Wednesday, August 5, 2009

That Dang Washing Machine shrunk my Jeans

Are your clothes feeling a little more snug than when you first bought them? Those darn high tech washing machines and dryers on the market today are notorious for shrinking many an outfit or favorite pair of jeans!

Well, the good news is - You won't have to hire a personal trainer or starve yourself to enjoy a slimmer waistline! The secret to a slimmer waist and flatter stomach is found in how you exercise! Vigorous aerobic exercise will help you burn more calories – and get rid of belly fat faster than any diet pill or wonder drug available only on ….

You can lose weight fast and shed those unwanted inches with a healthy dose of daily exercise. For the best results try a variety of aerobic workouts – from jogging to swimming or rowing. Growing numbers of slim and trim fitness lovers have discovered the convenience of working out right at home. Using their exercise bikes, treadmills, ellipticals and rowing machines – they burn more calories without even leaving the house!

Start your day with a protein rich breakfast. Protein fuels your workouts and kick-starts your metabolism! A healthy breakfast keeps your energy up and helps prevent those wild swings in your sugar level that can leave you feeling drained or worse – give you the urge to pig out. There are many healthy options for getting some protein try an egg-white and veggie omelet or add some whey protein powder in with a fruit filled smoothie! Limit the amount of sugar at breakfast and load up on whole grains and protein instead! They will keep you feeling full longer.

Give your fat burners a real boost by alternating your pace during your regular aerobic workouts. Start at a normal pace then vary between moderate- and high-intensity cardio intervals. Run as fast as you can for a minute. Then back it off to a more moderate pace for 2 or 3 minutes. Repeat these quick bursts and more normal paced interval several times. You’ll burn more calories during and long after your workout!

Building muscles with resistance or strength training will help you sculpt a more toned body shape. For better results you might change the number of reps and the amount of weight you use between strength sessions. Do you want better looking arms and shoulders? Try bicep curls. Try a few sets of 10 or 12 reps with 10-pound weights on one day. Then two days later go for 20 reps using a slightly lighter weight! Always give yourself a day off between your working with weights.

Combining a variety of regular daily aerobic exercise with twice weekly weight or resistance training will help you sculpt a slimmer, body in a matter of weeks! If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of belly fat and build tighter abs – go for a healthy mix of cardio and muscle toning workouts! Keeping eating healthy foods and avoid the sugar based drinks and snacks. You can have a leaner, shapely body and a trimmer waistline without spending a small fortune on miracle drugs or surgery!

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