Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fitness past 50

    University researchers around the globe have for decades searched for the mysterious common threads   that might explain the extended life spans of those who live into and beyond their 90s. What they found is that the people who've lived the longest tend to enjoy eating healthy foods. They regularly enjoy natural foods often grown locally and they tend to avoid sugar and fructose. They eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. Most also enjoy regular physical activity, such as daily walking.

They also tend to have effective strategies for coping with the inevitable stresses of life, such as prayer, meditation, and having strong social networks. In fact, being able to effectively cope with stress, it turns out, is one of the MAJOR common denominators for those who live long, healthy lives.

One of the proposed reasons for this strong link is that stress actually causes inflammation in your body. Most of the research reveals that longevity hinges on preventing chronic inflammation. 

If you want to live longer - And Enjoy Life More try these tips for turning back the clock:

Avoid sugar and fructose. Pass on white grains. And - as  much as possible - eliminate trans fats from your diet.

Enjoy eating healthy, antioxidant-rich whole, fresh foods.

Exercise - however you like, daily.

Take time for yourself each day. Time to reflect, pray and or meditate.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Practice Self Control

He who has mastered himself, who is his own Caesar, will be stronger than his passion, superior to circumstances, higher than his calling, greater than his speech. Self-control is the generalship which turns a mob of raw recruits into a disciplined army. The rough man has become the polished and dignified soldier, in other words, the man has got control of himself, and knows how to use himself.

The human race is under constant drill. Our occupations, difficulties, obstacles, disappointments, if used aright, are the great schoolmasters which help us to possess ourselves. The man who is master of himself will not be a slave to drudgery, but will keep in advance of his work. He will not rob his family of that which is worth more than money or position; he will not be the slave of his occupation, not at the mercy of circumstances. His methods and system will enable him to accomplish wonders, and yet give him leisure for self-culture. The man who controls himself works to live rather than lives for work.

The man of great self-control, the man who thinks a great deal and says little, who is self-centred, well balanced, carries a thousand times more weight than the man of weak will, always wavering and undecided.
If a man lacks self-control he seems to lack everything. Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself, he can have no self-reliance, for he will always be at the mercy of his strongest passion. If he lacks self-control, the very backbone, pith, and nerve of character are lacking also.

The discipline which is the main end in education is simply control acquired over one's mental faculties; without this discipline no man is a strong and accurate thinker. "Prove to me," says Mrs. Oliphant, "that you can control yourself, and I'll say you're an educated man; and, without this, all other education is good for next to nothing."

The wife of Socrates  was a woman of a most fantastical and furious spirit. At one time, having vented all the reproaches upon Socrates her fury could suggest, he went out and sat before the door. His calm and unconcerned behavior but irritated her so much the more; and, in the excess of her rage, she ran upstairs and emptied a vessel upon his head, at which he only laughed and said that "so much thunder must needs produce a shower." Alcibiades his friend, talking with him about his wife, told him he wondered how he could bear such an everlasting scold in the same house with him. He replied, "I have so accustomed myself to expect it, that it now offends me no more than the noise of carriages in the street."

How many men have in their chain of character one weak link. They may be weak in the link of truthfulness, politeness, trustworthiness, temper, chastity, temperance, courage, industry, or may have some other weakness which wrecks their success and thwarts a life's endeavor. He who would succeed must hold all his faculties under perfect control; they must be disciplined, drilled, until they obey the will.

Think of a young man just starting out in life to conquer the world being at the mercy of his own appetites and passions! He cannot stand up and look the world in the face when he is the slave of what should be his own servants. He cannot lead who is led. There is nothing which gives certainty and direction to the life of a man who is not his own master. If he has mastered all but one appetite, passion, or weakness, he is still a slave; it is the weakest point that measures the strength of character.

    Seneca, one of the greatest of the ancient philosophers, said that "we should every night call ourselves to account. What infirmity have I mastered to-day? what passion opposed? what temptation resisted? what virtue acquired?" and then he follows with the profound truth that "our vices will abate of themselves if they be brought every day to the shrift."

