Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walk the Walk

People say you eventually grow up to look remarkably similar to one of your parents. Is your Mom or Dad a little overweight? Are you at risk for developing a belly? Or maybe just a few extra pounds here and there? For many of us - extra weight seems to end up right around our waistline! How does this happen? Why do those size 32 inch waist jeans no longer fit?

Hectic schedules and incredible demands on our time can make fitness a challenge. Don't put it off. Look at your schedule and find time ( or make time ) for daily exercise.

Exercise - of any kind is vital to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. Perhaps the easiest way to exercise and be more physically active is walking! Walk as often as you can. And for as long as you can! Make it a new daily habit! Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Get outside during your break at work and take a walk around your building. Consider joining a local hiking club. Try walking for 30 minutes in the morning and again for 30 minutes in the evening. You'll soon come to relish these brief respites from a hectic day! Keep your exercise time a top priority. Guard your time just for you.

Or, include family and friends in your quest for better health! Make exercise and eating healthy a family affair! Invite a friend to join you - you'll both love the refreshing feeling of walking off those daily demands and burning some calories while you're at it!

If life has left you with a few more pounds than you had in college - or even last year - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise. You can really get rid of belly fat sooner if you adopt a consistent exercise habit! The best way to lose belly fat is burn it off with daily exercise! Many find walking the safest and least demanding exercise.

If walking doesn't turn out to be your cup of tea - find a sport or activity that you enjoy. Try something new! A few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment can help you shed those unwanted pounds in short order! A variety of exercise and physical activities can help you burn off more calories even faster.

For best results and great overall body workouts - try to enjoy as many different workouts as you can make time for! Get some hand weights and a jump rope. Go swimming. Try yoga or pilates!

As you grow more comfortable with walking - try pushing yourself a little farther. Pick up the pace for a minute or two. Walk as fast as you can. Then return to a less demanding pace. Or mix in some jogging if you can. Get that old bicycle out of the garage and ride away those extra pounds!

You can lose those unwanted pounds if you make exercise a daily habit!

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