Saturday, August 8, 2009

Exercise, Build Muscles and Lose Weight Fast

Getting in shape and staying fit is vital to a long and healthy life! Exercise and a healthy diet are essential to losing weight and keeping the excess weight off for good. The Good news is you can exercise and lose weight fast!

Exercise or some form of physical activity not only helps build and preserve healthy muscles! Exercise does wonders for your mood! If you want to live longer and enjoy life more - get some exercise most days of the week! To really give your fitness level a boost you might try working out with weights.

Here's a few tips to help you get started -

1. If you're new to weight training - you might enjoy the advice of a qualified trainer. Or -at the very least ask someone who work out regularly. They can offer some great tips on form and working the basic muscle groups.

2. Always give your muscles a day of rest after working with weights! Most fitness experts suggest strength training two to three times a week with at least one day of rest between workouts if you're working the same muscles at each session.

3. Do one exercise for each major muscle group and two or three sets of eight to 10 repetitions. You might try 8 - 10 reps on the bench press and then move to the bicep curls. Find a rotation you can feel comfortable with. Push yourself - and not too hard. Arnold Schwartzenegger didn't build his muscles in one week. Don't go for too much weight too soon!

4. Some experts recommend you take your time - lift the weight slowly to a count of four and then lower to a count of four. This approach reduces your chance of injury.

5. Focus on the muscle your working. Never use other muscles to compensate. You should only be moving the muscle you're supposed to be moving!

6. Tighten your abdominal muscles to help strengthen your core and lower back.

7. Once you get comfortable lifting a certain weight you might increase the number of reps for better tone. If you want bigger, stronger muscles - gradually increase the amount of weight you lift.

8. Stretch your muscles before and after every workout. Stretching helps your muscles stay flexible. Try yoga or pilates to help maintain healthy, flexible muscles!

Building muscles and strength will add an extra boost to your calorie burn! You'll soon feel more energy and enjoy a more toned and healthy body shape! If you're still wanting to lose some weight - add weight training or some kind of resistance training to your schedule and watch your fitness level soar! Exercise frequently and build muscles to lose weight fast - and keep it off!

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