Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Best Way to Lose That Belly Fat

Do you have a beer gut? Maybe you're lucky enough to have just a little extra something to grab onto in the old stomach area! You're not alone. And its not your fault. We all tend to add some extra padding in our belly once we leave college and enter the good old workforce! Do you ever wonder what is the best way to lose that belly that so mysteriously developed practically overnight?

Are you tired way too often? Ever wish you could have more zest for life? More energy and more fun? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what the $%&*# happened? Where did those wrinkles come from? And why are my pants getting tighter than they were last September? ( I still contend my washing machine has a built in "shrink" cycle! )

Well, take heart - there is good news for all of us who want to roll back the clock a little and regain some of that energy and vitality we all enjoyed in younger years! You can shed those unwanted pounds and that silly little extra bit of flab that seems to have emerged out of nowhere!

You can look younger and start feeling younger too! You can enjoy life more! Get up and start moving - getting some exercise every day! The more vigorous the better! If you want to lose weight and keep it off - you simply have to burn more calories! No magic pills - no voodoo science - just plain old exercise - in any form you like!

Try a new sport or two. Join a team - any team that sounds interesting or fun. What have you got to lose? except some weight maybe? The more the merrier!

Try a variety of healthy pursuits - whether it's walking, playing with the kids, swimming, or any sports that you enjoy! If you have a choice between walking or driving, choose walking - take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park further away from the store or the mall. Walk the kids home to and from school or day care.

You can lose a bunch of weight and have a blast while you're at it! Now is a great time to sign up for an indoor tennis league or basketball. Pitch in and help coach your child's team! And run the drills with them. Just try to keep up! Basketball gives you a great whole body workout! And you can enjoy it with your buds or your little ones!

Health experts agree - the best way to lose that belly fat is with good old fashioned exercise! ( And you'll want to stick to eating healthy foods while you're on this fitness journey! )

If you want to look years younger - now is the perfect time to take the first step towards a healthier, more energized lifestyle. Stop wondering how to lose that belly. Start walking. Starting playing more - exercising and eating healthy foods every day

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