Simple fitness ideas for getting in shape. Many healthy and happy fitness lovers have found they can exercise and lose weight fast. And keep those extra pounds off!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Fit Past 50
Christie Brinkley - the famous Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model - is said to be in her 50s. Denise Austin - the fitness guru seen on TV for years - has reportedly reached the half century mark too! They both still manage to look healthy and radiant! They have maintained the kind of healthy bodies one might normally expect of someone in their 20s!
These two celebrities are proof positive that you can postpone looking old! You can still look great in your 50s!
What's their secret? Two simple and powerful habits are at the core of their outstanding fitness levels. They exercise regularly and eat healthy foods!
Whether you are in your 20s or fast approaching your 50s - its never too late to start your own fitness program. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle will have you wishing you'd started years ago!
You can enjoy life more. You can look better - healthier and more vibrant! You can improve your outlook on life and have more fun than you ever dreamed of! More energy and zest for living are yours for the asking!
Why not get a head start on your New Years resolutions! Start today! The sooner you begin the sooner you can start enjoying life more and looking years younger! Start getting some exercise every day.
You won't need to spend a small fortune to get started. Do you have a Family Video in your neighborhood? They offer free fitness videos. Or check out the local library and grab an exercise video! ( They probably have several of Denise Austin's excellent workout videos. )
Not ready to join that fancy health club in your neighborhood? Save your money. You can get a great workout with just a few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment!
The key is getting started. And staying active. Fitness is a journey to be enjoyed!
Keep eating healthy foods. Drink plenty of water and try to get a good night's sleep every night. Give your body the healthy nutrients it needs and plenty of rest! Better fitness is really just the result of a few simple, healthy habits! A healthy lifestyle is yours for the asking.
If your wanting to shed a few pounds in the New Year ( or quite a few - like me ) the quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise! Watch what you eat and stick with your exercise plan and you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks! What have you got to lose?
Start getting in shape and enjoy the New Year even more!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saving Money
The numbers you see and hear are staggering! Nearly a trillion dollars - over the next decade - to fund health care for some 30 million people. And these numbers are from the men and women who have been known to stretch the truth a bit if the prospects for election seem favorable.
This isn't about calling everyone in Washington liars and cheats. We all know they are. Most have good intentions.
How can you help keep those astronomical price tags from growing even higher?
Enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Practice healthy habits. Watch what you eat and stay active. Get off the couch and get some exercise - every day.
The benefits are clear and measurable.
You really can enjoy life more. You can have more energy and more fun.
Yes, you can cut your stress levels - substantially! You can ward off the post-Holidays let-down. Ward off the blues. Reduce or even eliminate signs of depression.
You can lose weight! You can have a much better attitude and a brighter outlook on life!
You don't have to spend a fortune. Many healthy, happy, and contented folks have never set foot in a fancy health club. ( And there are many who do - regularly! ) The point is - you can get healthy and enjoy a better quality of life and never need to part with much of your hard earned cash.
Take stock of where you are today. And then consider where you'd like to be in terms of your health. Do you want more energy for handling everything this wonderful life throws your way? Maybe you just want to lose a few pounds before swimsuit season returns.
Decide on a goal. Then start moving toward your goal. Do whatever type of sport or exercise you most enjoy. Start a new habit. Drop an unhealthy habit or two. If you've been inactive for a while - no worries - just start small. And then pick up the pace a little bit at a time.
You really can save your money when you lead a healthy lifestyle. Do it for you! Do it for your country!
Start today! Start saving money. Your money! Start getting in shape!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
For many - much wiser than I - true fitness is something much greater than a slimmer body and well toned muscles. Fitness involves living a healthy lifestyle. Work hard, play hard and make time for yourself and those you love. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!
Father of all men, look upon our family,
Kneeling together before Thee,
And grant us a true Christmas.
With loving heart we bless Thee:
For the gift of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ,
For the peace He brings to human homes,
For the good-will He teaches to sinful men,
For the glory of Thy goodness shining in His face.
With joyful voice we praise Thee:
For His lowly birth and His rest in the manger,
For the pure tenderness of His mother Mary,
For the fatherly care that protected Him,
For the Providence that saved the Holy Child
To be the Saviour of the world.
With deep desire we beseech Thee:
Help us to keep His birthday truly,
Help us to offer, in His name, our Christmas prayer.
And what Christmas Greeting would be complete without mentioning the classic verse from Luke 2:
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Avoid the Health Care Nightmare
She laid there in her hospital bed with an amazing number of tubes and wires attached. Several monitors kept track of heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels and terms an average lay-person might never even hear! We really are fortunate to live in a time of such incredible health care technology.
Wouldn't it be great if you never have to take advantage of this amazing array of expensive health care technology? Would it be better to avoid laying in that hospital bed all together?
Good News! You can prevent lengthy and expensive hospital stays. You can ward off heart disease - or at least substantially reduce your risk. Adopt healthy habits. Get some exercise most days of the week. Eat healthy foods every day. And for better health - exercise or get some physical activity every day!
* Older adults, both male and female, can benefit from regular exercise or physical activity. And, it doesn't really have to be too strenuous to achieve health benefits. The loss of strength and stamina attributed to aging is in part caused by reduced physical activity. So get some exercise - any kind you enjoy - every day!
* Older adults can realize noticeable health benefits with even just a moderate amount of physical activity. Daily workouts - or exercise offer the best results. You can see results doing longer sessions of moderately intense activities (like walking) or in shorter sessions of more vigorous activities (like swimming, jogging, fast walking or walking up stairs). ( Doing the stairs is a great workout during these colder Winter days! )
* There's more! Additional health benefits can be gained through greater amounts of physical activity, either by increasing the duration, intensity, or frequency. The more you do - the more you gain! Because risk of injury increases at high levels of physical activity, care should be taken not to engage in excessive amounts of activity.
* Previously sedentary older adults who begin physical activity programs should start with short intervals of moderate physical activity (5–10 minutes) and gradually build up to the desired amount.
* Older adults should probably talk to a health care professional or their physician before starting a new physical activity program.
* In addition to cardio-respiratory endurance (aerobic) activity, older adults can benefit from muscle-strengthening activities. Stronger muscles help reduce the risk of falling and improve the ability to perform the routine tasks of daily life.
The benefits are clear. If losing weight is one of your goals you really can exercise and lose weight fast.
You can relieve stress and enjoy life more - at any age - if you include just a few healthy habits in your daily agenda! Make some time for yourself. Avoid the health-care nightmare.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Journey to Better Fitness
"The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."
