending a small fortune on expensive medical solutions? Do you really need to shell out 50 bucks every month at  that slick looking health and fitness club to enjoy life more?

    Long before the advent of modern medical marvels and fancy fitness centers people around the globe enjoyed slimmer, trimmer body shapes than many of us do today. They worked hard and ate simple. They consumed more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods. The American fast food industry had yet to serve up a single hamburger.

    Eating healthy foods does not have to cost you a fortune every month. You can possibly even save some of your hard earned money by preparing your own meals more often. All the while using simple, natural ingredients. Who doesn't love a good steak or lobster? And Pizza is about as close to what they simply must serve in heaven. Along with an ice cold beer!

     Please don't take my advice on heaven. Or what kind of delights may be in store for those of us who end up there!

    While we're here - hopefully enjoying life on Earth - doesn't it make sense to give yourself every possible advantage when it comes to your own health?

    Try these classic, time honored exercises to help keep your body in tip top shape - 

   The Good, old fashioned squat.  Great for your core area.  Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees and lower your rear as if you are about to sit down in a chair. Try to keep your knees over your ankles. Shoot for at least 2 sets of ten.

    And how about the classic lunge?  This simple exercise works all the major muscles of the lower body. Lunges can also improve your balance.  Take a big step forward, keeping your spine straight. Bend your front knee to approximately 90 degrees. Keep weight on your back toes and drop the back knee toward the floor.  ( And try to keep your knee from touching the floor. )

   Finally, the most effective way to sculpt sexy looking arms - the good old fashioned push-up! Push-ups strengthen your chest, shoulders, triceps, and even your core muscles!

    Get down on the floor with your face-down. Keep your hands just slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place toes or knees on the floor, creating a smooth line with your body, from shoulders to knees or feet. Keeping rear-end muscles and abdominals tight, push your body up. Then lower and lift your body by bending and straightening your elbows, keeping your body in a straight line throughout the movement.

    Feel that in your tummy? Are your harms hurting a little?  Then your building muscles in all the right places!!

  Want a tighter tummy? Maybe a slimmer looking belly? How about some simple crunches to the rescue! 

    Start by lying flat on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your hands behind your head. Press your low back down. Contract abdominals and raise first your head (tucking your chin slightly), then your neck, shoulders, and upper back off the floor. For the best results always do your crunches with your feet off the floor and knees bent.And focus on keeping your back straight. Try to maintain a straight line from your neck all the way down your spine. Avoid sticking your chin out. Never hold your breath. Try to keep your elbows extended and out of your line of vision.

    Losing weight and building a slimmer, more muscular body doesn't have to cost you a  bundle! Keep it simple. Enjoy eating healthy foods and getting some kind of exercise every day. Even just walking is a great way to get started! You really can eat healthy, exercise daily and lose weight!  Want to enjoy life more and look great doing it? Start getting in shape - fast!