Friday, August 14, 2009

Heatlhy Eating Tips

According to the Center for Disease Control, Department of Health and Human Services, obesity is an epidemic in this country, among both adults and children. And it’s difficult to make changes; we live in an environment that encourages overeating. Portions have become much larger over the past couple of decades, and we’re bombarded with images of high-calorie, low nutrient food many times a day.

It’s hard to avoid images of food; even on a drive in the country you’re likely to encounter a billboard with a picture of a juicy hamburger. When was the last time you saw a billboard with images of beautiful ripe apples, or a colorful three-bean salad?

We have to be deliberate and purposeful if we want to enjoy a healthy diet! Here are a few tips for Healthy Eating

Little changes add up to big improvements over time. The following are some tips on adopting a better eating style for life:

* Plan ahead. Prepare or plan your meals at least a day ahead. Avoid eating on the run—impulsive food choices are more likely to be poor ones.
* Shop wisely. Don’t shop for groceries when you’re hungry— your impulses may override your good sense. Hit the outside aisles first. That’s where the vegetables and fruits —foods you want to emphasize—are usually found.
* Order carefully. In restaurants, look for foods that are broiled, grilled, baked, or steamed rather than fried. Ask to have dressings and sauces served on the side. If a dish is unfamiliar to you, ask the waiter to describe how it is prepared.
* Cook creatively. Cooking at home gives you more control over ingredients, cooking methods, and cost. Home cooking doesn’t have to be plain. Look at creating healthy, tasty meals as a challenge, not as a chore.
* Think positively. Eating right has a lot to do with attitude. If you succumb to temptation once in a while, don’t panic. Just get back on track at your next meal.
* Involve others. Invite family and friends to share your nutritious meals. Any dining experience is more fun when it’s enjoyed with good company.

Sometimes all it takes is a quick switch to lower the calories and add a new twist to the flavor of an old favorite. Here are some ideas for savvy substituting:

* Broil, grill, roast, steam, stew, stir-fry rather than fry.
* Use two egg whites in place of one whole egg in most baked goods.
* Add spices (e.g., cinnamon) to sweet baked goods to enhance the flavor when you reduce sugar.
* Flavor cooked vegetables with lemon juice, flavored vinegars, and herbs instead of fat and salt.
* Substitute lowfat yogurt for mayonnaise or sour cream in dips and dressings
* Serve fresh, baked, or broiled fruits for dessert in place of rich sweets.
* Drink sparkling water with a lemon slice or fruit juice mixed with sparking water instead of soft drinks.

It just makes good sense to eat the best diet you can. The effort it takes to make wise food choices can result in big rewards - like better health and fitness!

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