Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Balance Your Workouts

Total-body exercise burns more calories and also causes a greater release of muscle-building hormones. A well balanced schedule of workouts will result in better overall health!

Focus on a good cardio workout during one session. Then do strength training in another, and flexibility in a third. Continue mixing up your workouts - giving your muscles a variety. As a plus - you'll be less likely to get get bored with your routine.

Variation is vital to keeping you from getting bored and always working the same muscles. Many fitness lovers enjoy cross training to help keep boredom at bay and achieve better whole body workouts!

Strength training is a great way to sculpt a slimmer and more muscular physique. Many fitness enthusiasts have discovered another way to be sleek and strong. They've learned Pilates and love it. Many fitness experts believe that this workout can help you develop long, strong muscles, a flat stomach, a strong back, and improved posture. And like working out with weights, Pilates can strengthen those crucial connective tissues ( your tendons and ligaments).

Vary your workouts occasionally by trying different exercises or sports. Enjoy playing a variety of different sports! Choose different exercise routines and gradually build upon your exercise time and intensity. Give your body a variety of challenging thrills and make it fun! Your fitness efforts will seem much easier if you’re having fun. Enjoy your journey to better health and fitness!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Planning for Better Health and Fitness

One of the biggest secrets to healthy lifestyle success is to plan ahead. With just a few simple tips you can save time and cut some of the stress in your daily life. Plan for some exercise everyday. Or some kind of sport or physical activity.

If you want to lose some weight - plan to incorporate the 2 vital keys into your daily schedule. Make time for exercise. And stick to eating healthy foods!

Involve your family or loved ones. Enjoy your journey together! Keep meals simple! Foods that keep your family healthy can be fast and easy to prepare. Unless it’s a special occasion, keep cooking simple and involve kids or other family members.

Cook several main dishes when you have more time-like on weekends. Make soups, stews, or casseroles to freeze for the next week. Cook extra for later.

Do some tasks ahead. Washing and trimming vegetables, cooking noodles for a pasta salad or lean ground meat for tacos a few hours, or the day before, can save you lots of time during busy weekday evenings. Saving time in the evening enables you to have more time for exercise or active family fun! Take the dog for a brisk paced walk. Chase your kids around the school playground! Enjoy your extra time together!

Plan fun, and energizing activities for all family members to enjoy a couple times a week! For example, go on a family bike ride, plant a family garden, or pack a picnic meal to eat at the park and afterward go on a family hike. Plan (with your kids) fun activities for the whole family. Make a regular date to walk with friends or neighbors. Join a new activity group, like aerobics or yoga. Sign up for the company softball or basketball team.

Make time for physical activity by walking, jogging or swimming during your lunch hour or take fitness breaks instead of coffee breaks. Do something fun - and give your energy level a boost! Try jumping rope, some good old fashioned calisthenics, riding a stationary bike or other home fitness equipment while the kids are busy playing, at school or sleeping.

Plan ahead. Make active time part of your daily or weekly routine and write it on your calendar! Invite a close friend or family member to join you in the activity. Sharing the experience with someone will make it more enjoyable and you can keep each other motivated.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Better Quality of Life

A bit of daily exercise will not only help you lose weight and enjoy life more. It very well may help you live longer too!

According to the American Psychological Association over 50 million Americans live largely sedentary lives, putting them at increased risk of health problems and possibly even shorter lifespans. In a long term study of more than 40,000 adults, 16 percent of deaths were directly related to sedentary living. This percentage did not include deaths complicated by other illnesses such as obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, or diabetes. The bottom line: lack of exercise was to blame.

Men who did just moderate levels of exercise lived, on average, up to six years longer than their sedentary peers. A study of over 14,000 women showed that active women were 55 percent less likely to die of breast cancer than women who chose not to exercise and stay in good shape.

The facts are clear - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!

For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobic exercise. If your program is balanced enough, you wont have to be concerned about developing over exaggerated muscles.

