Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Healthy Habits for Getting in Shape

Have you ever seen what happens before a football game starts? Or a basketball game? The athletes use the time before the game for warm up and stretching. They prepare their bodies for the workout.

Before you exercise, you should always warm up your body. When you warm up your body you increase your blood flow and get your muscles and joints ready to exercise. Most people are warmed up when they begin to sweat and breathe heavier. Warming up makes your muscles more limber and decreases your chance of being injured during exercise.

Once you have warmed up, you can do a few easy stretching exercises that will prepare your whole body. You should specifically target the muscles that will be used while you are working out. Focus on your muscles as you stretch. Breathe deep and slowly exhale. Never bounce your muscle. Keep the stretch slow and easy. When it starts to hurt its time to back it off!

Once you have completed exercising you are ready to cool down. It is just as important to cool down after exercise as it is to warm up before exercise. When you cool down you should let your breathing return to normal. It is best to walk around for a few minutes while your breathing returns to a normal rate and to let your heartbeat slow down. After you have walked around for a few minutes after your exercise, you are ready to begin your cool down stretches.

Stretching again after you have cooled down will help prevent injuries, help to
increase your range of motion, and will prevent soreness. You should complete the stretches you did before the exercise and add more stretches for the specific muscles worked. This helps your muscles stay flexible.

The benefits of better fitness can last a lifetime. Enjoy life more leading a healthy lifestyle! If you've been inactive for a while - join the fun. Start getting in shape fast and enjoying a life of better health and fitness!

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