Saturday, January 31, 2015

How to Handle Stress

Are you ever so stressed out that you want to get away from it all? You're in good company. Hectic schedules filled to the brim with unavoidable responsibilities have many of us wishing for more hours in the day. Finally, the weekend arrives and brings the prospect of getting caught up. Before you know it , Sunday night rolls around and you might find yourself wondering just where the weekend went.

What can you do to handle stress and stay on track emotionally during stress filled times?

Just a few simple habits – practiced regularly – often lead to much happier and more fulfilling lives.

Enjoy eating healthy foods – good, natural foods that are high in nutrients, fiber, “good fats,” and lean protein. Enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Get some protein early in the day.

Exercise and stay active. So many of us tend to spend a great deal of time sitting. Its unavoidable – we sit at our desks for hours on end, and in the car. Then we go home and sink into a favorite easy chair.

The human body was built to be active. Enjoy a long, healthy walk. Too cold outside? Exercise right in the comfort of home. Get a jump rope, or do some push-ups and jumping jacks.

Having a hard time fitting exercise into your busy schedule? Sneak some in while you're watching a favorite comedy. Laughter and exercise go great together!

Start your day with some easy stretches and mood lifting exercise. See what a positive difference just 20 minutes can make in your day!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Get Motivated

Do you ever find yourself wanting to skip a run or workout? How do you get motivated?

Often , losing weight is a simple project. Adopt 2 healthy habits -

A. Throw out all of your sweet, sugary snacks. If it has sugar - in any form - toss it. Stop eating it. Start drinking water and eliminate soft drinks. Even those diet drinks. Drink water. Eat more protein and less simple carbs. If you are running or working your body real hard, Then you'll need some complex carbs - like those found in whole grains to help fuel your demanding workouts.

B. If you want a slimmer, sexier body shape you simply have to exercise most days of the week. Start today... Do something to make your body work harder than usual. Even a brisk 45 minute walk - preferably outside - can do wonders! Make exercise a daily habit!

Looking for a great total body workout? try this -

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fit and Trim by Summer

Cardio, Strength exercises, and pilates together offer a great fat-blasting workout you can do at home. Grab your hand-weights and get ready to burn calories while you build muscle.

Would you like to have more energy and more fun? Do you feel stressed out far too often? Like maybe life is rolling along at high speed and you're missing out on too much?

Whether you are in your 20s or fast approaching your 50s - its never too late to start your own fitness program. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle will have you wishing you'd started years ago.

Looking for an effective workout to keep you fit and trim? Try the Concept2 Indoor Rowing Machine

If losing weight is your goal - The quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise! Watch what you eat and stick with your exercise plan and you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks!

Keep eating healthy, natural foods and drink plenty of water. You'll be trim, fit and ready for some Summer fun in no time!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winter Fat Burner

Winter snow and ice don't have to keep you from getting a little healthy exercise. Here is a great way to burn some calories while you enjoy a favorite comedy on the tube. No treks through the snow and ice. Just a great little fat burner exercise routine you can do in your living room!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Shed Those Extra Pounds

    Take a moment to think back and remember the last time you worked so hard you were sweating. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Feeling really drained and a sort of natural high. And after an invigorating shower, felt a renewed energy - a vigor that seemed to last. Didn't that feel great? Did you have a sense of pride in your accomplishment? Maybe you even had a smile on your face?

Can't make it to the gym? Try some simple, yet effective exercises in the privacy of your home several times a week. Do you have room for an exercise bike? Or how how about a few dumbbells. You can lose those extra pounds faster by adding a few basic weights to your workout.

How much exercise is needed to make a difference in your weight depends on the amount and type of activity, and on how much you eat. Aerobic exercise burns body fat. A medium-sized adult would have to walk more than 30 miles to burn up 3,500 calories, the equivalent of one pound of fat. Although that may seem like a lot, you don’t have to walk the 30 miles all at once. Walking a mile a day for 30 days will achieve the same result.

Eating a healthy mix of natural, and nutritious food will help you shed those extra pounds and get in shape even quicker! Luckily we have many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast. The quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off - requires a daily regimen of exercise and healthy eating choices!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

You Can Do This!

What is your vision of your ideal body shape? What do you need to do to get to that point? Listen to Arnold -

Enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Practice healthy habits. Watch what you eat and stay active. Get off the couch and get some exercise - every day.

The benefits are clear and measurable.

You really can enjoy life more. You can have more energy and more fun.

Yes, you can cut your stress levels - substantially! You can ward off the post-Holidays let-down. Ward off the blues. Reduce or even eliminate signs of depression.

You can lose weight! You can have a much better attitude and a brighter outlook on life!

You don't have to spend a fortune. Many healthy, happy, and contented folks have never set foot in a fancy health club. ( And there are many who do - regularly! ) The point is - you can get healthy and enjoy a better quality of life and never need to part with much of your hard earned cash.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Warm Up Before Your Workout

Do you warm up before Your exercise routine ? How about stretching? Getting your body ready to exercise will help you stay flexible and can even prevent injury. Have you ever noticed a dog or cat wake up? Observe their instinctive movements: the gradual but vigorous stretch in every direction, the deep breathing, the sympathetic extension and staying of the limbs at the climax, then the gradual giving up of the activity and the moment of restful satisfaction.

