Thursday, November 28, 2013

Simple Living

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sometimes simple solutions just seem to work best. Hundreds of years ago good , honest hard working folks just like yourself managed to stay slim and fit without expensive gyms or health clubs. They worked hard and enjoyed a diet filled with healthy, natural foods. The fast food industry had yet to blossom.

Simple living - hard work and more fresh, locally grown produce and grains. The beef or pork came from a local rancher instead of a feedlot in Southwest Texas. The cattle roamed on lush acres of native grasses. They weren't filled with growth hormones or genetically modified anything. The cattle ate grass. The beef tasted better and was better for you.

We are indeed very fortunate to live in times of convenient food choices and fancy, high-tech exercise equipment. And, just maybe a look back at our forefathers might reveal some healthy habits worthy of our attention. Simple habits often produce incredible results.

Need to shed a few pounds? Walk five miles every day. Or run at least 3 miles. Eat more fruits and vegetables. And while you're at it - try some good old fashioned calisthenics. You just might find yourself feeling more energized and looking a bit slimmer before Christmas!

Want to save a few more of your hard earned dollars? Walk to the grocery store. Walk to Church. Walk everywhere you reasonably can. Do your waistline - and your wallet - a favor and enjoy the fresh air while you save your money!

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