Saturday, August 1, 2009

Save Money - Live Healthy

You don't need to go to the gym 5 times a week to be healthy. For instance, did you know that a 45 minute walk at a brisk pace - 3 to 4 miles an hour - can burn up to 300 calories? Even a few small changes in your daily routine - like parking further away, taking the stairs, and playing active games with your kids - can start you on the path to an active, healthy life!

Start today! Try to work activity into your daily routine by setting realistic goals. Activity doesn't have to take up a lot of time in your day. Many people find that they can significantly increase their activity just by taking a few small steps.

Be realistic about what you can do. Everyone is busy - find a way to devote some quality time to yourself and your health! Maybe you haven't been active in quite a while. Start slow and gradually build your endurance. If you set your sights too high you might give up too soon. Any step - even small ones - in the direction of your goal for better health and fitness is a good step!

Write down your goal and give yourself a target date - like one month - to accomplish that goal. The timeframe is very important - without it, you may lose momentum, and you won't know whether you've been successful. Build yourself up to 10 or 15 minute sessions several times a day! You're on your way to achieving your goal. By setting goals, meeting them, and then setting slightly higher goals, you will eventually exceed your own expectations about what you can do!

Try a variety of healthy pursuits - whether it's walking, playing with the kids, swimming, or another activity that you enjoy! If you have a choice between walking or driving, choose walking - going up the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking further away from the store. Or walk the kids home from school or day care.

Strength training is an excellent way for you to get the recommended minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Strength training will help you burn extra calories, build strong muscles, bones, and joints, and improve your level of physical fitness!

You don't need to spend a fortune at the health club. Keep it simple - Buy some simple home fitness equipment and save your money every month!

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