If you think lifting weights is just for pumped-up hard-bodies who flex their pecs in public, think again. Building muscle benefits everyone! Women and Men - at any age. In fact, older people may have the most to gain from weight or resistance training, because strength is so crucial to functioning independently.

And keep eating healthy foods - in moderation! An extra slice of bread or one extra soft drink a day – or any other food that contains approximately 100 calories – can add up to ten extra pounds in a year if the amount of physical activity you do does not increase. If losing weight is one of your goals - Exercise more each day and start cutting calories. You can lose excess weight in the most efficient and lasting way.

If you want a slimmer, sexier looking body - the best way to lose belly fat is with plenty of good old fashioned exercise! You can exercise and lose weight fast!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Started Getting in Shape

Is it a realistic hope to get in better shape between now and the end of the year? Can you lose some of those extra pounds before Thanksgiving or Christmas? The answer is a resounding Yes you can. We can get with the program and lose those unsightly bulges. Trim that waist and work on slimmer thighs. You can firm up that butt. And strengthen those ab muscles.

A washboard stomach and Six-Pack abs may be wishful thinking ( or, in my case – totally out of the question ) between now and December. But you can lose some inches around your waist. You can shed some extra pounds before the new year arrives! Start today and you can be on the way to tighter abs and a much flatter stomach.

Yes, there is time to shed those unwanted extra pounds. Time to slim down and look real hot in that Christmas dress. Still time to get in shape and fit into that smaller size. Getting in shape fast is possible. You CAN have a healthier, sexier body!

The key is getting started. Right now! Don’t delay. Just do something to get rolling. And keep increasing your physical activity each day. Enjoy a better diet - eating healthy foods.

Start small – make healthy choices in your diet and exercise plan! Adopt just a few simple habits and you can enjoy a longer, healthier life. Take a few small steps each week and gradually increase your exercise time. Fit in some resistance training.

Start building muscle today and before long you will see a difference. A healthier outlook, a healthier body. More Energy and Stamina! Make the choice. You can be in better shape before the Holidays are upon us!

Are you ready to start getting in shape? Do you ever grow tired of just wishing you could have a more muscular body? Maybe you’re like many of us who just want to lose some weight and get in better shape before this year goes in the history books.

You can lose weight this year and tone your body at the same time. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym every week. Get outside and run or walk off those extra inches around your waistline. Then, tomorrow - walk or run a little farther! Start today! Start getting in better shape!

We all have to start somewhere! The simplest steps can eventually lead to great results. Start getting in shape fast by taking a walk. Yes, a nice, pleasureful, low-stress, relaxing walk. Burn some calories and let your mind wander. Catch up on your thoughts while you enjoy nature and start your journey to a fitter, leaner body!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight

If you want to lose more weight in less time add some weight resistance training to your weekly workouts. Try some kind of resistance workouts every other day. You'll lose more weight - and keep it off - when you supplement your daily aerobic workouts with weight training.

Strength training is crucial to weight loss. If you have more muscle mass - you will have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control.

Strength training, when combined with regular aerobic exercise, can also have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional health! Getting in shape fast leads you to feel better about about yourself. You’ll notice improved self esteem and a better attitude!

Scientists who study health and fitness have found that people with health concerns — including heart disease or arthritis — quite often benefit the most from an exercise program that includes weight training several times a week.

Whether you want to lose ten pounds or 110 – if you maintain a positive outlook, you’ll have a much better chance of achieving your goal. Visualize your success! If you think you can reach your goal – you most likely will. Henry Ford once said – “If you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right”.

Create a picture in your mind – a vision of you reaching that goal – visualize yourself wearing a smaller size before Christmas, or even Thanksgiving! Start eating healthy foods and stick to your exercise program. If your results aren't what you hoped for - try some new workouts. Try a new sport.

Enjoy the many benefits regular exercise and weight training provide. Do you have an extra room or some unused space in your basement? Turn that empty space into your very own fitness center. Get a top rated Elliptical Trainer and invest 30 minutes or so every day in you health!

The quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of vigorous aerobic exercise and weight resistance training!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Start Your Journey to a Better Life

Enjoying life more with more vitality and energy is a fact of life when you lead a healthy lifestyle! You can feel and look years younger when you start getting in shape. Just 30 minutes or so each day devoted to better fitness will lead on the journey to a better life!

There are really just a few pieces in the fitness pie. The primary building blocks are the endurance of your heart and lungs, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Other important health and fitness factors include your muscle-to-fat ratio (body composition), agility, your body's sense of balance, and reaction time.

The best fitness program addresses each of these fitness components:

aerobics for your heart and lungs

strength training for muscular strength and endurance

stretching for better flexibility

If all this sounds a little overwhelming - you're not alone. And once you get started taking a few simple steps towards better fitness each day you'll find all this quite easy. Even fun!

You don't have to join a gym or hire a personal trainer. Just do what you can every day and every bit you do gets you a little closer to your goal! Many find it helpful to start slowly, and build gradually. Daily commitment is a key. Once you commit yourself, the barriers to fitness will be easily surmountable, and the rewards of better living will be yours.

If you're thinking better fitness requires tons of time and grueling workout sessions, you're in for a pleasant surprise! You can start at any level that you find comfortable. Many healthy people stay slim and trim just walking for 45 minutes a day and eating healthy foods!

Knowing where you stand will help you design a program that meets your needs and fits into your schedule! Don't over do it at first or you risk injury or frustration. Take your time and enjoy the journey!

Being successful at fitness requires the ability to adapt. Don't outline a program and then etch it in stone. Assess your progress each week or so and make modifications as you see fit. Keeping track of your progress will not only keep you focused on your goal, but can help keep you motivated, as you witness how far you've come. Then you can reward yourself for a job well done!

Why not start today! Eat some healthy foods. Get in a little exercise. Write down a few goals to help you get started. Then start your journey! You can enjoy life more and feel years younger! Start getting in shape fast!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How to Build Self Esteem

Do you ever find yourself wishing you were better at life? That you could be more like someone you admire? More like that girl or guy down the street who "has it made".

Do you ever wish you were more cool? More at ease? Maybe you'd like to have more confidence in yourself - like those other people who appear to always be calm cool and able to handle anything life throws at them.

One ingredient to better self esteem and greater self confidence is your health. If you strive to attain better health and fitness, you will start seeing an improvement in your self esteem. Your self confidence will begin to grow. Not only will you feel better physically, you'll soon notice a greater sense of accomplishment and self worth.

If you are feeling a little blue or just plain down in the dumps one of the best actions you can take is get outside and exercise in the fresh air. Nature has a certain calming effect on us. It soothes your soul! And exercise will kick in some chemical reactions in your brain that give your spirits a real boost.

Why not start today? Set a goal for yourself to make one little step towards a new and better life. Write it down. I don't know why - but they say if you write your goals down you are far more likely to achieve them. Make it a simple goal to start with. "I will enjoy life a little more each day with a 30 minute walk in the park".

Then do it! Take action! When you accomplish your new goal - you are on the road to better self esteem. You can reach goals! You can enjoy life more. Keep it simple at first. Reach your new goal. Then set new ones. Lift the bar a little. " I will ride my bike for five miles three times a week" ( Or whatever you think you'll like. ) Set yourself up for success. Reach a little and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

Do you have a journal? Write down not only your goals but how you feel when you achieve them. Make little entry each day before and after your exercise time. Take a little time for you each day. Capture your thoughts and feelings. Some people even write down everything they eat! And how they feel.

You can build self esteem - exercise a little each day! Exercise and your mental health are closely related.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Give our Children the Gift of Better Health

In the last 30 years, the percentage of children who are overweight has more than doubled, while rates among adolescents have more than tripled. The essential cause of the increase in overweight among children and adolescents is caloric imbalance, which results from inadequate physical activity, poor dietary choices, or both.

