Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Never Quit

In college I had a really tough accounting class one semester. Our instructor seemed nearly as old as those hallowed halls of the original building on our peaceful little campus. It was a grand architectural tribute to generations long past. Yes, that old brick and stone masterpiece had stood tall on the prairie for over a century!

When the going got tough – the demands of work, family, and friends on my time seemed to leave little for study and the endless barrage of assignments good old Professor Williams piled on us. So, I chose what I thought was the easy solution. I dropped the class and avoided what appeared to be an inevitable C – or even worse. Well, I avoided the C and was forced to take the class again the following year! Same professor. Same assignments.

The old saying about hindsight being perfect 20-20 vision sure holds true here. I had to use double the effort to arrive at the same goal – a decent grade in that class.

Sometimes our biggest challenge in the quest for just about any goal is staying the course – or sticking with it. Even the slightest obstacle can – at times – seem overwhelming or insurmountable. Keep your enthusiasm – keep it fun. Try new sports or workouts. If you stop seeing results or seem to have reached a plateau in your weight loss or fitness journey – don’t dismay. Many – just like you and I – have encountered these same challenges.

Quitting is easy.

And it’s not always the best answer.

When the temperature outside is in the upper 90s and you’re already worn out from another tough day chasing the children or at whatever your job requires – we all get tempted to quit and just rest.

Better fitness and health don’t happen when we just sit there. Avoid and overcome the urge to quit. Keep moving in the direction of your fitness goals. If its too hot outside – put in a funny DVD and laugh to your heart’s content while you exercise indoors. A few – often inexpensive – pieces of home fitness equipment will help you burn those calories and develop healthy muscles without enduring the Summer’s relentless heat!

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