Sunday, September 30, 2012

Habits for Simple Weight Loss

Are you hoping to lose a few pounds? Maybe you'd like to look better in your bikini or even that favorite sweater. You're not alone. And success is certainly within your grasp. Two simple habits can make a big difference in your results.

Daily exercise - in any way you like - is one key factor. The best way to lose weight and keep it off - is with regular exercise. No need to spend a fortune on the local gym or health club. Start with simple - yet effective - exercises you can do right at home! A jump rope is inexpensive and fun. You can burn a bunch of calories jumping rope. Add some push-ups and squats between your sessions with the jump rope.

Want a great indoor exercise to burn off even more calories? You can start seeing results in a matter of weeks.

Try the Concept2 Indoor Rowing Machine

Remember to keep eating healthy!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Want Better Fitness? - Bump Up Your Metabolism

Want more energy to make it through the day? Want to see results from your limited exercise time? You might want to take a look at CrossFit.

What have you got to lose? A few pounds maybe? Try a cardio / strength training mix for better results. It just might boost your metabolism and your spirits!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Better Life

Five simple habits can help you change your life for the better! Take your time. Adopt a new habit each week for the next several weeks. And stick with it! You'll soon realize how some of the benefits of better health and fitness!

1. Eat healthy foods - preferably 4 to 6 smaller meals a day. Eating more often helps your metabolism. Enjoy an occasional treat. Just try to keep a majority of your food choices healthy. Enjoy good, natural foods that are high in nutrients, fiber, "good fats," and lean protein. Get some protein early in the day.

2. Sleep at least seven hours every night. Try to get on a schedule and stick with it. Guard your sleep time closely. People who sleep at least seven hours a night tend to enjoy overall better health and are ill less often than those of us who can't seem to find enough time for at least seven hours.

3. Exercise daily and stay active. Too many of us spend a great deal of time sitting—on the couch, at our desks, in the car. But the human body was meant to move, stretch, expand, and engage. So take a walk, go for a jog or a bike ride. Get a jump rope, or do some push-ups and jumping jacks.

4. Go dancing! Stay out on that dance floor all night if you can. Don't dance much? Take a lesson or two. Check out a square dance club in your town - or start one! Let the fun times roll and watch your metabolism soar!

5. Try a new sport - or two! Enjoy the variety and make some new friends!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Going Up the Country

Head to the Country this Autumn for a refreshing run on a beautiful country road! Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy nature while you get your heart-rate up!

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Fond Farewell

The last week of another fun-filled Summer. We bid a fond farewell to the warm temps and simple Summer fashions. Here's hoping your Summer was the best! And this Autumn brings you pleasant days and someone special to share the cool evening air with!

Source: via Vicki on Pinterest

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Keep Moving

Coach John Wooden used to urge his players to "Keep Moving". Whatever your fitness goals are, perhaps you too can benefit from Coach's timeless wisdom!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Your Own Health-Care Solution

The airways are filled with talk of health-care crisis and spiraling costs. The goods news is - you can play an important role in keeping your costs in check. Get fit. And stay fit.

If you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week! Make it a habit and soon you won't want to give up your daily exercise time.

For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobic exercise.

Want to add some variety to your fitness efforts? Try an indoor rowing machine. Rowing is a great total-body workout! Rowing is one of the few non-weight bearing sports that exercises all the major muscle groups, including quads, biceps, triceps, lats, glutes and ab muscles. Rowing improves cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Save Your Money and Have a Better Life

Want to enjoy a better life? Would you like to enjoy life more - this year and for decades to follow? Start getting in shape. Exercise daily and enjoy healthy eating habits. These 2 simple lifestyle changes can lead to years of better health and a longer life filled with vitality! And the cream on the cake - you can save a ton of money.

Staying healthy can go a long way toward keeping costly drugs and doctor visits at bay. Many free and low cost preventive healthcare services are available in nearly every state. If you are one of those lucky Americans covered under an employee health plan members, you may qualify for lower priced prescriptions and doctor visits.

Seniors with Medicare can receive an annual flu shot as well as ones to protect against hepatitis B and pneumonia. Health screenings, including tests to detect colon, breast and even prostate cancer, may be offered at little or no cost.

Save your money - now and over the long term - enjoy a long life of simple healthy habits.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

KickStart Your Heart

Do you want tighter abs? Wish you could look years younger and enjoy the tighter body you enjoyed in younger years? Good News! and here's a tune sure get your heart racing and help you burn those calories -

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fun with a Hula Hoop

Who says exercise isn't fun? Try the classic hula-hoop for a fun workout!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Beach Body

Surfing is just one of God's gifts. Give thanks for your health. Focus on today. Make healthy choices today. Then do it again tomorrow! Make the most of your waves. Enjoy the ride! Want to look better on the beach? Start getting in shape - fast!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Secrets for a Sexy Body

Do you ever wish you could regain that youthful, slim body shape you may have taken for granted? Want to enjoy life more in a sexy body? Try these simple habits. In a matter of weeks you'll feel better and start looking better too! 1. Put down that magic pill bottle and start eating more whole foods - especially organic fruits and vegetables. Start your day with a healthy, protein packed breakfast. Stop eating refined foods - like white bread and rice. Avoid fried foods entirely. And stay away from the drive-thru lane for a few months. 2. Exercise at least five days every week. Running, Biking, Surfing, Swimming, and Rowing are all excellent ways to burn fat and build healthy muscles! Start slow if you're seriously out of shape. Gradually build your strength and endurance. 45 minutes of heart pumping exercise will help you see improvements in a matter of weeks. 3. Add some strength training every other day. Want great looking abs? Try push-ups. 4. Sleep. Try for 7 hours of sleep every night. 5. Drink more water. at least 64 ounces every day. Want to lose weight? Give up sugar and beer. At least until you've started to see results. 6. Celebrate your success. Buy yourself a new pair of running shoes. Or that smaller size sweater for the cooler Autumn nights. The road to better health and a sexy looking body doesn't have to be hard. Try these simple and effective habits for better health. Set weekly goals - and keep them simple. ("I will run 5 miles every other day" , or "I'll do 10 push-ups every other day this week." ) As you grow stronger, and feel better - increase your workout times. In just a short while you will start feeling way better - and looking years younger!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Dance

Wish you could have more fun this school year? Get out there and Dance!