Monday, September 7, 2009

The Choice to Exercise and Lose Weight Fast

Choice is almost uniquely human. We are today the result of the choices we've made in the past. Luckily we can choose to forget the bad or unfortunate decisions we've made and instead focus on today and beyond.

Make the choice for better health. Choose to start getting in shape - fast! And then take steps to accomplish your goal! Simple steps will get you rolling. Steps like a little exercise each day. Like cutting out useless calories. Choosing to start eating healthy foods and leading a more active, healthy lifestyle!

You don't need to lose ten pounds this week! In the quest for better health - over the long term - sometimes slow and steady is better! Proceed at your pace. Don't be swayed by miracle pills or hot looking TV models.

Decide where you want to be - in terms of your own health and fitness. Then start taking action!

Write down one goal. For example if you want a tighter, slimmer looking stomach - you might write " I will lose my belly fat and develop more toned abs." Give your self a realistic target date. ( Remember - almost every health professional will agree that losing about two pounds per week is safe and sustainable. )

Now - write down the steps you plan to take to reach your goal. Your action items might include walking two miles a day. Running three miles every other day. Eating more fiber and protein. Limiting white foods - like sugar and white breads. Eating more fruits and vegetables and less red meat.

If you have a belly and are wondering how to best lose your belly fat - you'll have to work it off! Diet alone will not get the job done! The best way to lose belly fat is with frequent aerobic exercise strength training which targets your core or abs area! Eating less sugar and other useless calories will surely help.

The bottom line is you'll really have to work it off! Once you get started you'll feel a difference! Benefits like more energy and stamina will soon convince you that you're on the right track! Your pants will soon be too big around the waist and in your butt! Your friends and family might catch you smiling more and getting stressed out far less!

Your spouse will notice a BIG difference in your romantic endeavors! ( You'll both see incredible increases in desire and pleasure! )

If you want a slimmer, sexier looking body - the best way to lose belly fat is with plenty of good old fashioned exercise! You can exercise and lose weight fast!

You can have a smaller waist and tighter abs. You can choose to enjoy eating healthy foods and drink more water! Simple changes produce amazing results!

And it all came about because you made a simple choice. Then acted upon your desires.

You really can achieve amazing results - if you choose to act! Why not start today? Make today the first of many new "best days ever"! Just a few simple changes will get you started!

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