Sunday, November 1, 2009

Change Your Life!

Start your journey to Getting in shape Fast. Improving your health happens in stages.

Starting an exercise program is like setting off on a journey; it requires a step-by-step approach. When making any major lifestyle changes, many people go through 5 stages: you get the idea, you start thinking about it, you begin preparations, you take action, and maintenance.

Contemplation—Getting Motivated

By reading this information, you have already moved beyond precontemplation, which is the stage in which you’re not yet thinking about strength training. In contemplation, you are intrigued by what you have heard about strength training. Reading about the health benefits of these exercises or hearing about them from a friend or doctor has stimulated your interest in starting the program yourself. At this stage, you work on getting motivated, thinking about your goals, and asking yourself what you want to get out of the program. This is also the time to address possible obstacles and find ways to overcome them.

Preparation—Starting Your Journey

You are ready to take action once you have thought about your motivations and goals for strength training. At this stage, you take steps to prepare for a new exercise program. You set aside the physical space needed to do the exercises and buy any equipment you may need. You look at your schedule to see where strength training might fit in and set specific exercise days and times.

Take Action—Adopting the Program

At this exciting stage, you are learning the exercises and doing them regularly and consistently, at least three times per week. You're beginning to see the results of your work! This is the fun stage - you're seeing results and feeling better. Start Getting in shape fast and watch your whole life improve!

Maintenance—Progressing and Staying on Track

This is the stage at which regular exercise becomes a way of life. When you reach this point, there's a good chance that you find it hard to imagine not doing your daily exercise. As you progress, you may add new strengthening exercises to your routine and new activities to your life. Find a new sport to enjoy! Try some new exercises! Enjoy the journey!

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