    If you want to look and feel better  learn to control your daily habits. Learn to enjoy eating healthy foods and getting some daily exercise. 

   There is many a man whose tongue might govern multitudes if he could only govern his tongue.  Over-eating and too much wine, hides us from ourselves, but exposes our weakness to others.  Learn to control your own life. Make healthy choices. You really can lose weight and look great. Adopt the daily habit of exercise and you can shed those extra pounds!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Will to Win

The simple truth is that a will strong enough to keep a man continually striving for things not wholly beyond his powers will carry him in time very far toward his chosen goal. If your goal is better health and fitness - keep working towards your goal. Continually strive for your vision. Exercise daily! Enjoy eating healthy foods!

The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given to him. This is success!

When Grant was a boy he could not find "can't" in the dictionary. It is the men who have no "can't" in their dictionaries that make things move.

"Circumstances," says Milton, "have rarely favored famous men. They have fought their way to triumph through all sorts of opposing obstacles."

The best way to conquer circumstances is to be a greater circumstance yourself.

While it is true that the will-power cannot perform miracles, yet that it is almost omnipotent, that it can perform wonders, all history goes to prove.

As Shakespeare says:—
"Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
"He who has a firm will," says Goethe, "moulds the world to himself." "People do not lack strength," says Victor Hugo, "they lack will."

"He who resolves upon any great end, by that very resolution has scaled the great barriers to it, and he who seizes the grand idea of self-cultivation, and solemnly resolves upon it, will find that idea, that resolution, burning like fire within him, and ever putting him upon his own improvement. He will find it removing difficulties, searching out, or making means; giving courage for despondency, and strength for weakness."
Nearly all great men, those who have towered high above their fellows, have been remarkable above all things else for their willpower. 

Develop the will to win. Focus your energy - daily - on healthy habits. And practice those habits daily. 

You can develop the will to win! If you want a slimmer, better toned body - eat healthy,  exercise and lose weight fast!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Planning to Lose Weight?

Football fields everywhere are filled with a fresh crop of eager young athletes. Sweating and working their young bodies in preparation for the excitement of another season of football fun!

As we approach these final few weeks of Summer, perhaps now is a good time to evaluate your physical condition and set some goals for where you'd like to be. 

    Many healthy fitness lovers find they get the best results when they set short term goals. Especially goals they can actually reach! Who can really expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks?   If you find yourself carrying around a few more pounds than you'd like - don't fret.  It has taken awhile for you to gain the extra  weight, it will take time to lose it. Keep a record of your progress and tell your friends and family. Celebrate your success!

Try these tips to Keep You Going:

l. Adopt a specific plan and write it down.
2. You might try setting short term realistic goals as you go along, and remind yourself of them often. Post them where you can see them every day.
3. Keep a daily log to record your progress and make sure to keep it up-to-date.
4. Include weight and/or percent body fat measures in your log. Extra pounds can easily creep back.
5. Push yourself. Upgrade your fitness program as you progress. The harder you work - the quicker you see results!
6. Enlist the support and company of your family and friends. Bring along a friend when you go for that bike ride or hit the road for that daily walk. Get some roller skates and enjoy a local park or bike path!
7. Update others on your success losing weight!
8. Avoid injuries by pacing yourself and including a warm-up and cool down period as part of every workout.
9. Reward yourself periodically for a job well done!

Picture yourself  wearing that smaller size. Visualize getting in shape.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Want More Muscle?

Only the muscle that is used is developed. If you want bigger muscles - or simply a toned and tighter body - work your muscles - daily. If you are already lifting weights or doing some strength training - great!  If you have not yet discovered the secret to a slim and lean body - try adding some honest to goodness muscle building exercises to your daily schedule!

Work your body - hard - and you too can have the kind of body shape others only dream of.

No weights? No worries - try simple and effective calisthenics like many of us learned in Middle School! Do some push-ups and squats while you enjoy your favorite TV show. Jump rope and do some good old fashioned sit-ups while listening to those motivational tracks or your favorite playlist! Get outside and run off some extra calories. Then walk for another half hour or so.

