Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Get in Shape for Summer

The harder you play, the better you will perform at work or in school. And the harder and more intelligently you study or work, the more you will enjoy your play!

There are many health benefits to being physically active. Even moderate-intensity activity helps you control your weight, feel great, and perhaps lower your chances of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes. Make some time for yourself. Or if you prefer - start exercising with friends. Join a team. Find a running buddy! All you need to get started is a good pair of running shoes and an “OK” from your doctor.

Ease yourself into a routine. Start with a nice, brisk 10-minute walk. After you’ve warmed up, try some easy stretches. Don’t bounce. Slowly stretch your leg muscles. Focus on taking a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. Then try jogging at any pace you feel comfortable with for a minute or two. No hurry – we aren’t racing or in any hurry! Then go back to walking for 10 minutes. Reduce walking time and increase jogging time by one minute or two each week until you’re able to jog for 20 to 30 minutes without stopping.

Today's video offers up a great total body toning workout:

Think back and remember the last time you worked so hard you were sweating. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Feeling really drained and a sort of natural high. And after an invigorating shower, felt a renewed energy - a vigor that seemed to last. Didn't that feel great?

Want to lose some weight before Summer? Eating a healthy mix of natural, and nutritious food will help you shed those extra pounds and get in shape even quicker.

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