Stretching in this way is one of the most natural, even primitive instincts in all animals.
Certain simple movements are taken by practically every animal on awaking under normal conditions. Among these are yawning, deep breathing, expansion and stretching. These exercises form a part of the process of awaking. It is the change from the position of lying down to that of standing up. Many of us rarely takes the few moments to practice these simple exercises.

Between the moment of awakening and standing erect man possibly takes more time, whines more and does less than any other animal on this wonderful planet we share!

The stretch extends the body so that the veins, where congestion is most liable to take place and where pressure of blood is weakest, are so elongated that the blood flows more easily from the arteries, where the pressure is strongest, through the veins back to the heart and circulation is equalized and stimulated.

It's clear that regular exercise or physical activity can help you live longer and improve your quality of life as you age. And it doesn't need to be strenuous to improve your health. Moderate intensity activity performed over the course of the day can offer significant health benefits for people of all ages. Activities like walking may be the safest types of exercise for older or previously inactive people, because they put less stress on muscles and joints. Now make the choice to enjoy your exercise daily and try some simple stretches as part of your warm-up.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lose Weight Faster

Are you tired of fast food? Sure - its fast and often convenient. And, do you ever find yourself wondering about the quality of that cheap burger and fries? What are those chicken nuggets really made of? How many sodas do you drink each day? What about those empty calories so many of us enjoy every time we hoist a few brews after another long day? ( Don't get me wrong - we all know the value of a beer or two and the health benefits of a glass of wine are clear. )

You can exercise every day and - if you keep eating junk - you may not be getting the results you hoped for. Healthy bodies need healthy nutrients. Not the junk we've all brought home from the drive up window at your favorite fast-food eatery.

Eating healthy foods you prepare at home can save you money and give your muscles the healthy fuel they need to grow. Eating healthy can actually help you lose weight faster. Kick start your metabolism with some protein early in the day.

You've heard that old saying - "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away." Well, numerous university studies have confirmed just that. Eating an apple every day can help reduce your fat and lower your cholesterol. Since most apple growers in the USA use chemical fertilizers and insecticides - your best bet is to buy organic.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Winter Workout

Getting exercise time in the Winter can be a real challenge. If you enjoy getting outdoors for some fresh air when you work out , Winter can be a major pain. Why bother getting out in the cold when you can tighten and tone in the comfort of your living room! Check out this beginners pilates routine -

If the weather outside is best fit for Hockey players and good old St Nick - get a jump rope and burn off some major calories without even leaving home! Grab your yoga mat and workout with your favorite exercise video.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blast Away Fat before Spring Break

 Can you see yourself in slimmer, toned and tighter looking body shape when you head south for Spring Break? Do you want to lose some of those extra pounds so many of us are carrying around? Blast those fat cells and burn a bunch of calories in just minutes a day. Check out this great fat burner interval training -

Set aside a regular exercise time. Whether this means joining an exercise class or getting up a little earlier every day, make time for this addition to your routine and don’t let anything get in your way. Planning ahead will help you avoid or eliminate interruptions in your workout schedule, such as bad weather.

Vary your exercise program. There is no single best exercise. Variety often results in overall better health and conditioning.

Keep eating healthy foods. Try to get more protein from natural sources. Cut back on wasted calories - soda, and the drive-thru fat lane... Drink plenty of water and get more sleep. After all, your muscles need that quality sleep time. Your body will thank you!

If your wanting to lose a few pounds this Year ( or quite a few ) the quickest way to lasting weight loss is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise! Watch what you eat and stick with your exercise plan and you will start seeing results in a matter of weeks! Look great at the beach this Spring Break! You'll have more fun and feel great in your new, slimmer body shape.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Relieve Tension in Your Neck and Shoulders

Do you spend hours looking at a computer screen? Do your neck and shoulders get stiff? Feeling some tension? Take a few minutes to check this out -

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Post Holiday Stress Release

The Holidays are over. Winter has hit - in full force. If you find yourself a bit stressed this week - try this relaxing yoga routine and you're sure to feel better in short order!

Millions of healthy people practice yoga and enjoy less friction or stress in their hectic lives. You can too.

"Leap and the net will appear."
 --Zen saying

Friday, January 9, 2015

2 Keys to Looking Great

Exercise is vital to staying trim and fit. If you want a great looking body - exercise is an important key. If you want to lose fat - for good, eating healthy foods is a must.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Home Fat Blaster Workout

The weather outside is too cold for a nice long run. Icy streets and sidewalks make walking and running difficult at best. So, if you're like many of us on this cold winter's day - you may enjoy a refreshing cardio workout in the warmth and comfort of your living room.

Get out your Exercise mat and follow along with your own fitness coach above. Don't have an exercise pad? Try the Yes4All Premium 1/2-Inch Extra Thick Exercise Yoga Mat with Carry Strap for under $20!!

You can enjoy a healthy, happy new year without spending a small fortune to join a health club. Workout for free at home. Live life better in a trim and toned body shape. Reduce your stress and smile more. Find that healthy balance you've been seeking - enjoy some time just for you every day. Exercise every day. Sleep better. Have your best year ever!