Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Start Getting in Shape - Exercise and Lose Weight Fast!

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health.

The exciting news from recent scientific studies is that exercise benefits everyone – regardless of age. Exercise can help you take charge of your health and maintain the level of fitness necessary for an active, independent lifestyle. Now is the perfect time to start a fitness program of exercise so you can maintain or improve your physical health.

Many people think that as we age, we tend to slow down and do less; that physical decline is an inevitable consequence of aging. For the most part, this is not true. According to Fitness experts, much of the physical frailty attributed to aging is actually the result of inactivity, disease, or poor nutrition. But the good news is – many problems can be helped or even reversed by improving lifestyle behaviors. One of the major benefits of regular physical activity is protection against coronary heart disease. Physical activity also provides some protection against other chronic diseases such as adult-onset diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, certain cancers, osteoporosis and depression. In addition, research has proven that exercise can ease tension and reduce the amount of stress you feel.

Once you begin your daily exercise routine, keep these points in mind to get the best results:

  • Always drink plenty of water before, during and after your exercise session.
  • Make exercising a part of your daily routine. Set a regular time to exercise each day and invite a friend to join you.
  • Start slow - 5 to 10 minutes at first.
  • Gradually increase the amount of exercise each day, up to about 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly during and between exercises. Never hold your breath.
  • Rest when necessary - Get Plenty of Sleep!
  • Keep a record of your progress. You'll be amazed by your own progress!
  • Exercise to your favorite music or with friends for even more fun.

The quickest way to lose weight is undisputed and without question - exercise! You can exercise and lose weight fast!

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