Simple fitness ideas for getting in shape. Many healthy and happy fitness lovers have found they can exercise and lose weight fast. And keep those extra pounds off!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Cutting Calories is Easy This Summer
Summer is a great time to enjoy a variety of healthy foods - including an abundance of fresh, tasty fruits and vegetables! Check out the produce aisle at your local market or find a farmers market nearby and grab some of your favorite fruits and veggies! A plate that includes colorful vegetables is not just appealing to the eye. A wide variety of produce also provides your body with a number of health promoting benefits, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. It's important to eat a wide variety of colorful vegetables and fruits every day.
Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories, so substituting them for high-calorie foods can do wonders for your health and fitness. The abundance of Summer produce makes it easy to implement a calorie reduction strategy.
Compared to people who eat only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts — as part of a healthy diet — are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. These diseases include stroke, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and perhaps heart disease and high blood pressure.
If weight loss is one of your goals - create lower-calorie versions of some of your favorite dishes by substituting low-calorie fruits and vegetables in place of higher-calorie ingredients. The water and fiber in fruits and vegetables will add volume to your dishes, so you can eat the same amount of food with fewer calories. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories! Cutting calories is easier when you enjoy more fruits and vegetables every day!
There are many different ways to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Using more fruits and vegetables along with whole grains and lean meats, nuts, and beans is a safe and healthy strategy. The quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off is get plenty of exercise and keep eating healthy foods!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Do it for Your Family
Living a Healthy lifestyle can help you look ( and feel ) years younger! Life is too short - why not enjoy it as much as possible! Fitness and healthy habits are vital to leading a happier, more balanced life!
Other than the inevitable big setbacks we all are bound to encounter (like a death in the family), nothing ages your body quite like smoking. Quitting smoking is the single best thing you can do for your health. Do it for yourself - and your family!
One reason people smoke is that cigarettes helps them relax. Once you quit, you’ll need another avenue to help you cope with stress. Try walking for 45 minutes every day! Or listening to relaxing music, or take up yoga. If possible, avoid stressful situations during the first few weeks after you stop smoking.
Certain activities may boost your urge to smoke. Alcohol is one of the most common triggers, so try to drink less when you first quit. If coffee is a trigger, switch to tea for a few weeks. And if you usually smoke after meals, find something else to do instead, like brushing your teeth or chewing gum. Keep some celery sticks on hand - celery is great for you and has almost no calories!
Many ex smokers have found that when nicotine, a chemical in cigarette smoke, leaves your body, you may experience:
Short-term weight gain. The nicotine kept your body weight low, and when you quit smoking, your body returns to the weight it would have been had you never smoked.
You might gain 3 to 5 pounds due to water retention during the first week after quitting.
A need for fewer calories. After you stop smoking, you may use fewer calories than when you were smoking.
Not everyone gains weight when they stop smoking. On average, people who quit smoking gain only about 10 pounds. You are more likely to gain weight when you stop smoking if you have smoked for 10 to 20 years or smoked one or more packs of cigarettes a day. You can control your weight while you quit smoking by making healthy eating and physical activity a part of your life.
Becoming physically active is a healthy way to control your weight and take your mind off smoking. In one study, women who stopped smoking and added 45 minutes of walking a day gained less than 3 pounds. In addition to helping control your weight, exercise increases your energy, promotes self-confidence, improves your health, and may help relieve the stress and depression caused by the lack of nicotine in your body.
Once you’ve smoked your last cigarette, toss all of your ashtrays and lighters. Wash all your clothes that may still smell like smoke. Give your whole house the once over and clean your carpets, draperies, and upholstery. Use air fresheners to help rid your home of that familiar scent. Eliminate anything that reminds you of smoking.
Congratulate yourself. Celebrate! You are taking an important step to improve your life. The best reason to quit smoking is to live longer. It's a gift you can give yourself and your family! Read on for more on how to quit smoking!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Play Time
The benefits are clear. Scientists have studied the effects of better fitness and outdoor play time on our children. Their findings are nothing short of incredible:
Girls with a more natural view (trees, grass, shrubs) performed better on standardized performance measures of concentration compared to girls who looked at a more barren setting (buildings, dirt, or paved surfaces).
Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) had milder ADD symptoms after engaging in play outside versus playing inside. The “greener” the play setting (parks, farms, places with tall trees, grass, or natural water sources), the milder the symptoms.
