Sunday, August 8, 2010

Be a Little Selfish

    If you want to lose weight - or just whip your body into better shape - you'll almost certainly have to devote some time each day towards getting in better physical shape. If you decide to start working out more and getting some daily exercise - you may be faced with saying no to others. Be a little selfish. Closely guard your exercise time and your results will begin to show!

   If you're like me you might find it difficult to say no when distractions or demands on your time interfere with other goals. Don't feel guilty!! Rest easy knowing you are taking care of yourself first. If you don't take care of your body - who will?

    My college drinking buddies still enjoy tossin down a few cold ones. And that's great! Unless it takes away from my exercise time! Why not convince your friends to go running with you or get in nine holes? Maybe play tennis for an hour or two and then enjoy that frosty cool one!! Often the best tasting beer is that first beer after you've poured out a ton of sweat!

 Getting in shape doesn't have to be a tedious task. The more fun you have the easier it gets to shed those extra pounds. You'll lighten your load and feel better about yourself to boot!

    "The first care of all persons should be for their personal appearance. Those who are slovenly or careless in their habits are unfit for refined society, and cannot possibly make a good appearance in it. A well-bred person will always cultivate healthy habits. If a man would get through life honorably and peaceably, he must necessarily learn to practice self-denial in small things as well as in great. Men have to bear as well as to forbear."

    The temptations we all are faced with can be hard to deny. Do yourself a favor and say no to those inevitable distractions. Getting in shape fast is a realistic, achievable goal.  If you want a slim, sexier body - the best course is exercise and lose weight fast!

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