Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blast Away Fat before Spring Break

 Can you see yourself in slimmer, toned and tighter looking body shape when you head south for Spring Break? Do you want to lose some of those extra pounds so many of us are carrying around? Blast those fat cells and burn a bunch of calories in just minutes a day. Check out this great fat burner interval training -

Set aside a regular exercise time. Whether this means joining an exercise class or getting up a little earlier every day, make time for this addition to your routine and don’t let anything get in your way. Planning ahead will help you avoid or eliminate interruptions in your workout schedule, such as bad weather.

Vary your exercise program. There is no single best exercise. Variety often results in overall better health and conditioning.

Keep eating healthy foods. Try to get more protein from natural sources. Cut back on wasted calories - soda, and the drive-thru fat lane... Drink plenty of water and get more sleep. After all, your muscles need that quality sleep time. Your body will thank you!

If your wanting to lose a few pounds this Year ( or quite a few ) the quickest way to lasting weight loss is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise! Watch what you eat and stick with your exercise plan and you will start seeing results in a matter of weeks! Look great at the beach this Spring Break! You'll have more fun and feel great in your new, slimmer body shape.

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