Participation in frequent vigorous physical activity - like brisk walking, running, biking, and active outdoor playing is important for healthy growth and development among children and adolescents. There is strong evidence showing beneficial effects of physical activity on muscle strength and endurance, bone health and cardiovascular health.
A positive association has also been found between physical activity and improvements in concentration, memory, and classroom behavior.
So, what can we parents do?
Encourage daily physical activity or active physical education time that helps children learn new skills and is of at least moderate intensity. For the best results experts suggest our children enjoy at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week (preferably daily). Make it fun. Encourage them to explore nature in the local park. To run and jump rope. Get your child a bicycle. Encourage anything your children have fun doing.
Talk to your children's teachers and encourage them to promote outdoor activities. Provide access to the outdoors through unstructured play time. Perhaps they can conduct classroom lessons that incorporate the outdoors. Do all you can to keep your children safe. Find safe, child-friendly environments (such as, accessible playgrounds and roads that have sidewalks and crosswalks).
Help children and parents learn about the health and environmental benefits of choosing to walk or bike to school, work, or to run errands. Find routes that help make these choices easy and safe.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Save Your Money and Improve Your Health
As we entered the local Family Video one of the first signs we saw touted fitness videos for free! Yes - free! All kinds of videos offering various workouts. All free! Everything from Denise Austin to basic yoga.
Did you know that yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years? Today, you see lots of super stars and athletes practicing yoga, but it's a great activity for anyone! No matter what other activities you participate in, yoga can strengthen your abilities by increasing flexibility, staying power (endurance), and your ability to focus. The benefits from Yoga can be quite remarkable!
And all you need to get started is a free video! Or tag along with a friend to a local yoga class. Head out to the library for another source of free fitness videos!
YouTube has free videos covering just about every kind of exercise you might imagine. You don't need to spend a small fortune every year at the local fancy pants health club. ( Although, health clubs are great for meeting other fitness lovers and you can usually get some great advice and tips from others at the gym! )
Invest in some simple fitness gear - a good pair of running shoes, and an exercise mat. Add a few small hand weights and a jump rope. Get a good sturdy exercise ball. If you want to really burn massive calories - invest a good rowing machine or an elliptical trainer. You can burn some serious calories right at home with just a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment! Put a favorite funny video in the video player and laugh away your cares while you enjoy the road to better fitness! Why not have some fun while you're building those ab muscles and sculpting that tighter tummy?
If the weather permits - dust off your bicycle - or find an inexpensive used bike and head out for an evening journey to better fitness! You can goes as fast as you dare and really kick in the fat burners - or just cruise and enjoy the scenery! For the best results - mix in some brief bursts of speed every few minutes or so. You'll give metabolism a boost and burn even more calories for hours after your ride!
The possibilities are nearly endless. Enjoy your journey to better health and fitness while you save your money!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Try Low Impact Exercise
Do you ever feel pain in your knees after running even a short distance? Nagging knee injuries can sometimes seem to only get worse the more we workout and the older we get. Save your knees - try low impact exercise!
Low impact exercise options give us plenty of ways to get in shape and lose weight – all without placing too much stress on our knees and ankles. Save your knees – take advantage of a low impact exercise program! Some easy ideas:
Go for a nice bike ride. It’s that easy to reap the benefits of moderate endurance exercise. Each time you go for a ride, simply travel a little farther. As the weeks pass, gradually increase the pace, or speed, of your adventures. Try to ride on hilly roads for even greater results. Slip in some really fast bursts of speed and you'll burn even more calories!
Lots of people love swimming or water aerobics. Sign up for a water aerobics class at the local pool or YMCA. Water is great for reducing the pressure on your key joints. And you can get a vigorous, muscle building workout in the water! Aerobic workouts in the pool are really great if you need to save your knees! And the resistance in the water helps maximize the effect of your exercise! Spend half an hour swimming for a great, refreshing workout!
Strength training is a great way to sculpt muscle, but if you want to be sleek and strong, why not give Pilates a try? Many fitness experts believe that this workout can help you develop long, strong muscles, a flat stomach, a strong back, and improved posture. And like working out with weights, Pilates strengthens connective tissue (tendons and ligaments). Yoga is another great whole body workout!
