Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fitness past 50

    University researchers around the globe have for decades searched for the mysterious common threads   that might explain the extended life spans of those who live into and beyond their 90s. What they found is that the people who've lived the longest tend to enjoy eating healthy foods. They regularly enjoy natural foods often grown locally and they tend to avoid sugar and fructose. They eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. Most also enjoy regular physical activity, such as daily walking.

They also tend to have effective strategies for coping with the inevitable stresses of life, such as prayer, meditation, and having strong social networks. In fact, being able to effectively cope with stress, it turns out, is one of the MAJOR common denominators for those who live long, healthy lives.

One of the proposed reasons for this strong link is that stress actually causes inflammation in your body. Most of the research reveals that longevity hinges on preventing chronic inflammation. 

If you want to live longer - And Enjoy Life More try these tips for turning back the clock:

Avoid sugar and fructose. Pass on white grains. And - as  much as possible - eliminate trans fats from your diet.

Enjoy eating healthy, antioxidant-rich whole, fresh foods.

Exercise - however you like, daily.

Take time for yourself each day. Time to reflect, pray and or meditate.

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