Thursday, September 17, 2009

Start Your Journey to a Better Life

Enjoying life more with more vitality and energy is a fact of life when you lead a healthy lifestyle! You can feel and look years younger when you start getting in shape. Just 30 minutes or so each day devoted to better fitness will lead on the journey to a better life!

There are really just a few pieces in the fitness pie. The primary building blocks are the endurance of your heart and lungs, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Other important health and fitness factors include your muscle-to-fat ratio (body composition), agility, your body's sense of balance, and reaction time.

The best fitness program addresses each of these fitness components:

aerobics for your heart and lungs

strength training for muscular strength and endurance

stretching for better flexibility

If all this sounds a little overwhelming - you're not alone. And once you get started taking a few simple steps towards better fitness each day you'll find all this quite easy. Even fun!

You don't have to join a gym or hire a personal trainer. Just do what you can every day and every bit you do gets you a little closer to your goal! Many find it helpful to start slowly, and build gradually. Daily commitment is a key. Once you commit yourself, the barriers to fitness will be easily surmountable, and the rewards of better living will be yours.

If you're thinking better fitness requires tons of time and grueling workout sessions, you're in for a pleasant surprise! You can start at any level that you find comfortable. Many healthy people stay slim and trim just walking for 45 minutes a day and eating healthy foods!

Knowing where you stand will help you design a program that meets your needs and fits into your schedule! Don't over do it at first or you risk injury or frustration. Take your time and enjoy the journey!

Being successful at fitness requires the ability to adapt. Don't outline a program and then etch it in stone. Assess your progress each week or so and make modifications as you see fit. Keeping track of your progress will not only keep you focused on your goal, but can help keep you motivated, as you witness how far you've come. Then you can reward yourself for a job well done!

Why not start today! Eat some healthy foods. Get in a little exercise. Write down a few goals to help you get started. Then start your journey! You can enjoy life more and feel years younger! Start getting in shape fast!

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