Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fundamentals Lead to Longer, Happier Life!

Joined an online prayer chain recently. Worried about my son's baby brother - who needed eye surgery. We were very fortunate. The Doctors were able to identify and hopefully correct his eye problem.

One thing I've learned from this new prayer experience is - the many people who are worried about health issues.

There is hope. We can help ourselves avoid the need for expensive health care.

The fundamentals never seem to change. They are simple and effective. Work hard at getting in shape. Then keep working hard at staying in shape! It takes daily discipline. Healthy eating and keeping physically active are proven to lead to healthier, happier, and longer lives.

Health care costs continue to rise. We are so lucky to live in a time when medical science can help us to overcome illness and lead longer lives. We can help minimize our need for expensive medical care. We can shape our lives by staying in good health.

Avoid the headache and stress of worrying about health issues. Get in shape and make every effort to stay in good health. You'll save money and heaps of worry. We can't prevent every challenge by getting in better shape. My son's little baby brother had no control over the accident behind his eye injury.

And we can take some simple, fundamental steps to ward off sickness and greatly improve our quality of life! Start exercising, building muscles, and getting in shape fast! And stay there!

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