- Mark Twain
If you want to lose a few pounds or tone up your body - Start small – make a few healthy choices in your diet and make an exercise plan! Adopt some simple habits and enjoy a long and healthy life. Take a few small steps each week and gradually increase your exercise times.
Start exercising and building muscle today and before long you will see a difference. A healthier outlook towards life, a slimmer, healthier body.
More Energy and Stamina!
Make the choice. Then take action. You don't have to worry about losing 10 pounds in 5 days or any of the outlandish claims you hear on TV. Start small - and stick with it! Think of your health as a never ending journey. And enjoy the ride!
It's clear that regular exercise or physical activity can help you live longer and improve your quality of life as you age. And it doesn't need to be strenuous to improve your health. Moderate intensity activity performed over the course of the day can offer significant health benefits for people of all ages. Activities like walking may be the safest types of exercise for older or previously inactive people, because they put less stress on muscles and joints.
The first step is just being more active even if its only a little. Start by walking; it can always be worked into your day. Anyone can do it any time, in almost any place, without any special equipment. The opportunities are plentiful: go for a walk after dinner instead of watching television; walk to work; walk to the store rather than driving; or take the dog or the kids for a long walk.
Exercise not only helps you feel good physically, but it gives you time to yourself to sort through your schedule and prepare for the pressures of your day. The better you feel about yourself, the more productive you can be — at work and at play.
The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with daily exercise. Plenty of heart pumping, calorie burning exercise will help you shed those extra pounds. The first step is simply getting started.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
21 Days to a Better You
They say it takes as little as 21 days to form a new habit. If there be be but one single habit that you might adopt in order to improve your life - Daily Exercise might appear at or near the top of any list. Exercise offers you so many benefits you simply can't lose. Develop the habit of getting some exercise every day.
If you want to lose that belly fat - or develop a slimmer, more muscular body - exercise is vital to your success. Magic pills and tonics come and go. The benefits of consistent physical exertion most often lead to the longest lasting results!
Develop the habit of daily exercise.
"How shall I a habit break?"
As you did that habit make.
As you gathered, you must lose;
As you yielded, now refuse.
Thread by thread the strands we twist
Till they bind us neck and wrist.
Thread by thread the patient hand
Must untwine ere free we stand.
As we builded, stone by stone,
We must toil, unhelped, alone,
Till the wall is overthrown.
But remember, as we try,
Lighter every test goes by;
Wading in, the stream grows deep
Toward the centre's downward sweep;
Backward turn, each step ashore
Shallower is than that before.
Ah, the precious years we waste
Leveling what we raised in haste;
Doing what must be undone,
Ere content or love be won!
First across the gulf we cast
Kite-borne threads till lines are passed,
And habit builds the bridge at last.
It is never too late to start. If weight loss is one of your goals - the good news is you really can exercise and lose weight fast!
Health experts have known for years the quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off - is with daily exercise!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Enjoy Your Journey to Better Health
Exercise can be fun and gives you the opportunity to make new friends or spend some quality time with friends and family. Why not have fun while you're slimming your waistline and developing more muscles! The exhilaration and emotional release of participating in sports and exercise bolster your mental and physical health. Pent-up anxieties and frustrations seem to disappear when you’re having fun and exercising. Enjoy your journey to better health.
Some tips to help you get started and keep moving:
1. Choose sports and activities that you enjoy. Most people will stick to their exercise program if they are having fun, even though they are working hard.
2. Set aside a regular exercise time. Whether this means joining an exercise class or getting up a little earlier every day, make time for this addition to your routine and don’t let anything get in your way. Planning ahead will help you avoid or eliminate interruptions in your workout schedule, such as bad weather and vacations.
3. Set a few short term goals for yourself. Write them down and review them every day. No one can reasonably expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. It has taken awhile for you to gain the weight, it will take time to lose it. Keep a record of your progress and tell your friends and family about your achievements.
4. Vary your exercise program. Change exercises or invite friends to join you to make your workout more enjoyable. There is no single best exercise. Variety often results in overall better health and physical conditioning. Try any number of sports or activities – whatever you find works best for you.
If you want to slim down and lose belly fat or tighten up your abs - It won’t be easy, especially at the start. The best results come from plenty of heart pumping cardio mixed in with regular strength training. As you begin to feel better, look better and enjoy a new zest for life, you will be rewarded many times over for your efforts.
So if you want tight abs and a slimmer body - start getting in shape and having more fun! If the weather outside is best fit for Hockey players and good old St Nick - get a jump rope and burn off some major calories without even leaving home! Many people have found the Total Gym helpful in their quest for better health! Try Total Gym® for only $1 – As Seen on TV with Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. Over 1 Million Satisfied Customers. FREE Shipping.
Enjoy your workout time – stick a comedy in your DVD player and enjoy some laughter while you’re burning off those calories!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Start Losing That Belly
We all have to start somewhere! The simplest steps eventually lead to great results. The Best Way to Lose that unsightly belly fat is with a two-fold approach.
Plenty of aerobic, heart pumping exercise combined with eating healthy foods are the keys you need to shed those unwanted pounds. Kickstart your metabolism with some early morning protein. Then get as much exercise as you can throughout the day!
First – Start getting in better shape fast by taking a walk. Yes, a nice, pleasureful, low-stress, relaxing walk. Burn some calories and let your mind wander. Catch up on your thoughts while you enjoy nature and start your journey to a fitter, leaner body!
Step 1. Go for a walk. It’s that easy to reap the benefits of moderate endurance exercise. Each time you go - simply walk a little farther. As the weeks pass, gradually increase the pace, and distance of your walks.
Step 2. Every two weeks, increase the duration of your workout by five minutes. Also, add five minutes of total-body stretches to the beginning and end of your workouts (for a total of 10 minutes of stretching). Improving your flexibility makes your workouts easier over time.
Step 3. After exercising moderately for a month, add a five-minute vigorous workout three days a week. For example, if you’re walking, speed up to a fast walk or slow jog for a total of five minutes, on three of the days you work out. After two weeks, increase the higher intensity portion of the workout to 10 minutes. Two weeks later, increase it to 15 minutes of vigorous exercise, and then two weeks later do 20 minutes of vigorous activity, three to four days a week. This is a healthy activity that will help you reduce your chance of illness and find more pleasure and vigor in your life.
If you are unable to find time to walk for 30 minutes at one time, take a few mini exercise breaks. Try several 10 or 15-minute walks a day. It all adds up to better health. For the best results many avid walkers enjoy at least 45 minutes of brisk walking. Start today – Exercise is - for many - the quickest way to lose weight!
