Saturday, October 24, 2009

You Get to Choose

Would you like to sculpt your body into a slimmer, more toned body type? Do you ever wish you had just a few more minutes each day and the energy to enjoy them? Would you enjoy having more fun and maybe a lot less stress?

The Choice is yours. We each get to choose our paths and our actions. We even get to choose the outcomes. The right steps will lead to any goal we set out to reach!

What do you want to change? Do you want tighter abs perhaps? Maybe you'd settle for just slimming your body some?

Decide what you want. Write it down. Get a picture of what you want? See yourself reaching your goal. Imagine yourself having loads more energy. Visualize your outcome. Picture yourself walking on the soft wet sand of your favorite beach this Winter - wearing that hot looking outfit to show off your slimmer body.

Now, start taking action. Depending on the seize of your goal - or how much it will take to reach your goal - you may need to start big! Be reasonable with yourself. No one loses 20 pounds in one week and starts looking great in a tiny little swimsuit in one week.

Take stock of where you are today and where you want to get to. Make a good faith estimate of what you need to do to get there. Then get going. Write down your goal and the steps you take to reach it.

Evaluate your progress every week or two. Are you on the right path? Are you seeing progress? If you start seeing results, great. If you don't - maybe its time to reevaluate your action plan. Maybe you need to alter your plan and adjust your action steps.

Remember the words of the late Winston Churchill - Never, ever give up. If you aren't seeing fast results - try a different route. Take more action. Vary your approach. Just keep moving in the direction of your goal!

You can have a slimmer, sexier body. You can enjoy life more in a leaner and more energized physique! You can reduce your stress and have more fun. Be stingy - invest in yourself first. Schedule a little time just for you each day. Make the choice to have life your way. On your terms. You get to choose!

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