Friday, March 13, 2009

A Smaller Size Before Summer Arrives

Many Schools teach a few very basic exercises. Who can forget lying on the gym floor straining to lift your head and shoulders up just one more time as we tightened our abs? Or pushing your young frame up just a few more times? And jumping jacks? How simple these 3 exercises were. And effective.

Going back to the basics might just help anyone return to the same fitness level we enjoyed in healthier years!

Push-ups work the chest, shoulders, abs and triceps for general upper-body strength. Pushing against a wall is an alternative for those of us needing an easier start. Try moving your hands closer together or a little wider apart to work muscles in your chest differently. Put your feet up on the first stair of your staircase or on a child's chair for an even tougher push-up!

And would you like tighter abs? Two simple exercises can greatly impact your stomach area.

The classic sit-up or crunch has been effective forever in helping tighten up tummies everywhere! First lie on the floor with your knees bent. Lift your upper body into a like you are looking for your waistline. Do not strain your neck. Then while you upper body is lifted off the floor - twist at the waist before lying back down.

The 2nd piece of the puzzle to lose your belly is cardio. You simply have to burn off lots of calories. Start walking. Then walk a little more, a little faster. Then, if you can - start jogging. Pick up the pace. You want to walk ( fast ) or run for 20 to 30 minutes five days a week. If you're more comfortable walking you'll see better results if you build up to walking for 45 minutes. At a good pace.

You can get into a smaller size before swimsuit season arrives. Health experts everywhere agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with lots of exercise and eating healthy foods in moderation!

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