You’re probably already walking more than you think. And by taking advantage of opportunities all around you to walk more every day, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the steps add up! Walk up the stairs instead of riding the escalator at the mall; take an after dinner walk with your family; choose the farthest spot in the lot at work; eat lunch outdoors instead of at your desk.
Walking 30 minutes or more a day at a brisk pace is an excellent start to your weight loss program. Keep eating healthy foods and keep walking!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Enjoy the Holidays - Forget Stress
December means fun and excitement for many. Holidays and the wonder of the Christmas season give us the opportunity for loads of family fun!
For some - December can bring on some stress. Don't let stress ruin your Christmas season. Enjoy this magical time of year and forget stress. Count your blessings instead of your troubles.
Countless millions have discovered one inexpensive solution for dealing with Holiday stress. Exercise daily.
Exercise skyrockets your self esteem. You simply feel better about yourself and life in general!
Exercise reduces Stress. Period. This, alone, is reason to start – Today!
Regular and consistent exercise usually means less illness. Less money spent at the Doctor’s office!
A healthy lifestyle – filled with daily exercise means a better outlook on life. A greatly improved attitude. More strength and stamina! More energy for everything! ( A Much better sex life!! ) Less illness. Less money spent on health care! And we all know how expensive health care can be.
Enjoy this wonderful time of year more. Get a little exercise every day!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Keys To A Better Life
Scientists have discovered a a fact - well know by fitness lovers for centuries. Exercise benefits everyone – at just about any age. Exercise can help you take charge of your health and maintain the level of fitness necessary for an active, and happier lifestyle.
Many people think that as we age, we tend to slow down and do less; that physical decline is an inevitable consequence of aging. For the most part, this is not true. According to The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, much of the physical frailty attributed to aging is actually the result of inactivity, disease, or poor nutrition. The good news is – many problems can be helped or even reversed by adding a little exercise to your daily activities.
Research has proven that exercise can ease tension and reduce the amount of stress you feel. Exercise releases certain chemicals in your brain which can help you feel a kind of natural high! Boost your metabolism and lift your spirits!
Exercise can help relieve problems with insomnia. Mild exercise a few hours before bed, or during the day, helps many people get a restful night's sleep.
One of the major benefits of regular physical activity is protection against coronary heart disease. Physical activity also provides some protection against other chronic diseases such as adult-onset diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, certain cancers, osteoporosis and depression.
Choose a comfortable time of day to exercise, not too soon after eating and when the weather outside is not too harsh. Or workout indoors! Many people find it more enjoyable to exercise with others. Invite a friend or family member to join you. Share the fun!
To put it simply – exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Shed Those Last Few Pounds
Do want to maximize the impact of your workouts? Are you feeling like maybe you've hit a plateau - your exercise routine is just not giving you the results you want? Do you want to lose another inch or so around the middle?
When you combine a vigorous program of strength training and frequent aerobic workouts you stand to burn more calories – even after your workout! Your metabolism stays in high gear for hours!
Try this simple routine to get you started – Warm up for a few minutes. Do some slow and focused stretches. Start your cardio for a couple minutes at a moderate pace. Then, kick it into high gear and sprint for 30 seconds to a minute at the highest intensity you can muster. Slow down and do a couple minutes at your moderate pace while you catch your breath!
Once you’ve returned to a more normal breathing pattern – kick in those afterburners again and go all out again for 30 seconds or so. Then back to your normal pace. Repeat eight or ten times. You’ll torch more calories in less time, while you burn fat faster. And keep burning those unsightly fat cells long after you finish your workout!
On your strength or weight training days – use a little lower weight and do more reps. Focus on your form. In between sets – get on the bike or treadmill and go as fast as you can for a minute or so. Or get out the jump rope and jump for a minute or two. Then do another set – lower weights – more reps! Repeat for the duration of your workout. You’ll tone those muscles and really burn some major calories!
Fitness experts have discovered the powerful secret to burning more fat in less time – with interval training! Do some fast paced cardio early in your workout and then a few more times over the course of your workout. Your body will torch those fat cells much faster! You’ll start seeing results much quicker!
If you still want to lose some weight this year – its never too late to start! The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with consistent vigorous cardio and strength work.
Don’t forget to feed your muscles the fuel they need to grow and stay healthy. Get some protein early in the day. Start every day with a healthy, protein packed breakfast!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Stressing Out? Try Yoga
Yoga is a great way to relieve stress. For centuries people have enjoyed the many benefits of yoga! Try it - you may just find it complements your current fitness efforts very nicely.
If you're like me - the month of December can seem even more hectic than other months. Finding time for fitness can challenge all of us. Don't let your fitness program suffer due to the hustle and bustle of the Holidays. Stick with it. Write a time down in your planner - and don't let anyone or anything interfere with your time for better health and fitness!
Sometimes you can fit in little bits of exercise at the most unexpected times. Sneak in a morning walk while you're waiting to meet with the boss. The benefits of quick, focused walk can help you keep calm while meeting with even the most difficult boss!
Bring a jump rope and a good pair of jogging or walking shoes to work and sneak in 15 or 20 minutes at lunch. Do the stairs for a healthy boost of energy.
Here are some easy yoga stretches you can do at your desk:
If you find yourself feeling stressed during this wonderful time of year - slow down and smell the mistletoe! Take a kid to lunch or Supper and feel their excitement! Try something new to spice up your fitness!
Try Yoga to help relieve some of the nearly inevitable Holiday stress!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Exercise is Great at Any Age
Good news! Numerous scientific studies confirm that exercise benefits everyone – regardless of age. Exercise can help you take charge of your health and maintain the level of fitness necessary for an active, independent lifestyle. This booklet is designed to help you start a fitness program of exercise so you can maintain or improve your physical health.
Many people think that as we age, we tend to slow down and do less; that physical decline is an inevitable consequence of aging. For the most part, this is not true. According to The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, much of the physical frailty attributed to aging is actually the result of inactivity, disease, or poor nutrition.
The good news is – many problems can be helped or even reversed by leading a healthy lifestyle. One of the major benefits of regular physical activity is protection against heart disease. Physical activity also provides some protection against other chronic diseases such as adult-onset diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, certain cancers, osteoporosis and depression. In addition, research has proven that exercise can ease tension and reduce the amount of stress you feel.
To put it simply – exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health.
The exercise program described and illustrated on the following pages has been prepared specifically for you! It is a daily routine that takes 20 to 30 minutes. Take a minute to read the instructions carefully. Performing each exercise properly is as important as spending enough time on them.