Most of our children spend 7 hours each weekday at school. The school setting offers multiple opportunities for students to enjoy physical activity outside of physical education class. A school-based physical activity program includes quality physical education, recess, and intramural sports.

Although some school districts have stopped offering it, most elementary schools continue to provide a daily recess period of at least 20 minutes. Numerous studies have shown that during recess, young people can burn off some that pent-up energy and stress from sitting in a classroom for hours on end. Daily recess periods can help rejuvenate our childrens focus and attention span.

Fitness has no age limits. The more we learn, the clearer it is: physical activity is vital to every stage of life.

Though young children seem to have boundless energy that makes them the envy of many adults, children today may be less fit than at any other time in history. One study showed that some 40 percent of U.S. children have at least one major risk factor for heart disease by the age of 12. Obesity and physical inactivity in children are linked to a host of health problems in later life.

Children benefit immensely from fitness activity, and there is evidence that habits formed early in life are likely to last throughout. Perhaps the best way to teach children the value of fitness is by example: kids who grow up in households with inactive adults are likely to be the same, and one of the biggest fitness motivators for any age is having physically active role models. Parents take note: by staying active you're not only keeping yourself fit and healthy, you're helping your kids live healthier, too.

How do we get started? Most of us need to take a simple approach: do something. The first step is just being more active even if its only a little. Start by walking; it can always be worked into your day. Anyone can do it any time, in almost any place, without any special equipment. The opportunities are plentiful: go for a walk after dinner instead of watching television; walk to work; walk to the store rather than driving; or take the dog or the kids for a long walk. A moderately brisk pace is preferable, but build up to it gradually.

Take some simple steps - today - towards better health and fitness for you and your children! Get a little exercise each day and start getting in shape fast!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rafa's Awesome Abs

The U.S. Open is in full swing this week. Each night the fans in New York City are treated to another few hours of incredible athletic performances. Tonight it's Rafa - tomorrow yet another awesome talent will grace the courts at the National Tennis Center.

Those of us watching at home miss some of that incomparable New York excitement - but we still get to see the same great tennis! Those young tennis pros are in the most incredible physical condition. Many of the top money makers have a staff of people they work with - their own coach and a trainer and maybe a strength coach. Awesome abs for these young athletes is the result of hours of sweating in the gym and on the court. They work hard and it shows.

The good news is we - us common tennis lovers - don't have to work quite as long or with the same intensity to enjoy playing our favorite sport! We can have a bunch of good clean fun playing at the local park or at a fancy-pants tennis club. Just give us a new can of balls and a friend to hit with!

And tennis helps you burn some major calories. Playing singles for an hour will leave you ready to enjoy a few cool ones in the shade or at your favorite pub. Have you ever seen a fat tennis player? They run around the court so much they can't possible keep any fat on their slim bodies!

You and I can have abs like Rafa - or slim, toned bodies like Maria or this new little teenager from Atlanta. All we have to do is get out every day ( or most days of the week ) and run off those calories. Whether you choose to run them off chasing a fuzzy little yellow ball or simply running around your neighborhood - you can stay slim and trim just like those young pros!

You and I don't have to spend six figures to hire a bunch of fitness trainers and hitting partners. We can just call up a friend or hit the pavement by ourselves! Tennis is great fun - for a lifetime - and you'll never have to worry about getting fat if you keep playing! Check out a local park or call the nearest tennis club and see if you like it.

Maybe you could take a lesson or get a tennis video to help you get started. Once you play a few times you just might find you've found a great way to have fun and stay fit. You might enjoy mixing it into your weekly fitness schedule for a nice, fun bit of variety!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Best Way to Lose That Belly Fat

Do you have a beer gut? Maybe you're lucky enough to have just a little extra something to grab onto in the old stomach area! You're not alone. And its not your fault. We all tend to add some extra padding in our belly once we leave college and enter the good old workforce! Do you ever wonder what is the best way to lose that belly that so mysteriously developed practically overnight?