Another popular option is widely enjoyed right in the comfort of your own home. Buy some low impact exercise equipment and get an excellent workout – without even leaving home!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Fitness Fun
Getting in shape is really all about two basic changes in your lifestyle. You need to get your body moving - and start or keep eating healthy foods in moderation!
You don't have to do a bunch of boring exercises every day to get your workouts. You can burn calories and build muscles doing a variety of healthy physical activities!
Physical activity can be fun—you just need to figure out which activities you enjoy. The more enjoyable it is, the more likely you are to stick with it. Here's a few ideas:
Jumping rope with your children! Or take them to the park and just try to keep up with them!
Riding bikes with friends or family.
Walking or taking an exercise class with a friend or a group—that way, you can cheer each other on, have company, and feel safer when you are outdoors.
Starting a small garden in your yard or in a community garden.
Breaking physical activity into short blocks of time—taking three 10-minute walks during your day may be easier than taking one 30-minute walk.
No matter how busy you are, there are ways to fit in 30 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Try:
Spreading physical activity throughout the day, rather than doing it all at once.
Setting aside time to be active. For instance, if you make it part of your daily routine to walk after breakfast, you may not think twice about doing it.
Walking to do your errands, when possible.
Being active while doing other things. For example, you can lift weights or march in place while watching TV, or walk around your home while talking on a cordless telephone
Enjoy a healthy variety of different activities throughout the week to stay interested. The more fun you have the easier it is to get in better shape!
There are lots of ways to be physically active that are free or low-cost. Consider:
Finding a local park or school track where you can walk.
Walking around a mall.
Being active with your grandchildren—take a walk, toss a softball, or ride bikes.
Walking your dog or meeting up with a neighbor to walk together.
Checking out a fitness video from the library and following along at home.
Join a local team or club. Does your office have a company softball team? Softball is great fun at any age.
Keep eating healthy and getting some exercise most days of the week! Keep trying new and different activities and ways to enjoy working out. Two simple changes and and you'll be on the road to getting in shape fast!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A Day of Rest
Rest is vital for healthy bodies and muscle growth. If you are actively seeking better health and fitness - exercising regularly - your body needs quality resting time. If you workout daily - give your body one full day's rest every week.
If you are using weights to build your strength - rest your muscles for a day before working on those same muscles again. Your muscles need that day off between workouts to rebuild and rejuvenate!
A Good Night's sleep is crucial to your health!
Here are a few tips for better sleep:
1. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Even on weekends - when it is so tempting to sleep in on a lazy Sunday morning!
2. Skip the coffee, soda, alcohol, and nicotine in the four to six hours before bedtime. Pass on that late night bowl of Ben and Jerry's!
3. Avoid exercise within two hours of bedtime. Exercising five or six hours before bedtime may help you sleep more soundly.
4. Don't eat large meals within two hours of bedtime. Those calories can just end up around your waistline anyway. Sip some water or enjoy some air-popped popcorn if you want a late night snack!
5. Who doesn't enjoy a mid afternoon nap? Try to fit in your nap before 3 p.m.
6. Sleep in a dark, quiet room with a comfortable temperature. Turn off the TV and the light next to your bed. Or put the TV on its sleep timer to automatically shut off in 30 minutes!
7. If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, do a quiet activity somewhere else and return to bed when you're sleepy.
8. Wind down in the 30 minutes before bedtime with a relaxing pre-sleep ritual such as a warm bath, soft music, or reading.
Give your body the rest it needs to sustain better health and fitness!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Walk the Walk
People say you eventually grow up to look remarkably similar to one of your parents. Is your Mom or Dad a little overweight? Are you at risk for developing a belly? Or maybe just a few extra pounds here and there? For many of us - extra weight seems to end up right around our waistline! How does this happen? Why do those size 32 inch waist jeans no longer fit?
Hectic schedules and incredible demands on our time can make fitness a challenge. Don't put it off. Look at your schedule and find time ( or make time ) for daily exercise.
Exercise - of any kind is vital to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. Perhaps the easiest way to exercise and be more physically active is walking! Walk as often as you can. And for as long as you can! Make it a new daily habit! Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Get outside during your break at work and take a walk around your building. Consider joining a local hiking club. Try walking for 30 minutes in the morning and again for 30 minutes in the evening. You'll soon come to relish these brief respites from a hectic day! Keep your exercise time a top priority. Guard your time just for you.