You Are What You Eat
No matter what your age, a balanced, nutritious diet is essential to good health. Older adults need to eat a balanced diet with foods from all the food groups. Eating a variety of foods helps ensure adequate levels of vitamins and minerals in the body. Many experts suggest that adults reduce the saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar in the foods they eat.
Some adults find they have problems being overweight as they age. This is generally due to overeating and inactivity. If you are overweight, the quickest way to lose body fat is to eat fewer calories, especially from saturated fats, and to get more aerobic exercise.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Prevent Diabetes and Obesity - Start Getting in Shape
Medical experts are warning of a potentially dangerous trend here in the USA. Are other countries faced with similar threats of obesity and the resulting health problems. Just look around - they are everywhere. Sitting across the aisle in church - or speeding down the highway. People are getting fatter. What is happening to us?
If this trend is left unchecked we here in the good old USA may be faced with a potentially explosive health crisis - and the resulting price tag. Much press has been devoted to the President's Health care agenda lately. The numbers are staggering. Over 800 billion dollars to provide health care coverage for an additional 36 million Americans.
If these medical scientists are even close to accurate in their dire prediction of more obesity and diabetes as a result - we are in for even more expensive health care prices. Diabetes is bad trouble - just ask anyone who has it. Or knows someone who does.
What if you could avoid this potential nightmare - and the incredible costs of treatment? What if you could avoid becoming one of the countless millions who just might develop diabetes due to the ever growing waistline?
Would you invest as few as 30 minutes a day to keeping these health issues at bay? Would you devote yourself to getting up and getting active for as little as a half an hour a day? Would you be willing to cut the useless calories and make the choice to enjoy eating healthier foods at every opportunity?
You can save a yourself a bundle. And help the good old USA avoid some rather expensive health care costs. Do it for yourself. Do it for your country! Do you have a family? Do it for them! Just Do It!!!
You can avoid adult onset diabetes. You can ward off and prevent obesity from entering into your world! Start getting in shape - fast!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Best Kind of High!
Losing weight is not all about your diet! Improve your metabolism by building muscles, snacking on a variety of healthy, low-calorie foods, giving your body enough protein and keep moving!
Exercise is one of the best ways to jump-start your metabolism. Both aerobic workouts and weight training will help your body burn more calories, and build muscle - bolstering your metabolism in the process.
Losing weight and keeping it off is best accomplished with two simple habits: (1) Enjoy a variety of healthy foods and (2) Exercise daily and stay physically active. For some people, losing weight may be as simple as changing their diet, but for the vast majority of us exercise is equally important. As we age, exercise becomes an even more important factor to our metabolism.
University studies show that not only does exercise increase metabolism during your workout, but it causes your metabolism to stay increased for hours after exercising, helping you to burn more calories!
The facts are clear - if you want to lose weight, enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week! Eating healthy foods is equally vital. You know what the bad stuff is. Find ways to fit more healthy choices in your busy life. Schedule some time each day - just for you. And guard it closely!
For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobic exercise. If your program is balanced enough, you wont have to be concerned about developing over exaggerated muscles. You really can exercise and lose weight fast! Try it for a few weeks. You'll soon be hooked on the exercise high!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you eat just a light Thanksgiving meal this year with most of the traditional foods so many of us enjoy you could easily consume over a thousand calories! And all those calories could easily be accounted for before you even have that 2nd slice of pie! Is it any wonder so many of us take on a couple extra pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas?
Don't let this happen to you!
The key to weight control is keeping energy intake (food) and energy output (physical activity) in balance. When you consume only as many calories as your body needs, your weight will usually remain constant. If you take in more calories than your body needs, you will put on excess fat. If you expend more energy than you take in you will burn excess fat.
Exercise plays an important role in weight control by increasing energy output, calling on stored calories for extra fuel. Recent studies show that not only does exercise increase metabolism during a workout, but it causes your metabolism to stay increased for a period of time after exercising, allowing you to burn more calories.
How much exercise is needed to make a difference in your weight depends on the amount and type of activity, and on how much you eat. Aerobic exercise burns body fat. An average adult would have to walk more than 30 miles to burn up 3,500 calories. ( That is the equivalent of about a single pound of fat. ) Although that may seem like a lot, you don’t have to walk the 30 miles all at once. Walking a mile a day for 30 days will achieve the same result, providing you don’t increase your food intake!
If you enjoy just 100 calories a day ( about 9 ounces of beer ) more than your body needs, you will gain approximately 10 pounds in a year. You could take that weight off, or keep it off, by doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. The combination of exercise and diet is the quickest way to lose weight! And keep it off!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Nurture Your Health
From an old Greek Poem:
Health, thou most frangible of heaven's dower,
With thee may what remains of life be spent;
Cease not upon me, thus, thy gifts to shower,
And in my soul to find a tenement.
For what is there of beauty, wealth or power,
Of gentle offspring, or the wiles of love,
But owes its solace, sweet, in every hour,
To thee, thou regent of the powers above.
The spring of pleasure blooms if thou but bless,
And every step upon the Autumn way
Is lit by thee, parent of happiness!
Without thee sadly sounds life's roundelay.
Health is one of those intangible inestimably precious possessions, like life and liberty, to which all are entitled by natural Law. Yet are there but few who are careful to conserve this priceless heritage. It is a boon all too often unappreciated until lost, and once lost, it may not always be regained, though intense be our regrets and our endeavours exhaust the field of human resource.
Hold on to your health.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Enjoy a Better Attitude
In addition to Losing Weight, the benefits of a little daily exercise are many. Millions of healthy, happy people get more done in less time and avoid or minimize stress along the way. Daily exercise has been proven to help keep life's stressors at bay - or at least manageable! Exercise even helps reduce and in some cases eliminate the onset of depression.
Do yourself a favor. Try it for just three weeks. Get active for just 30 minutes each day. ( More if you can! ) If you've been out of shape for a while - no worries. Simple start at a pace you find comfortable. Then gradually pick up the pace - a little each day until you are working your body harder for a full half hour! Then shoot for 45 minutes.
You'll feel the effects - more vitality and energy. Your mood will start to improve. You'll probably find yourself smiling more. Worrying less. You can enjoy a much better life when you get as little as half an hour of exercise every day. For even better results - stretch your active time to 45 minutes or an hour. Find time in your schedule for some good old fashioned exercise!
And don't forget the extra benefits found in eating healthy foods. Eating healthy gives your body the nutrients you'll need to burn more calories and feel the fullest benefits of your exercise! Eating more healthy, natural foods can even help improve your attitude. Help you through those nearly inevitable energy dips so many of us experience in the middle of the afternoon.
If you find yourself getting a little low on patience - growing irritable or unfocused, take a little break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! These help stabilize your blood sugar levels and help you avoid those mid-day energy drains!
