Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blast Fat and Tone Your Body

   Spring is just around the corner. Time for getting outdoors again and exercising in the fresh air! Time to get your body toned and ready for Summer. If you're like me - you may have added a pound or two since last Summer. Don't fret - get outside and enjoy a healthy workout in the great outdoors. It will lift your spirits and help you shed those extra pounds so many of us tend to gain over the Winter months.

Today's video will help you blast away fat and tone your total body.

As we age our metabolism naturally tends to slow down a bit. If you don't burn the calories you consume, you might see your body shape begin to transform to something less than your ideal.

A morning walk help kick start your day. Those twenty or thirty minutes walking refresh your spirit and give you time to visualize your day. It is an excellent time to think on the goals and tasks for the day ahead. A morning walk is good for the soul and gives you added energy throughout the day.

Want to burn even more fat? Pump up your heart rate - with an invigorating morning run! You may just find you'll have more energy throughout your day!

You may find yourself smiling more and feeling better about your life after your run.

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