Or, include family and friends in your quest for better health! Make exercise and eating healthy a family affair! Invite a friend to join you - you'll both love the refreshing feeling of walking off those daily demands and burning some calories while you're at it!
If life has left you with a few more pounds than you had in college - or even last year - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise. You can really get rid of belly fat sooner if you adopt a consistent exercise habit! The best way to lose belly fat is burn it off with daily exercise! Many find walking the safest and least demanding exercise.
If walking doesn't turn out to be your cup of tea - find a sport or activity that you enjoy. Try something new! A few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment can help you shed those unwanted pounds in short order! A variety of exercise and physical activities can help you burn off more calories even faster.
For best results and great overall body workouts - try to enjoy as many different workouts as you can make time for! Get some hand weights and a jump rope. Go swimming. Try yoga or pilates!
As you grow more comfortable with walking - try pushing yourself a little farther. Pick up the pace for a minute or two. Walk as fast as you can. Then return to a less demanding pace. Or mix in some jogging if you can. Get that old bicycle out of the garage and ride away those extra pounds!
You can lose those unwanted pounds if you make exercise a daily habit!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fit Past Forty
Have you hit the big 4-0 yet? They say ( a group of bar patrons as they left the local watering hole ) that life gets better after thirty. Having dreaded that milestone and passing it with fairly little discernable damage – I’d have to agree. Although all my years have had their fun moments – those since turning 30 have seen entirely new levels of fun and excitement! Maybe those folks were right! One key to maintaining and even expanding upon your sense of enjoyment is your health.
The better your fitness level the more fun you can have! Really!!
People over 40 who get regular exercise live longer and are less likely to suffer physical disability than those who choose not to exercise. You don’t need to join an expensive health club or gym to enjoy the many benefits of regular exercise.
Make today Day 1 of your new fitness program!
Take your time and don’t overdo it in the early going. Pushing yourself too hard too often leads to injury. In the early going you might want to exercise three times per week. As you gradually increase your endurance and start building muscles you can safely add another day or two to your weekly workout regimen. Give your body the rest it needs and always stretch before and after your exercise.
Enjoy playing new or different sports. Vary your workouts with different exercises. Have you ever tried tennis or swimming? Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits from low-impact water exercises. Choose different exercise routines and gradually build your times and intensity. For the best results - enjoy a variety of sports and workout routines! Have fun! Your fitness habits will be much easier and hopefully last you a lifetime – if you enjoy the journey!
Whether you want to lose a few pounds or enhance your physical performance, you’ll see results sooner if you establish reasonable short-term goals! Then take massive action toward meeting your goals. Try rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Buy yourself a new tennis racquet or a hot, new two-piece after you lose those first 5 or 10 pounds. Or take the family out to your favorite eatery after you run your first complete mile – or two! Keep your goals reasonable and within reach - you’ll accomplish them sooner! Then, set new goals!
Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy early morning exercise. What a great way to start your day! That early morning workout will leave you feeling more energized for the rest of the day!
You don't have to spend a fortune joining the local health club. Get some simple and inexpensive home fitness equipment and exercise at home whenever you feel like it!
Once you get started on the habit of regular exercise, you won’t ever want to quit!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Save Your Knees
Save your knees doing more low-impact exercise.
If you start feeling some soreness in your knees - on a regular basis, you might benefit from low impact exercise.
Ideally, everyone should get three types of exercise regularly:
* Range-of-motion exercises to help maintain normal joint movement and relieve stiffness.
* Strengthening exercises to help keep or increase muscle strength. Keeping muscles strong with exercises such as walking up stairs, leg lifts, dips, or riding a stationary bicycle helps support and protect the knee.
* Aerobic or endurance exercises to improve function of the heart and circulation and to help control weight. Weight control can be important to people who have arthritis because extra weight puts pressure on many joints. Some studies show that aerobic exercise can reduce inflammation in some joints. If you already have knee problems, your doctor or physical therapist can help with a plan of exercise that will help the knee(s) without increasing the risk of injury or further damage. As a rule of thumb, you should choose gentle exercises such as swimming, aquatic exercise, or walking over jarring exercises such as jogging or high-impact aerobics.