If time permits - take a mental break for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths and then return to breathing normally. Clear your mind of whatever you’ve been worried about or working on. Think about something pleasing – your memories from a favorite vacation. Think about the sights, sounds and smells of a day at the beach – or one of your favorite places in nature! Nature has a real calming effect – so try to get outside for even a few minutes if you can for your momentary escape!
Wherever you make your escape - clear your mind. Forget about or divert your attention away from everything cluttering up your mind! Focus instead on a single pleasant thought. Stretch your body – slowly! You’ll soon feel a renewed sense of energy and clarity!
Take care of your health – invest a few minutes each day for healthy habits. Keep eating healthy foods, exercise frequently and you can enjoy the many lasting benefits of a healthy body and mind!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Change Your Routine for Better Health
Do you ever get bored doing the same old thing day after day? Like you could practically die of boredom if you don't find something new ? Something exciting? Change is healthy. Variety helps keeps our minds and bodies sharp!
If you do 20 push-ups every day - well that's great! You probably have a toned upper body and arms. Then, look down at your legs. If you don't mix in some walking or running - you could easily end up with skinny little "chicken legs".
One way to keeping your fitness efforts effective and interesting is to change it up and keep trying something new. Learn a new sport. Join a winter bowling league or basketball or volleyball. Don't have one in your town? Pick up the ball and start one! Maybe you could volunteer to help coach a local youth team. You AND the children will benefit!
If your fitness level isn't quite where you'd like - start taking action today! Try something new. You can make some simple changes to your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits and achieve your fitness goals. You're not alone. We all tread through the occasional valley on our journey to better health and fitness.
Add some new activities to your daily schedule. Write them down in your planner and keep those appointments with yourself! You don't need to spend a small fortune. You can get into great shape just doing some simple - old fashioned - exercises. Do you remember Middle School P.E ? Get outdoors and walk.
And keep eating healthy foods. Start your day with a healthy breakfast! You never want to pass up breakfast. A healthy, protein rich breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day and gives your body the nutrients to keep you going. A Healthy Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Eating healthy foods is vital to your overall health and fitness!
If you still hope to lose a few pounds before this year goes into the history books - the quickest way to lose weight, and keep it off is with a 2 step approach. Work your body. Get active. Try to get at least 45 minutes of heart healthy cardio - like walking or running most days of the week. Build your strength - and lose some of those extra pounds doing some resistance training. And keep eating healthy!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
5 Steps to Better Health
Five simple habits can help you change your life for the better! Take your time. Adopt a new habit each week for the next several weeks. And stick with it! You'll soon realize some of the benefits of better health and fitness! Want less stress? Maybe you'd like to have more energy? Enjoy Life more! Try these 5 simple steps to better health. Smile and enjoy the journey!
1. Eat healthy foods - preferably 4 to 6 smaller meals a day. Eating more often helps your metabolism. Enjoy an occasional treat. Just try to keep a majority of your food choices healthy. Enjoy good, natural foods that are high in nutrients, fiber, "good fats," and lean protein. Get some protein early in the day.
2. Sleep at least seven hours every night. Try to get on a schedule and stick with it. Guard your sleep time closely. People who sleep at least seven hours a night tend to enjoy overall better health and are ill less often than those of us who can't seem to find enough time for at least seven hours.
3. Exercise and stay active. Americans spend a great deal of time sitting. Its unavoidable - we sit at our desks for hours on end, and in the car. Then we go home and sink into a favorite easy chair. But the human body was built to be active. So take a walk, go for a jog or a bike ride. Get a jump rope, or do some push-ups and jumping jacks. No need to spend a fortune at the local health club. You can stay active and get in better shape without shelling out a small fortune every month!
4. Schedule a little time each day - as few as 15 minutes to relax and free your mind. President Reagan used to take a brief nap every day. Millions of healthy, happy folks enjoy some quiet time early in the morning reflecting on all they have to be thankful for. Make an appointment with yourself. Write it down in your calendar. Spend just 10 or 15 minutes each afternoon clearing your mind and relaxing. For the best results, go outside and breathe in some fresh air.
5. Laugh. Find something each day to laugh at. Grab a funny book or pick up a comedy at the library. Rent a funny movie. Laughter is good for your brain and your whole body! Release some healthy endorphins in your brain and laugh as much and as loud as you like!
Try these simple and effective steps to better health and fitness!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Start Your Day Right - Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast!
Start your day right – eat a healthy breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets us going and ready for another great day! Eating a healthy breakfast will help you do better in school or at work. Breakfast can be easy to prepare – even if you find yourself running short on time. A banana, maybe some cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit, whole-grain pancakes or waffles or even left over pizza!
Many healthy folks love to get in some pre-dawn cardio with a nice brisk paced walk or run before breakfast. If you can sneak out of bed a half early - before the rest of your family gets up - get outside and enjoy the early morning fresh air! Breathe in the cool Autumn air as you give your body the healthiest start to any day!
After your morning run - or walk - put together some healthy fruits and maybe an egg-white omelet if time permits. Eating a healthy breakfast gives your body an extra boost to help you conquer whatever comes your way! The experts suggest that early morning protein will give your metabolism a little extra kick and have you burning more calories throughout the day!
Keep eating healthy foods and start each day with a healthy breakfast!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Change Your Life!
Start your journey to Getting in shape Fast. Improving your health happens in stages.
Starting an exercise program is like setting off on a journey; it requires a step-by-step approach. When making any major lifestyle changes, many people go through 5 stages: you get the idea, you start thinking about it, you begin preparations, you take action, and maintenance.
Contemplation—Getting Motivated
By reading this information, you have already moved beyond precontemplation, which is the stage in which you’re not yet thinking about strength training. In contemplation, you are intrigued by what you have heard about strength training. Reading about the health benefits of these exercises or hearing about them from a friend or doctor has stimulated your interest in starting the program yourself. At this stage, you work on getting motivated, thinking about your goals, and asking yourself what you want to get out of the program. This is also the time to address possible obstacles and find ways to overcome them.
Preparation—Starting Your Journey
You are ready to take action once you have thought about your motivations and goals for strength training. At this stage, you take steps to prepare for a new exercise program. You set aside the physical space needed to do the exercises and buy any equipment you may need. You look at your schedule to see where strength training might fit in and set specific exercise days and times.
Take Action—Adopting the Program
At this exciting stage, you are learning the exercises and doing them regularly and consistently, at least three times per week. You're beginning to see the results of your work! This is the fun stage - you're seeing results and feeling better. Start Getting in shape fast and watch your whole life improve!
