The New Year is upon us - what a great opportunity to start fresh - with a new set of goals and objectives. Whatever you seek - you can surely accomplish. Millions before us have reached goals they never dreamed possible. We can too. Today is the perfect day to make the pledge to ourselves. Make the choice to succeed at any goal you desire - and commit to it.
Just about every Success story has an underlying tale of hardships and challenges. Its reported that Abraham Lincoln had experienced bankruptcy several times before winning the presidency. Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Donald Trump - all incredibly successful and all overcame huge financial challenges. The road to success - in whatever goals we seek - is often filled with speed-bumps in the form of huge challenges.
The good news is - the lessons from history all point to a few immutable truths. Hard work and persistence can indeed pay huge dividends. Setting goals and crafting a plan to reach our objectives leads to success beyond one's wildest dreams. Action - in the form of lots of concentrated, hard work is critical. Without hard work and persistence even the best laid plans often fall short.
Commit to yourself. Decide what you want and make the commitment to take the steps to get it. Eliminate fear and worry - they are useless in terms of your goal. Stay positive and seek out positive minded friends and supporters. Avoid negative people and naysayers. The choice is yours. You own it. No one can take away your power to choose! Choose to succeed! And do whatever it takes to get there.
Do you need a mentor? Or support group? Maybe the advice of others who have reached a measure of success could help you along the way. Why re-invent the wheel? Take counsel from those who have been there. Learn the lesson history offers us all. Libraries are filled with the autobiographies and success stories of others. Use that free knowledge to your advantage.
Focus on what you want every day. Make time to work towards your goal each day. You get to choose! You can join the winners club. You can have more fun. More money. Better health. Better relationships. A better looking body. Improved fitness. Get healthy and start saving money. The choice is up to each of us.
Happy New Year. May all your years be Happy, Healthy and filled with Success!