Are you tired way too often? Ever wish you could have more zest for life? More energy and more fun? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what the $%&*# happened? Where did those wrinkles come from? And why are my pants getting tighter than they were last September? ( I still contend my washing machine has a built in "shrink" cycle! )

Well, take heart - there is good news for all of us who want to roll back the clock a little and regain some of that energy and vitality we all enjoyed in younger years! You can shed those unwanted pounds and that silly little extra bit of flab that seems to have emerged out of nowhere!

You can look younger and start feeling younger too! You can enjoy life more! Get up and start moving - getting some exercise every day! The more vigorous the better! If you want to lose weight and keep it off - you simply have to burn more calories! No magic pills - no voodoo science - just plain old exercise - in any form you like!

Try a new sport or two. Join a team - any team that sounds interesting or fun. What have you got to lose? except some weight maybe? The more the merrier!

Try a variety of healthy pursuits - whether it's walking, playing with the kids, swimming, or any sports that you enjoy! If you have a choice between walking or driving, choose walking - take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park further away from the store or the mall. Walk the kids home to and from school or day care.

You can lose a bunch of weight and have a blast while you're at it! Now is a great time to sign up for an indoor tennis league or basketball. Pitch in and help coach your child's team! And run the drills with them. Just try to keep up! Basketball gives you a great whole body workout! And you can enjoy it with your buds or your little ones!

Health experts agree - the best way to lose that belly fat is with good old fashioned exercise! ( And you'll want to stick to eating healthy foods while you're on this fitness journey! )

If you want to look years younger - now is the perfect time to take the first step towards a healthier, more energized lifestyle. Stop wondering how to lose that belly. Start walking. Starting playing more - exercising and eating healthy foods every day

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Choice to Exercise and Lose Weight Fast

Choice is almost uniquely human. We are today the result of the choices we've made in the past. Luckily we can choose to forget the bad or unfortunate decisions we've made and instead focus on today and beyond.

Make the choice for better health. Choose to start getting in shape - fast! And then take steps to accomplish your goal! Simple steps will get you rolling. Steps like a little exercise each day. Like cutting out useless calories. Choosing to start eating healthy foods and leading a more active, healthy lifestyle!

You don't need to lose ten pounds this week! In the quest for better health - over the long term - sometimes slow and steady is better! Proceed at your pace. Don't be swayed by miracle pills or hot looking TV models.

Decide where you want to be - in terms of your own health and fitness. Then start taking action!

Write down one goal. For example if you want a tighter, slimmer looking stomach - you might write " I will lose my belly fat and develop more toned abs." Give your self a realistic target date. ( Remember - almost every health professional will agree that losing about two pounds per week is safe and sustainable. )

Now - write down the steps you plan to take to reach your goal. Your action items might include walking two miles a day. Running three miles every other day. Eating more fiber and protein. Limiting white foods - like sugar and white breads. Eating more fruits and vegetables and less red meat.

If you have a belly and are wondering how to best lose your belly fat - you'll have to work it off! Diet alone will not get the job done! The best way to lose belly fat is with frequent aerobic exercise strength training which targets your core or abs area! Eating less sugar and other useless calories will surely help.

The bottom line is you'll really have to work it off! Once you get started you'll feel a difference! Benefits like more energy and stamina will soon convince you that you're on the right track! Your pants will soon be too big around the waist and in your butt! Your friends and family might catch you smiling more and getting stressed out far less!

Your spouse will notice a BIG difference in your romantic endeavors! ( You'll both see incredible increases in desire and pleasure! )

If you want a slimmer, sexier looking body - the best way to lose belly fat is with plenty of good old fashioned exercise! You can exercise and lose weight fast!

You can have a smaller waist and tighter abs. You can choose to enjoy eating healthy foods and drink more water! Simple changes produce amazing results!

And it all came about because you made a simple choice. Then acted upon your desires.

