Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shed Those Last Few Pounds

Do want to maximize the impact of your workouts? Are you feeling like maybe you've hit a plateau - your exercise routine is just not giving you the results you want? Do you want to lose another inch or so around the middle?

When you combine a vigorous program of strength training and frequent aerobic workouts you stand to burn more calories – even after your workout! Your metabolism stays in high gear for hours!

Try this simple routine to get you started – Warm up for a few minutes. Do some slow and focused stretches. Start your cardio for a couple minutes at a moderate pace. Then, kick it into high gear and sprint for 30 seconds to a minute at the highest intensity you can muster. Slow down and do a couple minutes at your moderate pace while you catch your breath!

Once you’ve returned to a more normal breathing pattern – kick in those afterburners again and go all out again for 30 seconds or so. Then back to your normal pace. Repeat eight or ten times. You’ll torch more calories in less time, while you burn fat faster. And keep burning those unsightly fat cells long after you finish your workout!

On your strength or weight training days – use a little lower weight and do more reps. Focus on your form. In between sets – get on the bike or treadmill and go as fast as you can for a minute or so. Or get out the jump rope and jump for a minute or two. Then do another set – lower weights – more reps! Repeat for the duration of your workout. You’ll tone those muscles and really burn some major calories!

Fitness experts have discovered the powerful secret to burning more fat in less time – with interval training! Do some fast paced cardio early in your workout and then a few more times over the course of your workout. Your body will torch those fat cells much faster! You’ll start seeing results much quicker!

If you still want to lose some weight this year – its never too late to start! The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with consistent vigorous cardio and strength work.

Don’t forget to feed your muscles the fuel they need to grow and stay healthy. Get some protein early in the day. Start every day with a healthy, protein packed breakfast!

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