Monday, August 31, 2009

Save Money - Lose the Belly

In the United States where healthy foods are abundant and often inexpensive, an alarming health trend is taking shape. And it's not a pretty picture. Obesity is a growing trend in the good old USA. And along with it - a long list of related health care issues.

The cost of health care for obese people is eating up an ever larger slice of health care spending in the USA. Health care costs are spiraling out of control - due in part to the growing waistlines of far too many!

The good news is this is a trend we can reverse and prevent from rearing it's ugly face again. For decades smart people in and outside of the health care industry have suggested that one way to keep health care spending down is with proactive, preventive care. If we lead healthy lifestyles we tend to spend far less on health care. If we prevent illness - we don't have to spend our hard earned money to treat it!

A majority of the people ( about 60% ) who have heart disease or diabetes are considered obese.

Do you want to avoid expensive medical procedures - like heart surgery? Would you like to avoid the ongoing costs of insulin and diabetes care?

The answer is quite simple. If your waistline has tended to increase over the years - nip it in the bud! Get up and start getting more physically active. Not only will you help ward off serious health problems as you grow older, you'll enjoy the many benefits of better health and fitness!

Benefits like more energy and zest for life. A better attitude and greater self esteem. More fun and a better sex life. And one big benefit that can last a lifetime - saving money! Healthy people spend far less money on health care over their lifetimes!

Its never too late to adopt healthy habits. Start eating healthy foods and getting some exercise most days of the week. If you've been inactive or out of shape for a while - start today! Start getting in shape fast! If you've added a few inches around the old waistline - the best way to lose belly fat is with good old fashioned exercise.

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