Friday, September 25, 2009

A Better Quality of Life

A bit of daily exercise will not only help you lose weight and enjoy life more. It very well may help you live longer too!

According to the American Psychological Association over 50 million Americans live largely sedentary lives, putting them at increased risk of health problems and possibly even shorter lifespans. In a long term study of more than 40,000 adults, 16 percent of deaths were directly related to sedentary living. This percentage did not include deaths complicated by other illnesses such as obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, or diabetes. The bottom line: lack of exercise was to blame.

Men who did just moderate levels of exercise lived, on average, up to six years longer than their sedentary peers. A study of over 14,000 women showed that active women were 55 percent less likely to die of breast cancer than women who chose not to exercise and stay in good shape.

The facts are clear - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!

For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobic exercise. If your program is balanced enough, you wont have to be concerned about developing over exaggerated muscles.

If you think lifting weights is just for pumped-up hard-bodies who flex their pecs in public, think again. Building muscle benefits everyone! Women and Men - at any age. In fact, older people may have the most to gain from weight or resistance training, because strength is so crucial to functioning independently.

And keep eating healthy foods - in moderation! An extra slice of bread or one extra soft drink a day – or any other food that contains approximately 100 calories – can add up to ten extra pounds in a year if the amount of physical activity you do does not increase. If losing weight is one of your goals - Exercise more each day and start cutting calories. You can lose excess weight in the most efficient and lasting way.

If you want a slimmer, sexier looking body - the best way to lose belly fat is with plenty of good old fashioned exercise! You can exercise and lose weight fast!

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