Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lose Weight Faster

Are you tired of fast food? Sure - its fast and often convenient. And, do you ever find yourself wondering about the quality of that cheap burger and fries? What are those chicken nuggets really made of? How many sodas do you drink each day? What about those empty calories so many of us enjoy every time we hoist a few brews after another long day? ( Don't get me wrong - we all know the value of a beer or two and the health benefits of a glass of wine are clear. )

You can exercise every day and - if you keep eating junk - you may not be getting the results you hoped for. Healthy bodies need healthy nutrients. Not the junk we've all brought home from the drive up window at your favorite fast-food eatery.

Eating healthy foods you prepare at home can save you money and give your muscles the healthy fuel they need to grow. Eating healthy can actually help you lose weight faster. Kick start your metabolism with some protein early in the day.

You've heard that old saying - "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away." Well, numerous university studies have confirmed just that. Eating an apple every day can help reduce your fat and lower your cholesterol. Since most apple growers in the USA use chemical fertilizers and insecticides - your best bet is to buy organic.

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