The more you do the quicker you start seeing results!

"Life," says a philosopher, "refuses to be so adjusted as to eliminate from it all strife and conflict and pain. There are a thousand tasks, that, in larger interests than ours, must be done, whether we want them or no.

The world refuses to walk upon tiptoe, so that we may be able to sleep. It gets up very early and stays up very late, and all the while there is the conflict of myriads of hammers and saws and axes with the stubborn material that in no other way can be made to serve its use and do its work for man. And then, too, these hammers and axes are not wielded without strain or pang, but swung by the millions of toilers who labor with their cries and groans and tears. Nay, our temple building, whether it be for God or man, exacts its bitter toll, and fills life with cries and blows.

The thousand rivalries of our daily business, the fierce animosities when we are beaten, the even fiercer exultation when we have beaten, the crashing blows of disaster, the piercing scream of defeat—these things we have not yet gotten rid of, nor in this life ever will. Why should we wish to get rid of them? We are here, my brother, to be hewed and hammered and planed in God's quarry and on God's anvil for a nobler life to come."

If you want a tighter, sexier and slimmer body you simply have to exercise and build your muscles.

Feed your body a healthy mix of natural foods - avoiding as much as possible any simple carbs - like sugar or any foods containing high fructose corn syrup. Resist the temptation to indulge yourself with useless calories found in comfort foods. Enjoy eating healthy foods and a daily regimen of exercise. Work your body and you will build muscles and lose those extra pounds!

Health experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and a healthy diet!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Be a Little Selfish

    If you want to lose weight - or just whip your body into better shape - you'll almost certainly have to devote some time each day towards getting in better physical shape. If you decide to start working out more and getting some daily exercise - you may be faced with saying no to others. Be a little selfish. Closely guard your exercise time and your results will begin to show!

   If you're like me you might find it difficult to say no when distractions or demands on your time interfere with other goals. Don't feel guilty!! Rest easy knowing you are taking care of yourself first. If you don't take care of your body - who will?

    My college drinking buddies still enjoy tossin down a few cold ones. And that's great! Unless it takes away from my exercise time! Why not convince your friends to go running with you or get in nine holes? Maybe play tennis for an hour or two and then enjoy that frosty cool one!! Often the best tasting beer is that first beer after you've poured out a ton of sweat!

 Getting in shape doesn't have to be a tedious task. The more fun you have the easier it gets to shed those extra pounds. You'll lighten your load and feel better about yourself to boot!

    "The first care of all persons should be for their personal appearance. Those who are slovenly or careless in their habits are unfit for refined society, and cannot possibly make a good appearance in it. A well-bred person will always cultivate healthy habits. If a man would get through life honorably and peaceably, he must necessarily learn to practice self-denial in small things as well as in great. Men have to bear as well as to forbear."

    The temptations we all are faced with can be hard to deny. Do yourself a favor and say no to those inevitable distractions. Getting in shape fast is a realistic, achievable goal.  If you want a slim, sexier body - the best course is exercise and lose weight fast!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing Beats Persistence

Believe you were made for the place you fill, and that no one else can fill it quite as well.

Getting in shape often requires incredible persistence. Never ever give up and you'll likely amaze even yourself!

Identify a goal and put forth your whole energies towards it. Be awake, electrify yourself; go forth to the task. Only once learn to carry a thing through in all its completeness and proportion, and you will become a hero.

Exercise daily - or at least most days of every week. You will feel better and think better of yourself. Your family and friends will think better of you. The world in its very heart admires the stern, determined doer.

"I like the man who faces what he must
With step triumphant and a heart of cheer;
Who fights the daily battle without fear;
Sees his hopes fail, yet keeps unfaltering trust
That God is God; that somehow, true and just,
His plans work out for mortals; not a tear
Is shed when fortune, which the world holds dear,
Falls from his grasp; better, with love, a crust
Than living in dishonor; envies not,
Nor loses faith in man; but does his best,
Nor even murmurs at his humbler lot;
But with a smile and words of hope, gives zest
To every toiler; he alone is great,
Who by a life heroic conquers fate."