Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sleep - Give Your Body the Rest it Needs

Sleep is vital to your health. Try to get enough sleep!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Healthy and Happy

Want to be happier? Enjoy life more? Start running. Experience the runner's high for yourself.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tips for Flat Abs

The key to flat abs is found in two simple habits. Daily exercise and eating healthy. Try these great exercises to help sculpt a tighter tummy -

Want to burn more calories in less time And get a great whole body workout?

Use a Concept2 Indoor Rowing Machine

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Variety is the Spice of Life

if sweating just isn't your thing - try water aerobics.

Surfing is great fun and good for your body and spirit!

You just can't go wrong running.

Source: shape.com via Allison on Pinterest

Want even better results? Add some weights to your daily workout!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Set Your Fitness Goal and Go For It!!

Fitness experts suggest a healthy weight loss is about a pound or two a week. When you create your target weight goal - you might want to consider your habits – both good and bad – and the demands of your schedule. Try to set goals that are attainable and reasonable.

Source: facebook.com via Anna on Pinterest

Hold yourself accountable for your goal(s). Ask a friend to join you. You can encourage each other and keep one another on track. Scrap the old lack of time excuse. If you have enough time to go to the bar or watch TV at night, you can surely make time to exercise.

Keep eating sensible portions of fruit and vegetables. Try to eat more of these relatively clean fruits and vegetables -

Sweet peas (frozen, since they’re more readily available)
Sweet potatoes

Buy local ( and organic ) if you can.

If you really want to drop a few pounds before Summer - make daily exercise a major priority. Write it in your calendar and follow through with your commitment.

Do it for you!