Maintenance—Progressing and Staying on Track
This is the stage at which regular exercise becomes a way of life. When you reach this point, there's a good chance that you find it hard to imagine not doing your daily exercise. As you progress, you may add new strengthening exercises to your routine and new activities to your life. Find a new sport to enjoy! Try some new exercises! Enjoy the journey!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A Better Life is Calling
Would you like to have more energy and more fun? Do you feel stressed out far too often? Like maybe life is rolling along at high speed and you're missing out on too much?
You can enjoy life more. You can have more energy - more vitality. You can reduce your stress level substantially!
The key to more energy and less stress is exercise. Every day. Devote just one hour to yourself.
What's holding you back?
Think about reasons why you have not been getting any exercise. Then try to come up with some ways to get past what is keeping you from getting active.
Have you ever said to yourself . . . ?
I haven't exercised or been physically active in a very long time.
Solution: Choose something you like to do. Many people find walking helps them get started. Before you know it, you will be doing more each day.
I don't have the time. ( This is a BIG excuse for so many of us. )
The Answer: Start with 10-minute chunks of time a couple of days a week. Walk during a break. Get up a few minutes earlier and get in some exercise before the rest of the family wakes up. Dance in the living room to your favorite music. It all adds up.
It costs too much.
Solution: You don't have to join a health club or buy fancy equipment to be active. Play tag with your kids. Walk briskly with your dog for 10 minutes or more.
Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy from more exercise and active living:
* Be healthier and happier
* Increase your chances of living longer
* You'll most likely feel better about myself
* Have far less chance of becoming depressed
* Sleep better at night
* Help me look good - Many find they look younger!
* Be in better shape
* Get around better
* Have stronger muscles and bones
* Help me stay at or get to a healthy weight
* More time with friends or meet new people
* Enjoy yourself and have more fun
If losing weight is one of your goals - you can exercise and lose weight fast! Millions of healthy people around the world have discovered the benefits of more exercise - in whatever form they like! They play more sports. They walk or run more often. They're more active.
You can do it – enjoy the journey towards a much healthier lifestyle. You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Save Your Money - Start Getting in Shape
One easy way to save money - in the near term and for the rest of your life - is living a healthy lifestyle. Simple habits practiced daily lead to better health and fitness. And a better quality of life!
Some economist recently projected that in the not too distant future the U.S. economy will experience a huge increase in health-care related spending. They project one in every five dollars spent in our economy will be for health care.
Does it seem ironic that in a great country like the USA where food choices abound, we have a growing epidemic of obesity and obesity related disease. Adult onset diabetes has been shown - in many cases - to be a result of inadequate weight control. Our wonderful nation is blessed with plentiful harvests of healthy food and we are spending more each year on pills to help us lose weight.
The answer is simple. A twofold approach will help most of us ward off or prevent any such weight dilemma. Exercise. Eat Healthy.
Daily aerobic exercise will help you burn off calories, shed extra pounds and keep your body flexible and fit! Eating healthy will lead to a more stable and healthy weight and even help you lose weight. You know the right way to eat. You know which foods contribute to poor health. ( Sugar and anything with trans-fat are 2 easy targets to avoid! ) You can be assured - regular exercise will help you build muscles and start getting in shape fast. Or stay in good shape.
Start slow. Gradually increase your exercise time - a little each day or even a little every week. The key is just getting started and staying on your exercise regimen. You can develop more muscles and enjoy a much healthier body in a matter of months. What are you waiting for? Start today. Make the good choices - start getting rid of fat and getting in shape fast. Your quality of life will skyrocket in a healthier, slimmed down body! Live longer and live better enjoying a life of better health and fitness.
Make today the beginning of a new, healthier you. You can have a more muscular, sexier body in just a few months. What have you got to lose? Start making healthy choices today. Start eating healthy and exercising. You can enjoy life more in a leaner sexier body!
Save your money. Why give it to the health care industry? Start getting in shape!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
You Get to Choose
Would you like to sculpt your body into a slimmer, more toned body type? Do you ever wish you had just a few more minutes each day and the energy to enjoy them? Would you enjoy having more fun and maybe a lot less stress?
The Choice is yours. We each get to choose our paths and our actions. We even get to choose the outcomes. The right steps will lead to any goal we set out to reach!
What do you want to change? Do you want tighter abs perhaps? Maybe you'd settle for just slimming your body some?
Decide what you want. Write it down. Get a picture of what you want? See yourself reaching your goal. Imagine yourself having loads more energy. Visualize your outcome. Picture yourself walking on the soft wet sand of your favorite beach this Winter - wearing that hot looking outfit to show off your slimmer body.
Now, start taking action. Depending on the seize of your goal - or how much it will take to reach your goal - you may need to start big! Be reasonable with yourself. No one loses 20 pounds in one week and starts looking great in a tiny little swimsuit in one week.
Take stock of where you are today and where you want to get to. Make a good faith estimate of what you need to do to get there. Then get going. Write down your goal and the steps you take to reach it.
Evaluate your progress every week or two. Are you on the right path? Are you seeing progress? If you start seeing results, great. If you don't - maybe its time to reevaluate your action plan. Maybe you need to alter your plan and adjust your action steps.
Remember the words of the late Winston Churchill - Never, ever give up. If you aren't seeing fast results - try a different route. Take more action. Vary your approach. Just keep moving in the direction of your goal!
You can have a slimmer, sexier body. You can enjoy life more in a leaner and more energized physique! You can reduce your stress and have more fun. Be stingy - invest in yourself first. Schedule a little time just for you each day. Make the choice to have life your way. On your terms. You get to choose!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Quickest Way to Lose Extra Pounds
Are you wanting to lose a few pounds? Maybe you'd like to have more energy and more fun. Would you like to re-shape your body? The quickest way to lose those extra pounds so many of us are carrying around involves a very simple two-fold approach.
1. Change your diet and eating patterns. For the next two months eat smaller portions and stop eating anything other than celery or popcorn ( skip the butter and salt ) for your last four hours before sleep! ( You can substitute any very low-calorie snack for celery or popcorn. ) Many successful weight losers have enjoyed eating five or six mini-meals instead of the usual big 3.
2. Exercise - in whatever form or type you can - for at least 30 minutes every day. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and gets you breathing harder is ideal! Every day! Once you start feeling comfortable with half an hour - start adding a few minutes. The more you do the fast you lose those extra, unwanted pounds!
Try to keep eating healthy foods. Start your day with a protein rich, healthy breakfast. Keep an eye on your calories. Cutting calories is actually very simple. Reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat. How can you tell which fats are good for you?
