Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Thanksgiving is finally here! Food, Family, Fun. Happy Thanksgiving!

Health experts say that exercise before your big Thanksgiving meal can help your body process all those calories more efficiently. If you want to avoid gaining weight this weekend - Try getting some exercise before your Thanksgiving meal!

Take your loved ones out for a nice stroll through nature. Or even a quick walk around the neighborhood! If you have a nice day to enjoy – get on your bike and pedal away some calories before your big feast.

Then - if you can - get outside and enjoy a nice, long walk after you eat. You won't have that stuffed feeling and your body will burn those extra calories off!

If you're like me you find it hard to resist at least one slice of your favorite pie after a nice Thanksgiving dinner. It's OK to cheat! Once in a while. The Holidays are the perfect time to have your cake and eat it too! Just don't forget to get out there and burn some more calories. Happy Thanksgiving

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