Thursday, November 19, 2009

Enjoy a Better Attitude

In addition to Losing Weight, the benefits of a little daily exercise are many. Millions of healthy, happy people get more done in less time and avoid or minimize stress along the way. Daily exercise has been proven to help keep life's stressors at bay - or at least manageable! Exercise even helps reduce and in some cases eliminate the onset of depression.

Do yourself a favor. Try it for just three weeks. Get active for just 30 minutes each day. ( More if you can! ) If you've been out of shape for a while - no worries. Simple start at a pace you find comfortable. Then gradually pick up the pace - a little each day until you are working your body harder for a full half hour! Then shoot for 45 minutes.

You'll feel the effects - more vitality and energy. Your mood will start to improve. You'll probably find yourself smiling more. Worrying less. You can enjoy a much better life when you get as little as half an hour of exercise every day. For even better results - stretch your active time to 45 minutes or an hour. Find time in your schedule for some good old fashioned exercise!

And don't forget the extra benefits found in eating healthy foods. Eating healthy gives your body the nutrients you'll need to burn more calories and feel the fullest benefits of your exercise! Eating more healthy, natural foods can even help improve your attitude. Help you through those nearly inevitable energy dips so many of us experience in the middle of the afternoon.

If you find yourself getting a little low on patience - growing irritable or unfocused, take a little break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! These help stabilize your blood sugar levels and help you avoid those mid-day energy drains!

If time permits - take a mental break for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths and then return to breathing normally. Clear your mind of whatever you’ve been worried about or working on. Think about something pleasing – your memories from a favorite vacation. Think about the sights, sounds and smells of a day at the beach – or one of your favorite places in nature! Nature has a real calming effect – so try to get outside for even a few minutes if you can for your momentary escape!

Wherever you make your escape - clear your mind. Forget about or divert your attention away from everything cluttering up your mind! Focus instead on a single pleasant thought. Stretch your body – slowly! You’ll soon feel a renewed sense of energy and clarity!

Take care of your health – invest a few minutes each day for healthy habits. Keep eating healthy foods, exercise frequently and you can enjoy the many lasting benefits of a healthy body and mind!

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