Some knee problems, like those resulting from an accident, may never be foreseen or prevented. You can prevent many knee problems by following these simple suggestions:
Before exercising or participating in sports, warm up by walking or riding a stationary bicycle, then do stretches. Stretching the muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps) and back of the thigh (hamstrings) reduces tension on the tendons and relieves pressure on the knee during activity.
Strengthen the leg muscles by doing specific exercises (for example, by walking up stairs or hills, or by riding a stationary bicycle). A supervised workout with weights is another way to strengthen the leg muscles that support the knee.
Avoid sudden changes in the intensity of exercise. Gradually increase your workout time and intensity.
Wear shoes that both fit properly and are in good condition. This will help maintain balance and leg alignment when walking or running. Knee problems can be caused by flat feet or over-pronated feet (feet that roll inward). You can often reduce some of these problems by wearing special shoe inserts.
Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on the knee. Being overweight can increase your risk of osteoarthritis of the knee. If you're carrying around a few extra pounds - the quickest way to lose weight fast is with daily exercise! Enjoy eating healthy foods - in moderation - and you'll give your body the fuel it needs to build healthy muscles - and lose weight!
Try low-impact exercise to help you get in better shape and save your knees!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Burn Off Belly Fat
The best way to lose belly fat ( and keep it off ) is with consistent exercise. Combine your daily exercise program with a healthy eating plan and you'll be on the road to a slimmer tummy! You can build stronger abs and eliminate that belly fat with frequent aerobic exercise - at least four days a week. Five or six days of vigorous cardio - like swimming or running - will help you lose weight even faster!
Combine your total body aerobic exercise with some targeted exercise to strengthen your core and tighten up those abs! Before you know it you can have a more toned body and less belly fat! A variety of exercise will help you keep your plan in motion and prevent boredom. Try rowing and an elliptical in addition to your daily swim or running! Get out at lunch and walk off even more calories.
Many healthy fitness lovers swear by their exercise ball. Crunches done on the ball are said to be more effective and help tone your tummy quicker!
You can lose belly fat quickly - if you start today! Write down just one goal for this week. Make it something you can do - like walking every day for 45 minutes. Then next week - mix in some jogging. Or get on that elliptical a couple days a week. Buy a rowing machine for your extra bedroom and start doing just fifteen minutes on the rowing machine every other day!
Then, add in some weight or resistance training every other day. Keep up your aerobic workouts. Even walking is better than nothing. You can burn a whole lot of calories if you walk quickly and for at least 45 minutes!
You don't need to spend a bunch of money joining a health club. Although many people enjoy the social aspect of the gym. You can work out on your own and save those monthly dues. Save your money - buy a few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment. Convert that extra bedroom into your very own fitness center. Get a bike and ride off those extra calories!
Get up a few minutes early and burn off some calories before you start your day! You'll have more energy for hours after your workout! And your metabolism will keep burning those extra calories!
Get some protein early in the day to fuel your muscle growth. And keep eating healthy foods - in moderation. Drink more water - you'll eat less and lose weight easier!
The best way to lose belly fast is to burn it off - with daily, vigorous exercise. You can tone up your whole body and sculpt tighter abs while you're at it!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Getting in Shape for Less Stress
Stress is a fact of life. How we handle it is up to us! We can take steps to minimize the effects of stress. And better prepare ourselves for reducing the amount and frequency of life's inevitable little challenges. ( And some seemingly big ones too! )
Exercise daily and eat healthy foods. These two simple habits will help you ward off stress today and for years to come. Develop these healthy habits and embrace a healthy lifestyle. The benefits are nearly endless! And can last a lifetime!
Don't you owe it to yourself to do everything you can to eliminate - as much as humanly possible - the effects of stress? Why not join the millions of healthy fitness enthusiasts who exercise regularly and live - for the most part - less stressful lives.
Medical science and numerous university research studies have arrived at similar conclusions - exercise leads to more happiness and far less stress. Some Doctors have even recorded the healthy impact daily, vigorous exercise has on those who suffer from depression. Don't let life throw you a rotten lemon.
Protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential negative effects stress can have on you. Get involved in a team sport - you'll love the time you enjoy developing new friends and a healthier body! If you have fun while you get in better shape you are far more likely to continue your healthy habits.
