Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lose That Belly

How did this happen? How many of us don't exactly like that belly we see in the mirror? It's almost like you wake up one day and BAM! -we've somehow managed to add a few inches.

Do you ever wonder what happened? Do you look at yourself in the mirror only to see a belly that doesn't look anything like it did in high school? Or, last year?

You're not alone! Millions of otherwise healthy folks - just like you and I - are practically bombarded with daily temptations to eat junk that merely settles in our trunk! And in your belly...

The good news is - it's Never Too Late to start shedding those extra inches. Everyday is a good day to take positive action and work off that extra weight! And, yes - it takes work. You might have to adopt a new habit or two!

If you're like me you might even want to consider giving up - or drastically reducing the consumption of - one or more of your favorite foods. Mine was Pepsi and donuts. Its SO easy to get hooked on those delightful little treats. How bad can a couple of soft drinks be? And donuts?

Small changes can often bring great results! Just giving up a couple cans of my favorite daily Cherry Pepsi saves me around 250 calories a day. Every Day!

And passing by favorite bakery on the way to work can yield savings of another 100 calories or so. ( If you only eat 1 of those delicious, created in heaven, chocolate iced donuts. Who can only eat one? ) While not knowing the approximate calorie numbers for even a plain donut - you might easily expect to cut at least 200 calories by passing on just 2 of your favorite type of donuts.

Simply giving up these 2 daily treats can easily save you over 400 calories a day! That is around 20% of the often recommended typical daily diet! What if you replace those empty, fat-laden calories, with a couple apples or a handful of celery sticks? Maybe a handful of walnuts to give your brain a boost? Eating healthy foods can give your body the kind of boost you'll need to keep going! And without the risk of adding even more to that unsightly belly!

And finally, the one habit nearly everyone can adopt - exercise. It doesn't matter much what you choose - as long as you embrace the advice of that old Nike ad and Just Do It! Pick something you enjoy. Bring along a friend or two. The time you spend enjoying a healthy activity together just might be the highlight of your day!

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