Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fitness is for everyone

The harder you play, the better you will perform at work or in school. And the harder and more intelligently you study or work, the more you will enjoy your play!

There are many health benefits to being physically active. Moderate-intensity activity helps you control your weight, feel great, and perhaps lower your chances of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes.

What is physical activity? Why be physically fit?

Physical activity is beneficial when it is of moderate or vigorous intensity: hand-washing your car, playing soccer with your children, going for a swim, or even riding a bike. You get physically fit by being active on a regular basis. Being fit is what allows you and your family to work and play in comfort.

Is physical activity for everyone?

Absolutely! Everyone in the family can be physically active. Find fun activities that easily fit into your regular family life.

Some ideas to help you start moving more:

Walk with your family. If the weather is nice - enjoy a long bike ride!
Dance ( Dance like no one is watching! )
Get on your TreadClimber or rowing machine for 20 minutes before the rest of the family wakes up!
Play basketball, hockey, tennis, or volleyball with your friends.

Physical activity: How much, how often, how intense?

Adults should engage in moderate-intensity physical activity, above usual activity, for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. For added benefits, increase your total activity time and the intensity of your workout.

You may need up to an hour a day to prevent unhealthy weight gain. If you have
successfully lost weight, you may need a little longer to maintain your ideal weight. Children and teenagers need at least 60 minutes of activity on most days to feel good, grow well, and maintain a healthy weight.

Physical fitness benefits everyone!

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