Monday, December 30, 2013

A Healthy and Happy New Year

As we prepare to bid good-bye to another year, perhaps now is a good time to set your sights on a Healthy and Happy New Year.

If better health and fitness are on your list of goals - try some of the exercises in the video above.

Want to lose weight and feel better about yourself?

Health enthusiasts around the globe enjoy running several days a week. It gives them time to themselves, boosts their energy, and helps ward off stress. All you really need to get started on a healthy jogging program is a good pair of running shoes. If you haven’t jogged in years, start slow. Ease yourself into the habit by starting with a brisk paced walk. After you’ve warmed up, jog slowly for a minute or two, and then return to walking for another few minutes. Gradually cut your walking time and increase your jogging time by a minute or two. Eventually you’ll feel comfortable jogging for 20 to 30 minutes straight.

Take your time and don’t overdo it in the early going. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to injury. At first you might want to go three times per week. As you gradually increase your endurance and build muscles you can safely add another day or two to your weekly schedule. Give your body the rest it needs and always stretch before and after your run. Many runners like to walk for 10 minutes after their run to cool down while they enjoy the natural high running produces. Once you get started on the habit of running, you may not want to quit!

Whatever choices you make - Here's to your Healthy and Happy New Year!

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