Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Staying Motivated

Well, January is in the record books. The Super bowl is over. Winter is here in full force. Are you ready to make this your best year ever?

Here are just a few steps to think about and hopefully help you to your best year(s) ever!

1. Decide to be Happy. Ignore and forget the inevitable stuff that gets in your way. Put those negative thoughts and feelings aside as soon as you start to experience them. Turn them into a positive. Find something better - or more pleasant - to focus on! You're in control. Decide to choose a happier life!

2. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise - of your choosing - every day. Even if it's just a nice walk with your favorite loved one(s). Want to lose some weight, enjoy life more or achieve a better level of fitness? Kick it up to 45 minutes a day!

3. Turn off the TV for 30 minutes every day and read something positive. Or go to bed a little earlier and get a great night's sleep! The point is - enjoy that TV a little less and all that life has to offer a little more. You can always hear about the news tomorrow - or who won the latest round of your favorite talent show!

4. Get outside - connect with nature. Breathe in some of that fresh air and contemplate the all the beauty nature has to offer!

5. Choose to eat healthy foods. Enough said. You know!

6. Set reasonable goals - and write them down. Experts suggest that written goals - have a better chance. While you're at it write down the steps you plan to take in order to reach those written goals.

7. Evaluate your progress and decide to adapt your goals or the steps you need to take to reach them. Take a few minutes each evening to decide what your priorities are for the following day. Every weekend or so - take an honest look at where you are. What's working and what maybe isn't worling so well?

8. Enjoy the Journey. Share some time with those you love. Or find someone new to enjoy this great life with. Try something new. Pick up a new sport or pasttime. Get out there and enjoy life. Life is short - don't we owe to ourselves to make the most of this brief time we have?

9. Forgive yourself if you falter. Everyone who accomplishes anything meaningful has to overcome obstacles. If you fall down or fail. No Worries! Get back up! Persist!

10. Laugh more! Find something funny to read or watch on the tube. What have you got to lose? Except that frown on your face or the worrisome thought which get in everyone's way from time to time! Take the advice of that master songwriter back in the 80s - Don't Worry - Be Happy!

And just 1 final thought - or bonus step. Learn to Love yourself and share your love with as many others as you can. Practice random acts of kindness as often as you can. Share your Love.

And Have Your Best Year Ever!

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