Saturday, August 29, 2009

Enjoy Life More

Study after study has conclusively shown that keeping active—whether through sports, exercise, or everyday chores—will help you to live longer and enjoy each day more. Active people have a reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. They generally have a more positive outlook on life and the energy to get things done and make things happen. Sounds like a pretty good return on an investment of just 30 minutes a day.

Have you been thinking about changing some aspects of your life? Here’s a quick self-assessment to help you think about which aspects of your life you want to improve: Are you physically active for 30 minutes every day? Do you exercise vigorously at least three times a week, for a minimum of 20 minutes? Do you regularly exercise to increase your strength and flexibility?

Do you smoke? Do you have more than a couple of drinks of alcohol a week? Do you take other drugs or medicine on a regular basis? Is your weight what it should be?

Do you eat a well-balanced diet? Are you able to cope with day-to-day stress? Can you deal with big emotional problems—or do you eat, drink, or take drugs to relieve stress when troubles arise?

The answers to these questions indicate that the lifestyle of many of us isn’t up to
par. If you see your lifestyle lacking in any of these areas - make a fitness plan and start today! Don't delay! You deserve to enjoy life more and have more energy!

An active lifestyle improves your health and decreases your risk of premature health problems. Total fitness includes mental, social, and physical components; however, this book will focus on physical fitness. Contrary to what many people believe, physical fitness isn’t just about being muscular or maintaining a low body weight. It’s also about aerobic fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Life is too short. Don't you owe it to yourself to enjoy your all too brief lifetime as much as possible? You don't need any expensive health club memberships or fancy-pants high-tech gear. ( Although millions of healthy fitness lovers enjoy the convenience of having home fitness equipment and their own mini-health clubs. )

You can look and feel years younger when you get up and get active. Get some form of exercise - whatever pleases you - every day! For better results - try several hours of vigorous aerobic exercise each week. If you still want to drop a few pounds this year - no worries. The quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off - is with plenty of good old fashioned sweat and exercise. Start eating healthy foods and give your body the healthy nutrients it needs to fuel your workouts and help you drop those extra few pounds!

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