Monday, July 20, 2009

Fitness Fun

Getting in shape is really all about two basic changes in your lifestyle. You need to get your body moving - and start or keep eating healthy foods in moderation!
You don't have to do a bunch of boring exercises every day to get your workouts. You can burn calories and build muscles doing a variety of healthy physical activities!

Physical activity can be fun—you just need to figure out which activities you enjoy. The more enjoyable it is, the more likely you are to stick with it. Here's a few ideas:

Jumping rope with your children! Or take them to the park and just try to keep up with them!

Riding bikes with friends or family.

Walking or taking an exercise class with a friend or a group—that way, you can cheer each other on, have company, and feel safer when you are outdoors.

Starting a small garden in your yard or in a community garden.

Breaking physical activity into short blocks of time—taking three 10-minute walks during your day may be easier than taking one 30-minute walk.

No matter how busy you are, there are ways to fit in 30 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Try:

Spreading physical activity throughout the day, rather than doing it all at once.

Setting aside time to be active. For instance, if you make it part of your daily routine to walk after breakfast, you may not think twice about doing it.

Walking to do your errands, when possible.

Being active while doing other things. For example, you can lift weights or march in place while watching TV, or walk around your home while talking on a cordless telephone

Enjoy a healthy variety of different activities throughout the week to stay interested. The more fun you have the easier it is to get in better shape!

There are lots of ways to be physically active that are free or low-cost. Consider:

Finding a local park or school track where you can walk.

Walking around a mall.

Being active with your grandchildren—take a walk, toss a softball, or ride bikes.

Walking your dog or meeting up with a neighbor to walk together.

Checking out a fitness video from the library and following along at home.

Join a local team or club. Does your office have a company softball team? Softball is great fun at any age.

Keep eating healthy and getting some exercise most days of the week! Keep trying new and different activities and ways to enjoy working out. Two simple changes and and you'll be on the road to getting in shape fast!

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