Sunday, December 21, 2008

Get your Holiday Exercise in the Comfort of Home!

Finding time to exercise can be a challenge this month. Holiday parties, our children's school activities and Christmas shopping can nibble away at our schedules. Add in the Holiday treats we find so inviting and our waistlines can start inching in the wrong direction!

That rich and creamy glass of eggnog blew away many a calorie chart last night alone! And the delicious Holiday meals - Turkeys and Hams. Prime rib and thick, juicy steaks put even more calories on our plates! Who can turn down a delicious slice of coffee cake with a nice cup of piping hot java?

As I write these warm thoughts it is a frigid 10 degrees in our neck of the woods. We still have ice and snow-covered streets to make our way around. Jogging on the ice and snow-packed side sidewalks is not sounding too healthy today!

Many fitness buffs are enjoying the benefits of their very own home gyms. Makes sense. Why not turn that extra room into your own little fitness center. Or put a treadclimber and some free weights in that corner of the basement you don't seem to use much anymore! How about a rowing machine along that wall? Add a TV and DVD and you can enjoy some of your favorite entertainment while you peel away the pounds!

Save money and your precious time while you continue getting in shape right in the comfort ( and warmth ) of home! If you want to shed a few more pounds before the New Year arrives - no worries. Just hop on that exercise bike and burn some Holiday calories before the little ones even wake up! Health and Fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of exercise.

So enjoy the Holidays and all the wonderful parties and food knowing that you can exercise and lose weight fast!

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