Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kick Start Your Heart!

You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast! Healthy habits enable you to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight. The fundamentals are really quite simple and easy for everyone to adopt. Try to start your day with a healthy habit or two and watch your life improve!

Get up a few minutes earlier and have a light, healthy snack like a banana and a big glass of water. Then hit the door and go for a nice long walk. Jog if you prefer and your knees can handle it! The key is to get up and get moving. Enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. This time of year the morning is ideal for getting in that daily walk or run. The temperature is just right at 5:30 or 6:00 AM!

An early morning workout will give you an energy boost that lasts all day! Try it for a month or so and you'll be hooked! On those hopefully rare days when you're unable to get out for your morning walk you'll surely miss it. Write it in your planner. Make it a goal and put it in writing. Schedule some time for yourself first! Be a little selfish! You deserve to take care of your own health first.

There are many natural and healthy ways to lose weight. Health experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight fast is with daily exercise and a healthy diet. Start your day with a healthy protein and carb shake. Try some NEW VANILLA CHAI OPTIMUM NUTRITION PROTEIN! Exclusive Flavor. Only at!

Kickstart your heart and watch your energy levels soar! To get healthy and stay healthy - eat right, exercise and lose weight fast!

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