Summer is an ideal time for getting out and sweating off some major calories and shedding those extra pounds nobody wants! Does your office have a softball team - or a bowling team? Take you family to the local pool for some refreshing water fun! Head out to the tennis courts and get a great total body workout!
Even a nice, brisk paced walk can do wonders for your outlook and your ability to deal with life's unexpected turns. The effects of time enjoying nature on your outlook and well-being can be incredible! The next time you find yourself feeling some stress or starting to get irritated. Get away from it for a few minutes. Go outside if you can. Walk the stairs or hit the streets for some time just for you!
And to better prepare yourself to blow off the small stuff - get 30 or 40 minutes of vigorous exercise at least four or five days a week! You can enjoy life a whole lot more and feel way less stressed! Take control of your health! If you've been out of shape or inactive for a while - start today. Do something healthy - just for you! Start getting in shape fast and you'll be on the road to a healthier, happier life! Take the journey to more happiness and better balance.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Exercise and keep eating healthy to lose weight fast!
In addition to exercise, we need to eat the right foods in order to get and keep a slimmer, more toned body!
most effective for losing or maintaining weight:
Cut out or greatly reduce your fast food choices! Save time and money - make some healthy snacks before you head out for the day. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit handy!
Eliminate white, processed foods - like sugar, bleached flour, white rice, and white bread. Instead - choose whole grain breads and brown rice. If you like pasta - find a pasta made with whole wheat!
Stay away from the all-you-can-eat buffet. If you limit your calories and keep them healthy - you'll lose weight much faster! If you do go out to eat - try to eat smaller portions. More steamed or fresh vegetables. Try steamed or baked fish. Skip the salad dressing or get it on the side and use sparingly! Pass on the white bread.
* Avoid fatty snack foods and sugary snacks. I love ice-cream too - but those calories really add up. Sugar calories end up in your belly. Stay slim and skip the sugar!
* Eat only until you are almost full, and only when you are really hungry - not just to comfort yourself! Always drink a big glass of water before you eat a meal. You'll probably eat less!
* Avoid reaching for foods in a times of stress, loneliness, depression or boredom. When you feel yourself arriving at that place call a member from your crew or go take a drive.
* Limit your beer and wine. I know - everyone loves an ice cold brew - don't they? Alcohol is useless calories.
* Drink more water. Sodas, juices, and even energy drinks add up to 20% of the average American's daily calories. That's too many wasted calories!
Start every day off right - with a healthy breakfast! Get your protein early. Toss some whey protein powder in a fruit and yogurt smoothie. Have an egg-white omelet. Or some peanut butter on whole wheat toast! Remember to resist the urge for fast food early in the day. They just have too much fat! And skip the donut shop - your waistline will look better for it! Have a banana and some yogurt instead.
If you still want to look hot in that great little swimsuit this Summer you can exercise and lose weight fast! Eating healthy foods will give your body the nutrients you need to build muscles and burn away fat!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Burn Those Extra Pounds Off!
Have you ever looked down at your belly and wondered - how in the Sam Hill did that happen? What happened to that skinny waistline you had in college and high-school? Life happens - we graduate and move on to a less active lifestyle. Start playing a little less and maybe working a few more hours?
Lack of exercise and physical activity causes our muscles to get soft, and if food intake is not decreased accordingly we tend to add body weight which is almost always fat. Once-active people, who continue to eat as they always have after settling into sedentary lifestyles, tend to suffer from “creeping obesity.” The dreaded pot-belly!
If you consume 100 calories a day more than your body needs, you will put on about 10 pounds in a year. You could take that weight off, or keep it off, by doing just 30 minutes of exercise daily. The combination of exercise and diet is the quickest way to lose weight - and keep it off.
How much exercise is needed to make a difference in your weight depends on the amount and type of exercise, and on how much you eat. Aerobic exercise burns body fat. An average adult would have to walk more than 30 miles to burn up 3,500 calories, the equivalent of one pound of fat.
Although that may seem like a lot, you don’t have to walk the entire 30 miles in a single outing. Walk a mile a day for 30 days to arrive at the same result! Just remember to be sure you don’t increase your food intake or you will negate the effects of all that walking. If you want results a little sooner - walk faster and farther. Or, mix in some jogging.
Vary your intensity - run as fast as you can for a minute. Then walk for 3 or 4 minutes. Then walk really fast - or run again. Repeat this routine several times or until your body tells you its time to stop! These intense bursts of speed will kick-start your metabolism and help you burn off some major calories!
