Friday, January 17, 2014

Burn More Calories and Have a Blast!

Do you ever get bored with your fitness routine? Are you stuck in a rut - going to the same gym or doing the same exercise routine every day?

If you do 20 push-ups every day - well that's great! You probably have a toned upper body and arms. Then, look down at your legs. If you don't mix in some walking or running - you could easily end up with skinny "chicken legs".

Want to try something new? Add some healthy variety to your fitness plan? Try dancing. Any dance you enjoy will help you enjoy life more and burn some calories while you're at it! Have you tried Zumba? It's a blast! Shake your body. Move to the music! Feel the fun! Zumba lovers everywhere enjoy life more!

One way to keeping your fitness efforts effective and interesting is to change it up and keep trying something new. Go dancing this weekend!

Not into dancing? Learn a new sport. Join a winter bowling league or basketball or volleyball. Don't have one in your town? Pick up the ball and start one! Maybe you could volunteer to help coach a local youth team. You AND the children will benefit!

You can look younger and start feeling years younger too! Enjoy life more! Get up and start moving - getting some exercise every day! The more vigorous the better! If you want to lose weight and keep it off - you simply have to burn more calories! No magic mystery pills - no weird science - just good, old fashioned exercise - any way you like!

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