Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Change Your Routine for Better Health

Do you ever get bored doing the same old thing day after day? Like you could practically die of boredom if you don't find something new ? Something exciting? Change is healthy. Variety helps keeps our minds and bodies sharp!

If you do 20 push-ups every day - well that's great! You probably have a toned upper body and arms. Then, look down at your legs. If you don't mix in some walking or running - you could easily end up with skinny little "chicken legs".

One way to keeping your fitness efforts effective and interesting is to change it up and keep trying something new. Learn a new sport. Join a winter bowling league or basketball or volleyball. Don't have one in your town? Pick up the ball and start one! Maybe you could volunteer to help coach a local youth team. You AND the children will benefit!

If your fitness level isn't quite where you'd like - start taking action today! Try something new. You can make some simple changes to your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits and achieve your fitness goals. You're not alone. We all tread through the occasional valley on our journey to better health and fitness.

Add some new activities to your daily schedule. Write them down in your planner and keep those appointments with yourself! You don't need to spend a small fortune. You can get into great shape just doing some simple - old fashioned - exercises. Do you remember Middle School P.E ? Get outdoors and walk.

And keep eating healthy foods. Start your day with a healthy breakfast! You never want to pass up breakfast. A healthy, protein rich breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day and gives your body the nutrients to keep you going. A Healthy Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Eating healthy foods is vital to your overall health and fitness!

If you still hope to lose a few pounds before this year goes into the history books - the quickest way to lose weight, and keep it off is with a 2 step approach. Work your body. Get active. Try to get at least 45 minutes of heart healthy cardio - like walking or running most days of the week. Build your strength - and lose some of those extra pounds doing some resistance training. And keep eating healthy!

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