Do some weight or resistance training - building muscles three days a week to supplement your aerobic workouts and you'll soon have a leaner, sexier body! You can really get rid of that belly much faster if you get at least 40 minutes if vigorous cardio five times a week! Walking is safe for 6 or even all 7 days of your week. Lots of people enjoy having a day of rest. Your body will thank you!
If you've put on a few inches since you left school - try to find as few as 30 minutes a day for exercise. And another half hour or so every other day for building your muscles! The results will be well worth your small investment of time! The quickest way to lose weight is frequent exercise and eating healthy foods!
Dieting is Easier When You Love the Food. Delicious meals shipped to your door. It's a proven strategy that works!
Do your body a favor! You'll be glad you did!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pick up the Pace - Start Getting in Shape Fast!
Are you stuck in a rut. Does your exercise routine ever get boring? Would you like to lose a few more pounds - fast?
Instead of doing only moderate-level activities, replace some with vigorous aerobic activities that will make your heart beat even faster. Adding vigorous activities provides benefits in less activity time. In general, 15 minutes of vigorous activity provides the same benefits as 30 minutes of moderate activity.
Have you been walking for 30 minutes 5 days a week? On 2 days, try jogging instead of walking for 15 minutes each time. Keep on walking for 30 minutes on the other 3 days.
Would you like to have stronger muscles? If you have been doing strength training 2 days a week, try adding an extra day. Mix it up! Adding some new and different exercises to your workout can help you get results quicker!
You can do all moderate activities, all vigorous activities, or some of each. You should always start with moderate activities and then add vigorous activities little by little.
To mix it up, you can try 30 minutes of biking fast to and from your job 3 days a week. Then play softball for 60 minutes 1 day. Then lift weights for 2 days.
You've mixed vigorous aerobic activity (biking fast) with moderate aerobic activity (softball) and activities for stronger muscles (weights).
With vigorous activities, you get similar health benefits in half the time it takes you with moderate ones.
Remember to also do strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week.
Adding more time
For the quickest results, try to double your weekly exercise and fitness time. Work to be active 5 or more hours each week for even more lasting health benefits.
If you've been in a rut or aren't seeing the results you hoped for try some easy and effective body slimming tips to help you tone up and start getting in shape fast!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Exercise and Lose Weight Fast!
If losing weight is still one of your goals for this year - you still have nearly half of the year left to meet or exceed your goals! You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight before Labor Day signals the end to yet another Summer of fun!
Millions of health enthusiasts swear by their early morning exercise. Try it - get up thirty minutes earlier and head out for a walk in the cool, early morning air! You'll give your metabolism a boost and get your heart pumping early! Then make yourself a healthy breakfast. University research tells us when you enjoy a healthy breakfast with your daily protein and fat you tend to lose weight and have more energy throughout the day!
The protein you get early will help fuel your muscle repair and growth. Get in some strength training every other day. And, for maximum weight loss - do some form of cardio workout 5 times a week. Give your body a day or two of rest! You deserve it! Your muscles need time to restore and rejuvenate!
Stretch and do three to five minutes of light exercise to warm up at the start of every workout. If you love running - be sure to spend a couple minutes warming up , then stretching before you get into your running rhythm! Then take a few minutes to cool down and do some more light stretches after you run. Stretching helps keep your muscles flexible!
Losing weight can be a very simple goal. The most frequent cause of weight gain is inactivity. Getting some exercise via any activity is vital to speeding up your metabolism and burning off those excess calories. Perhaps the most common way to be physically active is to walk or run! Walk as often and as long as you can. When possible - take the stairs rather than the elevator. Walk after you enjoy a light and healthy lunch! Then again after supper!
During these warm Summer months water is a key to losing weight. Try to drink at least eight ounces of water 8 times a day! Keep your body well hydrated and you won't take on water weight!
Make this your best Summer ever. Have fun and enjoy a variety of sports or active endeavors! If you have children or grand-kids take them outside and chase them around the yard or the park. You'll all benefit and have a blast playing together! Good luck keeping up with them!
