Sunday, December 7, 2008

Have More Holiday Fun

For many the Holidays are such a wonderful, fun-filled time of year. Remember the excitement and anticipation you felt as a child? These last few weeks before Christmas can bring on some added stress. Don't let yourself get caught up by stress. Keep the Holidays fun. Enjoy time with family, friends, and loved ones!

If you find yourself starting to worry or experience even the slightest stress - take a stress break. Get outside and enjoy nature for even just a few minutes. If you're unable to escape to the great outdoors - even momentarily - close your eyes, breathe slow deep breaths for a couple minutes. Now think about a place you enjoy - preferably somewhere outdoors. Picture the sights and visualize the smells and how it feels to be in your favorite nature spot.

Picture the colors. Feel the sand between your toes. Imagine the surf coming in. Feel the warm breeze coming off the ocean.

You get the picture.

Another effective and lasting stress reliever is exercise. Exercise of any kind can greatly reduce stress and elevate your mood! Even if you only have a few minutes. Get away from what you're doing and go for a brief walk. Get your mind off the source of your stress and instead focus on something pleasant while you walk. Enjoy the great outdoors. Focus on your breathing.

If you have time get in some more exercise. Spend half an hour walking or running. Get on your treadmill or bike. Take in a yoga class or pilates. Set your mind on happy thoughts. Decide to be happy. Get determined to eliminate as much as possible the source of your stress. Or learn to handle it. Exercise is a time-honored way to get rid of stress.

Enjoy these last few days before the Holidays. Get together with friends and loved ones and have fun! Take in a movie or a Christmas play! Volunteer to help someone less fortunate than yourself. And be selfish - make a pact with yourself to get in some exercise each day!

If you've been away from the exercise habit for a while, today is the perfect day to start getting in shape fast. Devote just 30 minutes each day to yourself and exercise. Try a new sport. Have fun while you're getting in shape! Get outside and play with the little ones. Or go for a nice bike ride with someone you enjoy! Take a long, brisk paced walk with one of your favorite friends.

You can reduce your stress, and enjoy life more! Make exercise a habit and you'll be hooked! Have loads more fun and enjoy life making healthy choices. And be sure to Have Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Ken said...

The holidays are a tough time to exercise and worry about eating healthy but I'm glad that at least some people are trying to bring the issue up. For me, the reason that exercising is hard sometimes is because the holidays are a time to spend with friends and family. Why should I go to the gym when I can hang out with loved ones? Something that works for me is to take my friends or family to the gym with me. That way, I can exercise (which I love) and hang out with people that I love at the same time. Who knows, you might even turn some of them on to exercising the rest of the year too. There are other steps you can use to stay healthy during the holidays.