Monday, October 5, 2009

Give your body the nutrients you need

Give your body the proper nutrients to maximize the healthy benefits of your exercise.

Some easy ideas:

You might live for up to a month without food, but only a few days without water.

* Water is the most important nutrient for active people.

* When you sweat, you lose water, which must be replaced. Drink fluids before, during, and after workouts.

* Water is a fine choice for most workouts. However; during continuous workouts of greater than 90 minutes, your body may benefit from a sports drink.

* Sports drinks have two very important ingredients - electrolytes and carbohydrates

* Sports drinks replace electrolytes lost through sweat during workouts lasting several hours.

Many of us don't get enough of the calcium needed for strong bones and proper muscle function.

* Lack of calcium can contribute to stress fractures and the bone disease, osteoporosis.

* The best sources of calcium are dairy products, but many other foods such as salmon with bones, sardines, collard greens, and okra also contain calcium. Additionally, some brands of bread, tofu, and orange juice are fortified with calcium.

Iron supplies working muscles with oxygen.

* If your iron level is low, you may tire easily and not have enough stamina for activity.

* The best sources of iron are animal products, but plant foods such as fortified breads, cereals, beans and green leafy vegetables also contain iron.

* Iron supplements may have side effects, so take them only if your doctor tells you to. You might try cooking with a cast iron skillet. You'll get a little extra iron!

Eating a variety of healthy foods will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need for exercise and peak performance. If you find it hard to enjoy a well balanced diet you might try adding a quality multi-vitamin!

Eating healthy foods will give your body the nutrients you need to grow and maintain healthy muscles!

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