Populations that tend to eat more saturated fat have higher cholesterol levels and more heart disease than those with lower intakes. Reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet is a very effective way to lower your LDL. Lowering your LDL is good for your heart - and your whole body!
Saturated fat is usually solid at room and refrigerator temperatures. It is found in greatest amounts in foods from animals, such as fatty cuts of meat, poultry with the skin, whole-milk dairy products, and lard, as well as in some vegetable oils, including coconut and palm oils. Numerous studies have shown that too much saturated fat in the diet leads to higher LDL levels.
Unsaturated fat is most often liquid at room and refrigerator temperatures. Unsaturated fat occurs in vegetable oils, most nuts, olives, avocados, and fatty fish - like wild caught, cold water salmon. ( Always try to avoid farm raised fish - they tend to have too much extra baggage - in the form of farm chemicals. )
When used instead of saturated fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fat is found in greatest amounts in foods from plants, including olive, canola, sunflower, and peanut oils. Polyunsaturated fat is found in greatest amounts in foods from plants, including safflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils, and many kinds of nuts.
The healthiest fat is called omega-3 fatty acids, which can help guard against heart disease! Salmon and walnuts and avacadoes are all good sources of those omega-3 fatty acids!
Try to limit your total fat intake to around 30 or 35% of your daily calories. When you consume more unsaturated fat, be careful to reduce your intake of trans fat. These unhealthy trans fats are found in stick margarine, baked products such as crackers, cookies, doughnuts, and breads, and fried foods. ( Why are all these good foods so bad for us? )
You can eat healthy foods every day and still not lose weight unless you get that all important exercise.
Why not start today. Write down 30 minutes in your planner and then make that appointment. Schedule some time for yourself every day. Toss some healthy veggies in the crock pot and go walk or play for 45 minutes while your heart healthy foods are warming up! Try a variety of exercise.
Try these simple steps for two short months and see how much better you look and feel.
Health experts agree - The Quickest Way to Lose Extra Pounds is eating healthy foods and exercising every day!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
5 Worry Free Steps to Tighter Abs
Now that Autumn is in full swing here in North America, are finding yourself still hoping to lose a few pounds? With just over 10 weeks left in this year – why not take a few minutes now to assess your progress and where you’d like to be in 6 weeks or so before the Holidays roll around! Are you on track to meet the goals you set forth for this year? If not, don’t panic – there’s plenty of time to make some good progress before The Holiday parties arrive!
Here’s a few ideas to help you keep you going:
1) If you find yourself pressed for time – remind yourself that better health can lead to a lifetime of benefits. View workouts as time for yourself, rather than as a chore. On days when you’re unmotivated, convince yourself to exercise for just ten minutes. After getting started, you’ll probably do much more.
2) Whether you want a tighter tummy and tush or simply hope to lose a few pounds, set yourself up for success by setting a few short-term goals. Keep them simple. Then, try rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes after you lose those first five pounds. Or take the family out to your favorite eatery after you run your first whole mile – without stopping! Keep your goals simple and within reach – you’ll accomplish them sooner! Then, set new, slightly tougher goals!
3) Keep it fun. Enjoy a healthy variety of different sports. Vary your workouts with different exercises. Ever tried yoga or swimming? Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits of using low-impact exercise equipment. Buy an elliptical and turn your extra room into a mini fitness center! Choose different exercise routines and gradually build your times and intensity. Or try a new sport. Give your body a variety of challenging thrills and make it fun! Your fitness efforts will seem much easier if you’re having fun. Enjoy the journey!
4) See yourself reaching your goal. Visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel slipping into a new smaller size or walking down the beach in that really hot new swimsuit! Hang a picture on your refrigerator of someone who already has the kind of body shape you want. Every time you go to the ice-box you’ll have a pleasant reminder to keep eating healthy foods!
5) Some find it helpful to keep a fitness journal and even take pictures along the way. Document your progress. This does wonders for your motivation! Every couple of weeks – look back and see for yourself how much you’ve accomplished! This can be a powerful strategy to help you assess what’s working (and what’s not). Don't be afraid to change your routine if you find yourself getting bored with any one workout.
Hold onto your goal. Add new, short term targets or goals as often as you feel necessary – always keeping your eye on the ultimate goal.
Be proactive - enjoy a healthy lifestyle. You'll have more energy and more fun! Get more sleep, exercise most days, and keep eating healthy foods! You’ll feel better and look years younger! If you want to lose that belly before Christmas - get started now!
The best way to lose belly fat is with a healthy balance of aerobic exercise and strength training!
Save yourself some money and time. Work out at home! Invest in yourself and get the Total Gym® Home Fitness Equipment - Join over 1 Million Satisfied Customers. You can have the Body You've Always Wanted!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Spice up Your Life
Last week people all over the world wore little pink ribbons as a reminder of those who have or have died from breast cancer. Breast cancer doesn't have to threaten the lives of so many women each year. A study of over 14,000 women showed that active women were 55 percent less likely to die of breast cancer than women who chose not to exercise and stay fit.
The journey to better health and fitness is one that benefits everyone. It doesn't matter how old you are or what kind of shape you are today. You can benefit from a little daily exercise and a healthy diet.
They say that "Variety is the spice of Life." Well, you can enjoy eating a variety of foods every day - grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats, and low fat dairy products. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Dehydration can stop even the finest athlete from playing his or her best game!
Enjoy a variety of healthy pursuits. Join a fall or winter league in your favorite sport! Or try a new sport! Even the simple act of taking a daily walk has helped countless people enjoy life a little more and get in some heart-healthy exercise! The opportunities are nearly endless - enjoy a nice, refreshing walk after dinner. Turn off the TV, save a little money and take the dog or the kids for a long walk. Do you live less than a couple miles from the office or wherever you work? Walk to work or school. Walk to the store instead of driving.
You can look younger and start feeling years younger too! Enjoy life more! Get up and start moving - getting some exercise every day! The more vigorous the better! If you want to lose weight and keep it off - you simply have to burn more calories! No magic mystery pills - no weird science - just good, old fashioned exercise - any way you like!
If you want more energy and a slimmer, sexier body - you can have it all! Medical and health professionals have known the secret formula for years! The quickest way to lose weight - and then keep it off - is with daily exercise.
Eating healthy foods is equally vital to any lasting weight loss program.
However you do it - enjoy the journey. Go for a trek thru the newly fallen snow! Take a long, healthy walk for your heart's sake! And your loved ones! Get some exercise every day and you can greatly reduce your risk of many potential health risks! Spice up your life with a variety of healthy foods and exercise!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Whatever Happened to Playing Outdoors?