You really can achieve amazing results - if you choose to act! Why not start today? Make today the first of many new "best days ever"! Just a few simple changes will get you started!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Prevention is the best medicine

How did this happen? Roughly two thirds of the people in the USA are overweight. Go to any mall or food store or watch a public event on TV. Look at the people in the stands or walking around the mall. How many of them appear overweight? How many have a little ( or a lot ) extra belly going on?

If you want to avoid this alarming trend and all the potential harm weight gain brings with it - you need just a couple simple changes in your daily habits! Convince yourself to stick with eating healthy foods and getting some form of exercise every day! Stay committed to these healthy habits and you can lead a much healthier and probably a much happier life as well.

Fat has more than twice the calories as carbohydrates or protein. For too many of us eating high-fat foods is the quickest path to weight gain. Many fat-laden foods serve little purpose - other than clogging our arteries and perhaps giving us some short lived satisfaction. Is it any wonder obesity, heart disease and cancer are so widespread in the good old USA?

The choice is yours - decide to live better and enjoy life more.

If you are hoping to lose a few pounds this year - its not too late to get started! Take some simple steps - today - towards better health and fitness. Start getting in shape fast!

Better fitness isn’t just about being muscular or maintaining a low body weight. It's also about cardio fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance! If you've been out of the habit of exercising regularly - start slow. Gradually build your endurance and your muscle tone. You'll start to see improvements in a matter of weeks! And you'll start feeling more energy and less stress as well!

Pass by the fast-food drive-thru convenience habit and start enjoying healthy foods. Bring some family and friends along on your journey to better health and fitness. Share in the fun and the benefits together! Make eating healthy a family effort. Enlist your loved ones to help your prepare and then enjoy healthy meals together!

And then take out for some invigorating exercise. Do whatever you like - just do something! Walking is a great place to start. Or riding a bike! Try a new sport together! The weather this time of year is almost ideal for playing tennis or basketball outdoors! It doesn't matter what you play - the point is to have fun! Enjoy your journey to better health!

The benefits of living a healthy lifestyle are clear and lasting! Guard your fitness time and your health! Remember that old saying - "prevention is the best medicine"!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Start Getting in Shape Today!

Many of us have tried to eat healthier or be more physically active at some point in their lives. Why, then, do many of us eat high-fat and high-calorie foods and have such a hard time fitting in exercise? You may be wondering: is it even possible to change your habits?

The answer is yes! Change is always possible, and a person is never too out-of-shape, overweight, or old to make healthy changes.

Here are a few strategies to help you improve your eating and physical activity habits. Whether you feel like change is a world away or just around the corner, the information here can help you get started.

Remember that it is best to move at your own pace. Begin thinking of ways to get past your drawbacks. Your solutions do not need to be perfect, but you need to believe that there are ways to overcome your barriers, no matter how difficult they may seem.

Think about how the benefits of physical activity or healthy eating might relate to your personal life. For example, suppose your blood pressure is a bit high and you have a parent, sister, or brother who has heart disease. This means you are at risk of developing heart disease too. You may find that it is easier to work out and eat healthy knowing that it may help you live a life free of heart disease. In this way your efforts may mean more to you.

A few ways to prepare yourself:

* Make time.
* Ask friends and family for support.
* Develop a plan.
* Set small goals and rewards.

Once you start making changes, track your progress in your own physical activity log and healthy living journal. Write down everything - what you eat, details of your workout and how you feel. This can help you identify your strengths, spot areas where you can improve, and stay on course. You need to record not only what you did, but how you felt while doing it—your feelings can play a role in our habits. You'll very soon start seeing a positive trend!

Set rewards to stay motivated. Ideas include new workout gear, a hot bath, a new hobby, or a new book. While you should be proud of your progress, keep in mind that a high-calorie treat or a day off from your exercise routine are not the best rewards. If negative thoughts creep in, remind yourself how much good you are doing for your health by eating healthy foods and getting in shape.