Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Started Getting in Shape

Is it a realistic hope to get in better shape between now and the end of the year? Can you lose some of those extra pounds before Thanksgiving or Christmas? The answer is a resounding Yes you can. We can get with the program and lose those unsightly bulges. Trim that waist and work on slimmer thighs. You can firm up that butt. And strengthen those ab muscles.

A washboard stomach and Six-Pack abs may be wishful thinking ( or, in my case – totally out of the question ) between now and December. But you can lose some inches around your waist. You can shed some extra pounds before the new year arrives! Start today and you can be on the way to tighter abs and a much flatter stomach.

Yes, there is time to shed those unwanted extra pounds. Time to slim down and look real hot in that Christmas dress. Still time to get in shape and fit into that smaller size. Getting in shape fast is possible. You CAN have a healthier, sexier body!

The key is getting started. Right now! Don’t delay. Just do something to get rolling. And keep increasing your physical activity each day. Enjoy a better diet - eating healthy foods.

Start small – make healthy choices in your diet and exercise plan! Adopt just a few simple habits and you can enjoy a longer, healthier life. Take a few small steps each week and gradually increase your exercise time. Fit in some resistance training.

Start building muscle today and before long you will see a difference. A healthier outlook, a healthier body. More Energy and Stamina! Make the choice. You can be in better shape before the Holidays are upon us!

Are you ready to start getting in shape? Do you ever grow tired of just wishing you could have a more muscular body? Maybe you’re like many of us who just want to lose some weight and get in better shape before this year goes in the history books.

You can lose weight this year and tone your body at the same time. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym every week. Get outside and run or walk off those extra inches around your waistline. Then, tomorrow - walk or run a little farther! Start today! Start getting in better shape!

We all have to start somewhere! The simplest steps can eventually lead to great results. Start getting in shape fast by taking a walk. Yes, a nice, pleasureful, low-stress, relaxing walk. Burn some calories and let your mind wander. Catch up on your thoughts while you enjoy nature and start your journey to a fitter, leaner body!

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