Do you remember the famous Tom Cruise Movie - Top Gun? There was a scene in that classic tale of men and their manly toys where Tom Cruise and his co-pilot were playing beach volleyball. In those few minutes we were treated to some fantastic images of real men playing hard. Those guys were having a blast!
Sports - of just about every flavor imaginable present us the opportunity for tons of fun. And as an extra benefit we can develop leaner, sexier bodies. Playing a variety of sports give your body a healthy balance of exercise while you burn off calories and build muscle! Sports offer fun and fitness!
Now we can't all hit the beach for some beach volleyball. Luckily, we have many options to enjoy and help us get into better shape. This Autumn has arrived in full swing - what a perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy any of your favorite past-times in the fresh air!
If you are still blessed with little ones around the house - enjoy some classic Fall fun this October while chasing them thru the yard or a nearby park. See how long you can keep up with your favorite little bundles of energy. You both win when you enjoy time in fresh Autumn air!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Give your body the nutrients you need
Give your body the proper nutrients to maximize the healthy benefits of your exercise.
Some easy ideas:
You might live for up to a month without food, but only a few days without water.
* Water is the most important nutrient for active people.
* When you sweat, you lose water, which must be replaced. Drink fluids before, during, and after workouts.
* Water is a fine choice for most workouts. However; during continuous workouts of greater than 90 minutes, your body may benefit from a sports drink.
* Sports drinks have two very important ingredients - electrolytes and carbohydrates
* Sports drinks replace electrolytes lost through sweat during workouts lasting several hours.
Many of us don't get enough of the calcium needed for strong bones and proper muscle function.
* Lack of calcium can contribute to stress fractures and the bone disease, osteoporosis.
* The best sources of calcium are dairy products, but many other foods such as salmon with bones, sardines, collard greens, and okra also contain calcium. Additionally, some brands of bread, tofu, and orange juice are fortified with calcium.
Iron supplies working muscles with oxygen.
* If your iron level is low, you may tire easily and not have enough stamina for activity.
* The best sources of iron are animal products, but plant foods such as fortified breads, cereals, beans and green leafy vegetables also contain iron.
* Iron supplements may have side effects, so take them only if your doctor tells you to. You might try cooking with a cast iron skillet. You'll get a little extra iron!
Eating a variety of healthy foods will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need for exercise and peak performance. If you find it hard to enjoy a well balanced diet you might try adding a quality multi-vitamin!
Eating healthy foods will give your body the nutrients you need to grow and maintain healthy muscles!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Balance your Life and your workouts!
If you run every day - you will almost certainly enjoy a slimmer, more toned body. You can have great legs and a nice butt. For even better results and a healthier, trim and sexy body type - you might try a variety of workouts. For losing weight - Kick start your metabolism with strength training every other day.
If you're busy and maybe find it difficult to find time for exercise, you might enjoy working out right at home. Save time ( and money ) by getting your daily exercise in the comfort and privacy of your own home. You won't need to waste time driving to that expensive gym any more. Save those costly membership payments and start getting in shape at home.
A few fitness videos and some simple, inexpensive home fitness equipment can help you get in the best shape ever! You might enjoy jumping rope, riding your bike or jogging when the weather outside cooperates. Roller skates or inline skates are great fun too! Grab a tennis racquet and a friend and head out to the local tennis courts for an invigorating hour of fun!
Millions of healthy people around the globe enjoy the numerous health benefits of walking. You've no doubt been walking since you first learned to talk. Walking isn't just a way to get from here to there, its also great exercise! Walking doesn't require a lot of expensive equipment and you can do it anywhere! Walking is a great way to relax and refresh. It's also something you can do alone or enjoy even more with your family and friends.
Or stay inside and get trim and toned using a Total Gym. Christie Brinkley is a healthy and vibrant example of how to look great into your 40s and beyond. You can save time, have more energy and look great if you start using your Total Gym® Home Fitness Equipment - for just 15 minutes every day!
They say yoga has been around for 5,000 years! You hear about numerous celebrity super stars and athletes practicing yoga! Why not join the fun ? Yoga is a great total body workout for anyone! No matter what other activities you enjoy, yoga can strengthen your abilities by increasing flexibility, staying power (endurance), and your ability to focus! Get a Yoga mat and video and learn from the pros! Yoga is great for stretching and maintaining healthy muscles.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Healthy Habits
You can start - and stick with - a new habit in as little as 21 days. Train yourself to live a healthier lifestyle and you can be on the road to a slimmer, younger looking body! It all starts with one simple habit. And then another. You won't need to spend a fortune. Save your money and start simple!
If you want a leaner, sexier body you can! Start today with one simple change in your daily routine. If you want to lose weight or lose that belly - You Can!! The best way to lose belly fat is with a frequent vigorous exercise and eating healthy foods!
The key is getting started. Right now! Don’t delay. Just do something to get started. Get out and jog around the block. Enjoy this beautiful time of year. Get outdoors and take in the emerging autumn colors. Take advantage of the milder weather many of us have had this week. And keep increasing your physical activity each day.
Next week - improve upon your diet.- enjoy eating healthy foods. Get your protein early in the morning to fuel your new exercise habit throughout the day!
Getting in better physical shape requires two simple habits - daily exercise and healthy eating choices. Why not start your journey today! Health experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and healthy eating! You can do it – enjoy the journey towards a much healthier lifestyle. You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Balance Your Workouts
Total-body exercise burns more calories and also causes a greater release of muscle-building hormones. A well balanced schedule of workouts will result in better overall health!
Focus on a good cardio workout during one session. Then do strength training in another, and flexibility in a third. Continue mixing up your workouts - giving your muscles a variety. As a plus - you'll be less likely to get get bored with your routine.
Variation is vital to keeping you from getting bored and always working the same muscles. Many fitness lovers enjoy cross training to help keep boredom at bay and achieve better whole body workouts!
Strength training is a great way to sculpt a slimmer and more muscular physique. Many fitness enthusiasts have discovered another way to be sleek and strong. They've learned Pilates and love it. Many fitness experts believe that this workout can help you develop long, strong muscles, a flat stomach, a strong back, and improved posture. And like working out with weights, Pilates can strengthen those crucial connective tissues ( your tendons and ligaments).
Vary your workouts occasionally by trying different exercises or sports. Enjoy playing a variety of different sports! Choose different exercise routines and gradually build upon your exercise time and intensity. Give your body a variety of challenging thrills and make it fun! Your fitness efforts will seem much easier if you’re having fun. Enjoy your journey to better health and fitness!
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