If you want to lose a few more pounds this year - or quite a few - Summer is the perfect time to burn off some serious calories and build some healthy muscles along the way. You can enjoy eating healthy foods, exercise and lose weight fast!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Save Money on Health Care
Everyone who pays for health insurance or has to shell out their hard earned money every time they visit the Doctor's office has already felt the effects of rising health care costs. Economists expect our health care costs to continue to go up. One easy way to save your money on health care is start getting in shape. The sooner you get started the sooner your health will improve. Healthy people can expect to spend far less on health care over the course of a lifetime than those who choose to practice unhealthy habits.
An ounce of prevention pays - and keeps paying in the form of health care savings! If you adopt healthy habits - like eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise you can avoid expensive Doctor bills for years to come.
Obesity is a growing problem in the USA. The convenience of fast food and the widespread prevalence of sedentary lifestyles have resulted in the fattening of America. Don't let this happen to you.
Take charge of your health! And live a healthier, happier life! You can have so much more fun and lead a more satisfying, energetic life if you get a little exercise most days of the week. You don't have to spend a small fortune of that fancy health club to get in better shape. Start walking or running several days a week.
Try a new sport or two. Invite your family and friends to join you! Share your healthy lifestyle and all the fun you'll have with those you love and enjoy the most!
Many fitness lovers have discovered the beauty of yoga. Yoga can offer you a great total body workout! Be sure to wear comfortable clothing that won't get in the way of your stretching. T-shirts, shorts, sweats, and tank tops are all great to wear for yoga because their fabric is movable and breaths easily.
Bare feet are ideal when you practice yoga, both for the traction they give you for standing poses, as well as the workout your feet will get! Sign up for a beginners yoga class - or grab a Yoga DVD at your local library.
One of the most important things you will need is a yoga or exercise mat to use during seated or floor postures.
With just a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment you can get a great workout without even leaving the house! Start saving your money on health care. Practice healthy habits and you'll be on the road to a better life! And, you'll save a bundle!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Better Fitness Means More Brain Power!
Keeping mentally fit goes hand in hand with staying in good physical shape. Your mental health is – without a doubt - tied to your fitness level. It’s really just about living a healthy lifestyle. If you already exercise regularly, Congratulations! - you’re already on the right track! Medical science experts say that up to a quarter of the blood pumping through your body is delivering performance enhancing oxygen to your brain as you exercise.
Food choices are also vital to your brain’s overall health. Start by cutting the unhealthy fats from your diet. The brain actually benefits from healthy omega-3 fats. Cholesterol buildup can reduce the oxygen supply to your brain by almost 20 percent over time. Load up on foods rich in antioxidants, such as strawberries or red beans, to nurture brain cell health.
Add cold-water, wild caught fish like salmon to your diet a couple times a week. Eating fish helps reduce inflammation, increase memory, and helps your brain send and receive messages efficiently. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables like spinach. Spinach – one of nature’s true super-foods – contains folate which is known to enhance your brain’s processing power!
Eating health foods can have a big impact on your mood. For breakfast, try oatmeal or eggs. Both contain an amino acid that helps boost the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good. The protein in the egg-whites will help your muscles handle your daily exercise!
For lunch - try some blueberries in yogurt! The antioxidants in them will help ward off workday stress. Or toss some dark red kidney beans in your salad. ( And skip the dressing - sprinkle with lemon or an olive oil vinaigrette. For dessert - enjoy some strawberries and a small piece of chocolate. The chocolate will lift your mood, and the natural stimulant found in cocoa gives your energy level a boost.
For dinner, give your brain-power a boost with a piece of salmon. Add a side salad with leafy greens and spinach to increase folate levels and help keep depression at bay. During the day - try healthy snacks – like celery or a few ounces of low-fat cheese between meals.
If you find yourself growing irritable or unfocused, take a brief break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! This helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and avoid those mid-day energy drains!
If time permits - take a mental break for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just breathe normally and clear your mind of whatever you’ve been worried about or working on. Think about something pleasing – your memories from a favorite vacation. Think about the sights, sounds and smells of a day at the beach – or one of your favorite places in nature! Nature has a real calming effect – so get outside if you can for your momentary escape!
Wherever you take your break - clear your mind of all the clutter! In just a few minutes you’ll feel a renewed sense of energy and clarity!
Guard your health – invest a few minutes each day for healthy habits. Keep eating healthy foods, exercise frequently and you can enjoy the many lasting benefits of a healthy body and mind!
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